The weather is bleak and wind blows strong
The herds on the choppy road get along
The birds shiver on the branches around
The reeds wave their heads on marshy ground
The fog was hanging like a white curtain
Nature is black and white for certain
All along the road stretches the canal
Beautiful bougainvillas are never banal
How hurriedly passes the willy jeep
How merrily walks the Billie, sheep
The day breaks brings heaven's light
Now the trees and hills shine bright
Light sweeps darkness like a broom
The golden rays my feelings groom
He reached the last house standing alone in the fields like the solitary reaper. The house is lonely and sad. It looked like singing a sad tune like the young woman in in William Wordsworth's Solitary reaper. He washed his legs at the well and walked towards the house. He stood at the door and watched the front door hangings parrots and swasthik. The parrots looked sad. The auspicious swasthik symbol is dull. The house lacks lustre. It has lost the vibrant force of joy. It is the house that wears a different mood.
Varsha stepped into the living room. The parents are brooding over something. Their worry is conspicuous on their faces. "Please come in" Said Ahalya. " sit down said Vidisha's father Seshachalam. " How is your work?" asked Varsha. Vidisha came out from her room hearing the voice and greeted Varsha. " How is aunty and Manju? I would be glad if you brought Manju" said Vidisha. Varsha smiled and said " How are your paintings?" Go and see said Vidisha Varsha entered her art world. Before he passed a few minutes Vidisha entered her room with coffee. Varsha has been a stunning pictures he became a picture among pictures.
She shook him into this world and gave him coffee. Varsha looked at her parrot green full skirt and bright pink blouse, Vidisha looked like host of Telugu traditions. "You are too formal" said Varsha while taking the cup from her hand.
Vidisha: True intellectual.
Varsha : What a repartee! The real intellectuality lies in giving a repartee.
Vidisha: Why did you call it repartee ( quick witty reply)?
Varsha : why did you call me intellectual?
Vidisha : You said I am too formal. Am I merely formal ?
Varsha: You called me true intellectual. It means that I am too smart.
Vidisha : what is wrong in being too smart? It is the order of the day.
Varsha : In that case there is nothing wrong in being formal.
They had a hearty laugh. Later Varsha said " Your parents look so worried"
Vidisha : They are looking for matrimonial alliances. They want to finish their formality. daughter's marriage. They believe that my marriage brings curtain down love sick Bairreddy. They think that he is less likely to fall after a married woman.
Varsha : Nobody should marry hurriedly with the fear of someone. Even so, I don't think that marriage can help. Helen was already married She had children. Her husband was Menelaus, the king of Sparta. Paris paid no heed to her marriage . He sailed to Sparta, entered Menelaus's palace as his guest and, unseen by the king, whispered sweet nothings in Helen's ear. When Paris arrived back in Troy, Priam, his father, Hector his brother berated him. Hecuba, his mother, berated him recalling that when she was pregnant with Paris she dreamed that she gave birth to a firebrand that burned down the whole city around her. Paris did not care. He knew it was too late now for them to stop the affair. He also knew that the most beautiful woman in the world found him irresistible. Finally they eloped.
Vidisha : Bairreddy my be Paris but I am not Helen. Helen did not resist Paris. She rather accepted his advances. She forgot about her home and her family and agreed to run away with him.
Varsha : It is not a debate on whether you are Helen or not. To a lecher it doesn't matter whether a woman is married or not.
Vidisha : Sita is married but Ravana kidnapped her. Lust is universal phenomenon. A king and a scholar , a soldier and a doctor all fall in the fire of lust. They risk both kingdom and life for sensual gratification. Men of letters stand as criminals in the public eye. We see thousands of cases each year.
Varsha : Off course , thousands of cases are brought into light yet thousands of cases are hidden in dark. Behind each case brought into open there is a brave spirited woman.
Vidisha : I can not fight like queen Rudrama. The police needs to be brave. They are either cowards or corrupt. I went to the police station with a complaint. It was not received.
Varsha : They have a problem with the politics. Give it to me I will see that it is registered.
Woman is a problem here. I don't want to fight. I want to leave this place.
Varsha: Come on Vidisha , you are a self made woman, an artist par excellence. Don't adopt the spirit of resignation.
