Eazy Foreign Languages

This blog is about German and French Language in Vijayawada. Articles, poems, songs and experiences of poolabala

Saturday, September 12, 2015

IELTS - Vijayawada

I do voluntary work in my free time. I search for free time. I believe such voluntary work brings relations. I do such voluntary work for relations. I  taught in this institution for relations not for money. Service brings friends. I still believe and carry out but it is a big mistake to think that all whom you serve become friends. After meeting hundreds of people you can get a friend who really likes reading. 

Association is Temporary Relation is Permanent

The picture shows students of IELTS. I went here to teaching them with a hope to discover good teacher student relations.  Teaching is  learning. Teaching is not a profession but duty. Profession is a paid responsibility but duty is a moral responsibility. Mother gives birth but teacher gives life. Life demands knowledge. Teaching is not so simple as it looks. A teacher should first motivate the students to work honestly and be open to new knowledge. The teacher should relate to the students honestly lest the student should not maintain relation with the teacher. Without student teacher relation learning doesn't happen. 

Knowledge is the best gift and it is the inexhaustible treasure. The knowledge given by the teacher will be useful not only to you but to people around you provided you have the right attitude. I love what  Vivekananda said " As long I teach so long do I learn." I want to  say "  As long as I teach so long do I love the students. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

German Language in Vijayawada

The Hindu reporter and cameraman came to me at 1.00 p.m. today for an interview and interaction with my students. The reporter asked me several questions beginning with why the foreign language learners are on the rise. The interview covered many aspects such as education in Germany, opportunities in India. My German students Mr. Aravind, Mr. Uday, Dr. Ravi kishore, Dr. Jwala and Miss. Deepthi participated in the interview. 

They have answered many questions and explained why they prefer German language, why they chose EFL Vijayawada. Dr.Ravi said that he considers EFL Vijayawada for practical fast track training. Answering a question posed by The Hindu Mr. Aravind said that the learning was more advanced and he could learn faster and better than he hoped. The interview lasted for half an hour. The photographer took several photos

der Reporter aus der Hindu und der Fotograf kam zu mir um 1.00 heute für ein Interview und Interaktion mit meinen Schülern. Der Reporter fragte mich einige Fragen angefangen mit, warum die Fremdsprachenlerner sind im Aufwind. Das Interview behandelte viele Aspekte wie Bildung in Deutschland, Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten in Indien. Meine deutschen Studenten Herr. Aravind, Herr. Uday, Dr. Ravi Kishore, Dr. Jwala und Fraulein. Deepthi haben in diesem Interview teil genommen
Sie haben viele Fragen beantwortet und erklärte, warum sie vorziehen Deutsch, warum sie EFL Vijayawada wählte. Dr.Ravi sagte, dass EFL Vijayawada gilt als die beste. für die praktische Fast-Track-Training. Auf eine Frage von The Hindu Herr. Aravind, sagte, dass das Lernen ist weiter fortgeschritten und er hat gelernt schneller und besser als er gehofft hat. Das Interview dauerte eine halbe Stunde. Der Fotograf machte mehrere Fotos.