Eazy Foreign Languages

This blog is about German and French Language in Vijayawada. Articles, poems, songs and experiences of poolabala

Monday, April 16, 2018

Better reasons behind Social Work

Poolabala with teachers at Heal

  One can undoubtedly develop human relations through social work. Knowledge dissemination is the best social work. Hunger and poverty are main reasons for much of social work   done so far in India. I have betters reasons for doing social work. The first reason is that I have seen high levels of ignorance and low levels of self confidence in many educated people. (Particularly the knowledge of the world, history, literature is at a low ebb. People have no common sense of self education.  If people have the common sense why don't they educate themselves? It is a fact that most educated people stay away from books and indulge in movies and videos.) Secondly I have found that the knowledge deprivation hampered thinking, reasoning and maturity. As a result we see people acquire skewed personality and grotesque behavior. I have several years of rich experience of diverse reading. It takes years for the beginners to make a careful selection of reading. I have a repertoire of world history, literature and cultures. In a brief discourse I wish I must enrich the knowledge of the learners.   Finally, I enjoy meeting new people that is why I am into social work. I believe that offering knowledge is better than offering money or food.  Money and food are temporary but education is inexhaustible treasure. 

 Normally I create opportunities  for the social work. I ask my friends on facebook, students who learn foreign languages, parents and other people who visit me for an opportunity to serve a school or college. Fortunately one of my German students, Dr. Geetika offered me a chance to serve a remote organization.  It is not only a big organization but also an ideal organization. 

 HEAL – Health and Education for All  is a UK-based charity for orphans and poor children in India, with fundraising chapters in the United States, Australia, India and Europe. A new school and home for 1,000 disadvantaged children is being built  at Thotapalli, near Vijayawada city, in Andhra Pradesh, in India. This organizaton is founded by Dr. Satya. A few months ago I have seen a video in which the founder Dr Satya Prasad showed how work was progressing and explained what will soon be provided for the children. I never thought I  would one day visit this school.

It was 4.30 in evening when I visited the Headmistress of the school. She is very punctual and loves work  and children. She offered me tea. when we finished tea the class was ready. I entered a big classroom where twenty teachers were waiting. I introduced myself. the teachers were happy to meet a man who speaks six foreign languages. I explained the difference between language and speech.  we discussed many aspects  from basics of phonetics to advanced English grammar. The headmistress was also present. One of the teachers, on my request took two snaps. Here are the photos.

The road was quite long and rough. Dr. Geetika picked me up at the Ramavarappadu highway. we traveled by car.  It is less than a week since she joined German language course in Vijayawada. I spoke in German with her all through the journey. perhaps it is the longest time I have ever spoken German with a beginner. Fortunately , it has solved her fears. That is another story.


  1. It's amazing sir.Everyone must think about this

  2. Sharing knowledge is the greatest wealth one can have.Proud to be your student.when chance comes I will be doing these type of work.I too love to share my knowledge.

  3. If we spend money and time they don't come back but if we share knowledge by building relationships it will build relationships and knowledge also

  4. Sir Sharing knowledge to others is very good it is good social work

  5. This is an extraordinary post every one should read this for inspiration

  6. Knowledge sharing and personal development are not a small things, but you known sir how to do in easy way, I am proud to be your student,Now a days people require this kind of inspiration.

  7. It's an excellent article.Now a days most of the people are irresponsible and those people should read this article.because if we spend money and time they may can't come back but if we share our knowledge it will always increase our it will never decrease and and it also build relationships.it is an inspirational article.Thank you sir!

  8. Knowledge is gift and sharing with others is the best gift. These words "Money and food are temporary but education is inexhaustible treasure." remembered me that, "Giving fish will feed him for one day, teaching him to catch a fish - feeds him forever." Your are a good Inspiration and I hope after reading this article, many of the educated people will start reading the books and share the knowledge with others.