Thumbs up no matter what comes up
Kick the problems down and jump up
Little bit of money little bit of honey
Little bit of luck saves any dummy
If you've money in your pocket
you can fly like a rocket
If you have little bit of luck
you can never get stuck
Thumbs up no matter what comes up
kick the problems down and jump up
If you have couple of songs in your head
you can merrily sing and go ahead
If you don't have money try your luck
If luck doesn't work rely on work,
work never fails never work chuck
work brings both money and luck
Thumbs up no matter what comes up
kick the problems down and jump up
Varsha looked at the pictures on the wall. There are many half finished pictures. One of the pictures attracted him. It was the picture of Manjusha and Varsha eating while Ahalya is serving.
Varsha : Your pictures are mesmerizing
Vidisha : Life is compromising
Varsha: No, Life is testing, These challenges will tell you and the world how strong you are.
You are going to rise to fame. You art will have eternal fame and It should not be shaken by rough winds.
Vidisha : Look, most of the pictures are mocking me. For months I did not draw anything new nor I finished the old ones. I am out of my mind. I have no concentration. You don't know what kind of man is Bairreddy and what he did again. All my hopes are belied.
Varsha : When Dreams fail will will you fail your life.
Sometimes fair horses do trail in races
should brazen jockeys wail and lose faces
frozen rain balls from the sky hails
powerful gales rave and do stop the sails
sometimes beautiful dreams do fail
don't let your heart with the dreams fail
dry your failed dreams on the rail
don’t cry, rail your senses if they are frail
After all, yellow leaves from the trees fall
Water in seas, in vapor form to sky sail
All men in old age should accept time’s call
Build a wall to bothering dreams or drive a nail
Don’t your heart with dreams overload
Sensitive heart might anytime explode
Vidisha seemed to have gathered mental strength but was looking at the incomplete pictures. The unfinished work looks heavy on her. " The calf would become cow before I finished these pictures." She said with a cold smile.
Varsha: If only the picture hanging on the wall of Louvre Museum in Paris - Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci , had speech, it could tell you the truth
Vidisha: What truth ?
Varsha : That it was drawn for four years , so don't spend time on worrying about Bairreddy spend time with baby cow , play with it. Take inspiration from the hills and nature around.
Vidisha : Thanks you are the hill to me. Only if God is fair to me..
Varsha: God was more unfair to many artists who were born into miserable conditions. Lippi the famous Italian painter was born in Florence in 1406 to a butcher, and his wife. He was orphaned when he was two years old and sent to live with his aunt who was too poor to rear him, she placed him in the neighbouring convent when he was eight years old. Lippi was inspired to become a painter by watching Masaccio at work in the Carmine church. Due to Lippi's interest, the church gave him the opportunity to learn painting. Lippi then went on to visit Ancona and Naples, where he was captured by Barbary pirates and kept as a slave. His skill in portrait-sketching helped to eventually release him.
The veil of gloom has gone. Her heart is light and eyes are bright now. She is brimming with confidence. She was fondly looking at the picture of Varsha with Veena. The Veena began playing in her heart pumping joy. While she was melting in the philharmonic music she heard the sound of Royal Enfield. She went running to the gate and saw her parents waving to him. The bike was almost out of sight but the engine sound dup...dup dup..dup was heard. With a smile on her face Vidisha ran to the calf in the back yard acting like driving bike. She was making the same sound of the engine dup.. dup.. dup. She was playing with the baby calf. Ahalya and Seshachalam saw only two baby cows playing with each other.
Scene -3
After the extermination of Cupid by Mahadev Parvathi decided to have Mahadev as her husband with the power of penance. Her parents and elders tried to convince her against penance she did not listen to them. " The Lod of the universe is the lord of my heart and he is my universe. He's my husband to whom I dedicated my life, body and thought." said Parvathi. Her father Himavantha understood her willpower and unwillingly accepted his delicate daughter's serious wish of severe penance.
"This was the discussion in the previous class. Now we are going to learn how Parvathi enter's the garden of penance." said Bharatavarsha.
Nandini raised her hand Bharatavarsha went near her.
"Did you go to subbavaram today? " asked Nandini
Is it your doubt? Varsha's voice sounded serious.
" She lives in city near college She has another house in the village , she went to her village home. She saw you there." said Syamala another girl.
"what fun is this? Did I ask you about how many houses she has?" Varsha snubbed
Syamala : No sir actually she wants to ..."
Varsha : Please confine the discussions to the class
Nandini: Parvati who was already his lover from previous life… Why does she have to win his love?
Varsha: She was his lover and he was hers. Shiva simply recognized his eternal beloved. But her power of devotion must be proved in this birth too. The tapas has proved it. She surrendered fully to her love for Shiva, him being her path and destination. You need to understand, mata Parvati did years of penance, she did highest form of devotion to get almighty shiva as her husband, also she is aadi shakti, no other women can do such penance except mata Parvati.
