Eazy Foreign Languages

This blog is about German and French Language in Vijayawada. Articles, poems, songs and experiences of poolabala

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Home made videos by venkat

I have the desire to make videos for teaching English as it interests people in general and children in particular. My idea is to give native touch to the content while giving English touch to the language. So I created a story around the months of the year with our Indian festivals. please give me your feedback. that gives me strength to create such videos. please download and use anywhere you want.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Add colour to your language - training Free

The sound of English bewitches my senses and the rhythm of English enchants my mind and the accent steels my heart.  I am growing a garden called "Eazy Foreign Languages" that offers 6 foreign langua ges in Vijayawada.   The garden is full of exotic flowers - French, German, Spanish, Italian and English. Japanese is still budding. I am the chief gardener garnering the fragrance of flowers to garnish my poems, stories, conversations songs and the like.  I am a drummer and fifer when I train people on English fluency and accent. very rarely people come to learn accent, until then I sit in the emptiness cursing the cold breeze. Then.. suddenly comes a sweet singing bird that trills new melodies into my heart. 

This is my recent educational video "Add color to your language."  I made this video cd for Spoorthi Videos. This CD  offers English conversations plenty of idioms and phrases with clear explanation of English idioms in Telugu.  The Cd is about speaking English fluently with good pronunciation and accent. I wrote 200 English conversations but only 50 conversations were selected for this 2 hour Cd. The Shooting is over and the editing work is in progress. Soon It will be available in the market. I am presently training people on English, French and German.