Chaitanya raised his hand, Varsha turned to him and said " Chaitooooo " in the crescendo of his voice his disgust is clearly heard. " Let us start the lesson" Varsha said again
Chaitanya " sure sir, I have no doubts , I want to say that your explanation is wonderful"
While his foolishness annoys Bharatavarsha The innocence pleases.
"Does penance hold true in the modern age? I mean can any girl can win her lover with penance?" another girl asked.
NO , Shiva is a great yogi. His heart can be won by the power penance, It depends on the field of activity of the lover . You must reach the same level to get noticed. Like IAS officer can not marry a clerk. Am I right sir? said Nandini.
No that is not true my father is a professor and my mother is a teacher said Syamala.
The whole class turned into a mess created by the disciples of Paramanandayya
Varsha got on to the dais and wrote on the board with a piece of chalk " Tapovana pravesam" which means entry into the garden of penance.
అరుణాంఘ్రితలదీప్తిన్ అవనీతలంబెల్ల పద్మరాగస్థల భాతిన్ ఒనర…In this poem the poet describes the entry of Parvathi into the forest. With the crimson light of her feet the forest land turned red. With the light of her face spreading to all directions the directions shined like lotuses that took the light of the moon. In the tender glint of her lips all the creepers in the forest began to gleam, The air became sweet taking the fragrance of her body. The air borne perfume spreading all over the forest magically transforms the weather. The peak cocks and other birds start dancing in anticipation of rain.
నగ్గిరి రాజాత్మజ వట్టె నా నమరి, నింగిం బర్వె నీలాభ్రముల్.
Parvati's penance is mentioned in the poem. Parvati, who is doing penance to win him with her love for Shiva, makes her heart a vessel, pours the oil of her love in it, puts a wick of unwavering virtue, lights it with her tap fire, and with the smoke from the wick of the lamp to the sky. Clouds spread in the sky. It looks like as if she were taking the dark black soot for Katuka to possess Mahadev. This is another amazing imagination that has grown to the sky. This is how she matches Mahadev. Jaganmata is the fitting lady to Mahadev.
When Bharatavarsha finished Syamala said "There is no match between them
Uma's body shines like a molten gold,
Whereas, Rudra's body shines like a burning camphour
Uma applies kesari on her body,
Whereas, Rudra applies ashes on his body
Maa Uma wears golden jewelry,
Whereas Rudra, wears snakes
Maa wears Divine flowers,
Whereas, Rudra wears skull to decorate him."
Bharatavarsha said " I appreciate your knowledge Syamala. we must understand that maa Uma is the right match Mentally. Bye the bye are you doing any ph.D on this subject? Syamala smiled, but Nandini raised her hand " So you are doing Ph. D!" said Varsha jokingly.
Nandini: I have a doubt sir.
Varsha: The bell rag , didn't your hear!
Nandini: I will meet you in the department
Varsha: If you do that you can save the class.
All students laughed Bharatavarsha left the class.
Scene -4
When Varsha entered the department he saw a young sitting in front of Dr. Rameswari the HOD of the Telugu Department. Varsha sat in his chair reading Vyasavallari Telugu research articles. "Mr. Sanjay the subject you have selected for Ph.D is very nice to me but you have to select a subject that is comfortable to your guide too." said Rameswari. "Can't we select a topic of our choice?" You can but it must be comfortable to the guide Go and consult your guide. I had spent two days in the University morning till evening with lunch box, completely two days, to select a topic. " "Why don't you guide me?" asked Sanjay. Rameswari was amused. A smile appeared on her lips "UGC has clarified that the Ph.D supervisors must be regular faculty members of the universities." She said. Can't we do research without guides?" asked Sanjay. His countenance showed disappointment and his voice frustration. Bharatavarsha stopped reading and said " In India we have no such facility." Sanjay's face turned pale. Rameswari said "Research work needs patience. There is no room for disappointment. Ph.D give you the power to cope with stress." Mr. Sanjay left.
Rameswari looked at Bharatavarsha and said " You are not your original self, you have weather beaten appearance. Have you travelled by bike? You look so dull today" Bharatavarsha was surprised. " You have amazing art of observation. off course I am weather beaten but I am not dull for that. I am heart broken."
Rameswari: I too must go now. but before I go I want to know if any love affair is the reason for your heart break
Varsha: Yes, it is Bairreddy's love for a girl called Vidisha. He assaulted her to fulfil his love. The girl went to police station with complaint. It was not taken. I went to the police station to complain. He was trying to settle the case outside the police station.
Rameswari : Police are poorly organized to deal with serious crimes and the tendency to compromise is very high when the offender has political background. Try again, you are a celebrity yourself you can expose the case in media.
Varsha : I don't want to publicize and tarnish the girl's image. Once it goes into media the story might take ugly turns. She will be the talk of the town. It will further deepen her pain.
Rameswari: I will introduce you to my cousin Lawyer Panchali. She is a strong feminist and the right person to deal with such crimes. Now let me go. When Rameswari went out Varsha was alone and tense in the department. Just then Nandini entered she said
Sir , I have a doubt"
What is that ?
Before that I want to ask you something"
You are looking tense and preoccupied,
Ask me about your doubt
I can help you sir trust me.
Shut up and get out ' Bharatavarsha left the room
Nandini collapsed in the chair broke into tears. She remained there motionless for half an hour and came with tears in her eyes. She rushed to her car waiting for her in the parking place and got into the car. Syamala, Chaitanya and others ran after her to stop her. Before they stopped the car had moved.
Scene -5 modified
Near Anandapuram in Kaluvuppada village close to Meenakshi exports Private limited lies a towering ten storey building - Mahendra Nilayam - with toughened glass fittings. When the Ambulance stopped there Agastya did not want to go in. "I want to go" Said Agastya. "Since there is no message about my arrival no servant has come down from the tenth floor." said Dakshinamurty. Agastya fell in dilemma whether to step in or go back" Dakshinamurthy understood what his son was thinking "I will ask the car driver to drop you to your hostel" Agastya felt that it would be too cruel on his part to leave him there and go away. A few moments later he saw the domestic help coming to the ambulance.
Two men and two woman came down. They were surprised to see the ambulance and were shocked to hear the news of train accident and spinal damage. "Madam has not come back from the tour. Said one servant. "The lift is big enough. Let us try to move the patient with stretcher." said the other servant. They tried to put the stretcher into the lift. The ambulance staff also helped. Agastya helped as much as possible but in vain. " You need a wheel chair sir, stretcher won't go into the lift" said the ambulance staff.
We have no wheel chair at home. said the servants. "Get ordinary chair both are same provided he can sit two minutes." said Agastya. The servant brought the watchman's chair from the lift. Agastya helped him get into the chair. Dakshinamurthy sat in the chair with much difficulty. They lifted the chair. He was transferred into the lift. The lift reached the top floor and Dakshina murthy was placed on his bed. Agastya looked at the telephone directory and called the nearest doctor.
The doctor is on the way and Agastya was looking at the sunset in the eastern- Ghats through the glass panels. There are hills around. From a distance Meenakshi Fisheries was seen. Behind him was his father's bed. Agastya saw such buildings in films. Only big offices will have such buildings. " This is the empire state building of KVP. What is KVP asked Dakshina Murthy. " Kaluvuppaada" said Agastya. Dakshinamurthy smiled and said " Good abbreviation like she calls me DM." Agastya was angry.
After a while he asked DM" why do they use glass? Isn't it dangerous?" Dakshina Murthy started explaining "Using glass in building facades and interiors enhances the ambience. Interiors appear larger and more open, with abundant natural lighting." When DM finished Agastya asked ""The transparent architecture was stunning but if the glass breaks? " "Thick laminated glass doesn't break. Even if broken or crumbled into pieces they stick to each other." Agastya was amused involuntarily he said "what a marvellous edifice of glass finish amid the eastern ghats!"
"Each floor is 3600 feet unpartitioned area with a swimming pool on the terrace. This is for commercial purpose. Only the tenth floor is residential. You can go to the terrace and see the hills that offer the thrills." Agastya has no mood to see and enjoy. He was only waiting for the doctor " I am watching the hills through the glass. The hills are the same even from the terrace." said Agastya. That is a different thill" said DM. " I don't want different thrills. People are more important for me than thrills" Agastya took a dig. DM understood what Agastya meant. Agastya was grown up. He was not a small boy.
Before the doctor came a young girl and two women came in - younger woman was about 24 years and an older about 30. Agastya looked at the younger woman keenly. She has killing curves, cute mouth and magnetic eyes - a sex bomb, an inescapable doom. He turned his looks when he felt he was staring at her. She too stared at Agastya. Nobody introduced them to each other for a moment. Nobody spoke anything.
DM said to the younger woman breaking the silence " Chocolate! Here is your son." The younger woman looked at Agastya, Agastya also looked at her. She looked like his age group and very attractive. Agastya felt uncomfortable and bent his head down. He thought " She is the luscious nymphet in whose hands my father is a puppet."
DM briefed the train accident and hospital episodes. Just then the doctor arrived. He examined the patient, saw the railway doctor's prescription and said the same thing "You need rest for three to four weeks. Nothing to worry but you should not do anything that causes strain to the waist or spine" The other older woman took Chocolate (younger woman) to the corner of the room and was whispering something in her ear.
The young girl was carrying the travel bags and luggage into the bedroom. Agastya understood that the older woman was sister cum advisor and the young girl was a page (foot servant). The doctor took leave and was going back. The older woman who whispered something to Chocolate and pushed her towards the doctor. " It is too early to ask" Said chocolate who was hesitating.
The doctor saw her hesitating and said" You want to ask something? Don't hesitate. Aske me anything?" The doctor encouraged chocolate. "Is he fit for the family life?" asked the younger woman "I understand your fears, spinal injuries may cause problems to family life. He has to take bed rest for a month. During the bed rest he can not have family life." " Will he be fit after the bed rest?" said Chocolate. If the level of damage is high the risk for family life is high as it may lead to ED. Let's hope he will be alright." Said the doctor.
The elder sister intervened "Doctor what level of spinal cord damage leads to ED?" Have you studied medicine?" asked the doctor. "I studied lives" What are you to the patient? asked the doctor looking at DM. He was seeking patient's permission with his looks. " She is my wife's sister Timpany. She is my wife Grace. He is my son Agastya. There are no outsiders here." said DM. Agastya preferred to move out before the doctor opened his lips." Get well soon!" He said, went out and shut the door. DM kept waving his hand from the bed. His eyes were tearful.
"ED or erectile dysfunction can be caused by spinal damage. Damage to the spinal cord impairs its ability to transmit messages between the brain and parts of the body below. Nerve damage is a common cause of erectile dysfunction. It makes erection difficult or impossible sometimes.. in such a case we will do spinal surgery and see the result" The doctor finished his explanation and left.
Grace understood the chances of normal family life are fifty - fifty. She remembered 6 years of her childless marriage. Her heart was aching. She could not control her tears. DM was looking at her strangely.
Timpany said to DM who was looking at wailing Grace strangely "If you were poor it was different. You are the most successful businessman, the owner of the largest seafood exporter in Visakha. This business needs an heir too." Dakshinamurty kept staring at her.
"Your name is epithet of your character. (Timpany means a big drum.) Don't worry this business has an heir. I have a son." said DM. "How can he be the heir? We are there through tick and thin?" Said Timpany. DM had a cold laugh. "I did harm to him and his mother but he came just in time to save me not you."
Timpany said "We never dreamed of the train accident. I took her to the Basilica of Our Lady of Good Health a Marian shrine located at the town of Velankanni in Tamil Nadu, 350 km from Chennai. Velankanni Church is one of the most revered pilgrimages for Catholics.
I am doing my best prayers for my sister to get children. "
DM: Do you get children if you visit Velankanni?
Timpani: Mother Mary is believed to have appeared in this small village, with infant Jesus in her hands. It is the belief. She waddled to the pond through the blistering sand on her knees. This is the effort.
Agastya who stayed outside the door walked down the steps like a cat.
Oh Timpani! what a grace!
Thou art possess a lovely face
But thou art a stigma on human race,
Thou art youth's beautiful flower
Thy beauty has commanding power
Thou art a god's perfect art
Thou art sans human heart.
Scene -6
Rest place Church
Just four minutes to Andhra University in the Rest place church a sermon was going on. In side the church on the red carpet there are six rows of long benches on the right and six rows on the left. There is a walk way between the rows. There is a three feet height stage covered with a green carpet. A long table with chairs are decently arranged on the stage. There is a podium with mike connected to public addressing system. Penchalayya stood at the podium and reading the sermon. The church benches are full.
"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake." Penchalayya read out the most popular Psalm 23.
He finished with the words "May God give to you and all whom you love his comfort and his peace, his light and his joy, in this world and the next; and the blessing of God almighty, the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you." Bairreddy and Nagaraju were present in the church while Sandeep was standing out side the church. Nagaraju was reading eulogy to his deceased grand mother. After Nagaraju finished his eulogy lunch was arranged to the members. The members dispersed. Bairreddy came out. He went near Sandeep and said " Why did not you come in?" " I am not converted like you".
Sabbavaram MLA Simhachalam's car entered the Church compound. He alighted his car. His security personnel arrived in an other car. MLA's right hand Nagaraju and Penchalayya came out to take him into church. They went near him and greeted him. Bairreddy also moved close to the MLA but Sandeep was watching from a distance as he did not like politics or religion. Simhachalam thought it was mark of respect or fear. " Don't be shy! come on!" He called Sandeep. Sandeep went near and asked him Sir, why should you always have security?" Simhachalam smiled and said "
"Last night a thief was caught stealing brass ware worth a few hundreds from a house in sabbavaram. He was caught by the people. They have beaten almost to death. This is how the people in India treat a thief. An MLA or MP who looted huge amount of taxpayers money going on the road without any security ,you can’t even imagine what the public would do to him." said Simhachalam
"But the former British Prime Minister, David Cameron moves in metros without any security." said Sandeep
You are talking about honest people. Simhachalam got disgusted with Sandeep.
"Leave him , He is too childish, come on let us go in "said Penchalayya to Simhachalam. He turned to Bairreddy and Sandeep, " You go home now, We have a private meeting"
Bairreddy and Sandeep walked out. Bairreddy started his bike and Sandeep sat behind. I brought you here because I want to see Lakuma? said Bairreddy. " Lakuma is in AU sports grounds. It is just five minutes from here." replied Sandeep.
Scene -7
Thalang thakkita... gida takkidathom ! Gida Gida thakkita Gida Thakkita thom.
Just one and half kilo meters from Andhra University, in Waltair club, the Centenary auditorium was echoing with the rhythm of Mrudangam. Visakha Music Academy has organised a four-day music concert to treat the connoisseurs in the city.
It was the last day. A renowned carnatic singer started the concert invoking the blessings of Lord Rama through the Varnam “namo namo raghu kula nayaka” by Annamacharya in Ragam Nattai, in which Annamacharya prays to Lord Rama narrating His great deeds of punishing the wicked and protecting the pious and being worshipped by both Parvati and Parameswara. In quick succession, she rendered Saint Thyagarajar’s Mayamalavagowlai, wherein the Saint salutes (“mrokkeda”) the enlightened souls well versed in music through which they worship and realise the Lord.
Then Dikshidar’s “nIla-anga harim - ragam neelambari, (a kriti in the second Vibhakti) was rendered effortlessly with the able support of the percussionists. Kesava pushed himself to the limit. The entire auditorium was resounding with the Rhythm. He was absorbed into the rhythm and reached a state fo ecstacy. It was very well appreciated by the audience with an applause. Manjusha Basava and Agastya were among the audience. When the program was over there was a felicitation to the singers and percussionist Kesava.
Manjusha Basava and Agastya were were walking to the bus stop. Agastya told Basava about Lakuma's Motorsports in University grounds. "I have heard about Lakuma's stunt driving through aunt Damini but I have not seen. I am excited to see her stunts." After a few minutes they reached the University grounds. They saw Sandeep and Bairreddy and Raghava. They greeted Sandeep. and Raghava. Bairreddy greeted Basava, Agastya and Manjusha. Basava and Agastya remained silent but Manju turned her her side ways. They all stood close in the shade of the tree.
A thousand people formed a big circle in the sports ground. "How big this ground is!" said Agastya to Basava. "It is hard to say. It is bigger than a foot ball ground." said Kesava.
A local sports man standing beside them heard it and said. "Andhra University is 774 acres, 423 acres is in Vizag, 51 acres is in Kakinada, 200 acres is in Vizianagaram and 100 acres is in Tadepalligudem. Vizag campus alone accounts for 54 lakh sft. There are 2 playgrounds, 3 cricket fields, 2 gymnasiums, 6 tennis courts, 2 basket ball courts, 3 volleyball courts, 1 indoor stadium" Everybody was amused at the numbers.
The commotion level was steadily raising. A girl who was performing before thousands of people must be a celebrity said a spectator. She is a matchless dare-devil. the other man said. She is matchless beauty too added Bairreddy.
"Mother Aruna is worried about Madam ( Lakuma). She lacks emotional intelligence. somebody must advice her to stop all these gangster adventures." said Kesava. " why somebody Kesava, why don't you do that?" sad Bairreddy. "I still remember the gift she has given me in Hyderabad. You had better do it yourself because you are the right match" said Kesava. Bairreddy was too happy to listen to such positive and encouraging words from Kesava. " I have no objection but I want her to compete with me in stunt biking." " Yeah, She must compete only in wheelie , only front wheel lifting he knows." Sandeep deflated.
vizag Bikers' Club , Motor sport association members and television journalists were seen busy in the ground. Sneha and Lakuma came into the middle of the ground. An automotive journalist from Bike Stunt who stood close to Manjusha went into the middle of the ground.

Lakuma and Sneha entered the ground with basic wheelie ( lifting the of the front of the motorcycle off the ground ) Lakuma started doing a circle wheelie. The "circle" is a wheelie performed traveling entirely within a circle, which is very difficult to do. The crowds started cheering up. Bairreddy was watching with bated breath when Lakuma put her right foot on the left peg. It is called a "Ralph Loui". which is considered even more difficult.
Later she shot past towards the crowd and lifted the back wheel in to the air. She made two rounds very close to the spectators on the front wheel and went back to the centre of the ground and landed on the back wheel. From the centre the bike galloped like a horse towards the north east at a great speed she lifted the front wheel to 12 O' clock position. It is a high wheelie. It was a hair raising task to the spectators. While people and TV cameras are watching Lakuma gragually lifted her legs and spread them over the handlebar. Basava, Raghava , Sandeep Agastya are watching with bated breath Manjusha closed her eyes. Bairreddy is half dead inside managed to laugh to coverup the feelings of fear. The bike took a round very close to Bairreddy with a great VROOOOOM. He was startled and the reality came out of him. The fear was distinctive on his face. His legs trembled.
Lakuma reached the other end of the ground. The bike was coming with the speed of a jet. Some people thought that she would lift the front wheel , some people thought that she would lift the back wheel but surpassing the imagination of the spectators she threw her body in to the air balancing ,her body on hands that firmly caught the handlebar. The legs was up in the air thick beautiful thighs in blue jeans and riding boots looked beautiful. The spectators had high BP. Manjusha had head reel, her vision blurred and darkness was enveloping her. She heard a thud fall two meters away. Damini collapsed to the ground.

Later Lakuma did some bar stunts like Ape Hanger( Hanging from the bars and allowing the riders feet to drag behind the bike) Cliff Hanger (Hanging from the bars with one's feet while doing a 12 O'clock.) Later she performed another dangerous stunt "frog" ( It is a wheelie in which the rider stands on the tank) Finally she did and endo lifting the rear wheel of the motorcycle using momentum and braking force. Everybody thought that the show was over but Lakuma speeded up towards the North east again and leapt like a deer. But this time she switched back. (with the body facing the rear of the motorcycle, opposite the direction of travel.) She unfolded the most dangerous stunt in stunt biking.
Sandeep said to Bairreddy " You are a real man if you can dare her into a race" Bairreddy had little life in his head with which he nodded yes. Just then Lakuma did a terrific De activator — Riding a wheelie on idle and jumping off the back of the motorcycle. There was a huge applause from the spectators. The crowd cheered and clapped that resembled the sound of lightning. Sandeep and Bairreddy moved close to Lakuma. Sandeep pushed Bairreddy to ask what he promised or aspired. Before Bairreddy uttered the full sentence she flew into the air and gave Bairreddy a powerful kick between his legs. He was collapsed. Lakuma is Lynx. She is unchallengeable.
Just 2 kilometers fro Andhra University in Lawsons Bay Colony Bharatavarsha Introduced himself to Lawyer Panchali. " Yes, my sister Rameswari told me about you."said Lawyer Panchali. "Did she tell you anything about the case?" " No, but she told me about you a lot" Said panchali. Bharatavarsha smiled. It was a sweet and hearty smile.
Pamchali: Your name is rare and interesting. Bharatavarsha is lovely.
Bharatavarsha: All my forefathers died in wars. One in First world war , the other in second world war and finally my father in Kargil war. They wanted me to be a soldier but ...
Panchali: You are no less than a soldier.
Bharatavarsha smiled again. The same hearty smile. " Yes, I want to launch a legal battle." He explained the case and said " Instead of taking action on the culprit, the police are trying to settle the case out side the station. He is giving a run round to take the complaint.
Panchali: Did he not take the complaint?
Varsha: The inspector took the complaint but an FIR was not made. He said that he would investigate and make an FIR later. He says that he can not blindly believe every complaint.
Panchali: Next week let us go to the police station. If he doesn't register the case ,we can go to the superintendent or to the court. The court will direct him to register the case. I have seen many such cases.
Bharatavarsha thanked the lawyer and came out of her office. He was walking on the pavement of the RK beach road. It was evening. The sky looked like an amber canvass. The cool breeze touching the body and relaxing the mind. Varsha crossed the parapet wall and walked towards the seashore. The beach sand gave shelter to the many tired souls. "Hey ARMY boy!" A voiced called him. It was a familiar voice. Varsha stopped and looked back. He saw an old man at a push cart that sells gold fingers, chocolates and peppermints. He smiled at Varsha. Varsha recognised him and said " Samba!! You!! how much you changed. Samba smiled. His hair turned grey. He has a long beard.
"I could have recognised your but for the name Army boy"
"Perhaps you were six years old when I first saw you. I was selling at your school.
I still remember and recognise your classmates and your school mates. They recognise me too. Lakuma comes to beach and VUDA Park very often. Basava and Agastya are also seen now and then. How is Manju and mother? " He asked.
They are fine said Varsha and left his foot wear at the cart and took groundnut packet from him. He was walking bear footed in the sea shore. He is dressed in a chic white shirt. His perfectly white teeth gleam winning. He was shaved with two days old black beard was shapely and his artfully tousled hair was tumbling.
He sat in the far end of the beach where there are no crowds. He was looking at the waves in the Bay of Bengal and the sprawling sand. He remembered his childhood. He remembered the summer evening he came to the beach with his friend.
I walk'd with my friend Kishore on seashore
Listening to the sailors' sweet folklore
we stop at wakad stall on the beach
we walk hard and had a cup o' tea each
We watched the tides in the blue sea
spilled on our clothes the boiling tea
the raging whirlwind howls in our ears
the sand particles stuck on our faces like spears
bits of papers and chocolate wrappers
swirl round and round and like tiny choppers
the little girls thought it was a ghost
there was a commotion on the coast
A big turtle was washed to the shore
Such a turtle we haven't seen before
Varsha lay down on the beach sand. His mind has gone into outer space. His heart was stripped off all weight. A sweet escape into childhood. Suddenly he heard a great commotion on the road. Vroom.. Vroom... Vroom... It was a motor bike race. Again he was pushed from the heaven of happiness into the abyss of whirling noise. After the poetic peace is evaporated he felt like he was walking on the jagged stones. He walked towards the road.
Rest place church :
The nave ( the prayer hall where the congregating sits ) is the better place but it is open and public. The vestry is exclusive and private. So let's go there." said Penchalayya.
Penchalayya Nagaraju and Simhachalam sat around the round table in the vestry ( changing room for the minister and pastors) Penchalayya took the Royal stag Whisky bottle and served in the glasses on the table. They sipped the wine leisurely discussing their favourite things. After three rounds
Nagaraju said " Bharatavarsha is involving in that girl's case. If he succeeds my brother Bairreddy will go behind the bars."
Penchalayya : Naga leave it to me. I have a plan for that. I will send him behind bars.
Nagaraju : But how? The SI is our man but if he goes legally he can't help.
Penchallayya whispered something in his ear and Naga's face glowed brightly his eyes widened and lips parted showing his teeth. Then penchalayya said " leave that matter and talk to other things."
Simhachalam "I know very well that Penchalayya needs some help but Nagaraju is prompting me to help him. What is the nexus between you?"
Penchalayya : We are the same. We are Christians!
Simhachalam : Ha.. hha .. hhaa .. ha!
Pen: Recently he started a church in Sabbavaram and earning handsomely. why don't you start a church? It helps you a lot in vote capturing.
Nagaraju : You are making money, I am not.
Sim: Pastors in Visakha have roaring business.
Nag: May be in Visakha pastor are able to convert and get funds from abroad. People are pious in villages. Penchalayya made good money. An ordinary man became a wealthy man.
Pen: Why do you talk about conversion and foreign funds? People like me who stand for the word of God get hurt! With the power of God I have achieved wealth. Simhachalam can also become wealthy if God blesses.
Sim: Oh! stop the drama. I know that you are brother thieves. 99.9% of today's Indian Christian Evangelists are after money. There are pastors who live in mansions and luxury maintain SUVs like us. And the converts feel that they are supreme beings in the world by accepting this religion and others are fools. They start educating their family and friends to leave their religion.
Pen : I am not like that. The Assembly elections are ensuing, God will bless you..
Sim : You are not educating, you even forced your family members. Now you are forcing me. His face flushed. His eyes reddened. He over turned the table spilling all the whisky and breaking the glasses. " Bloody buggers! How dare you target me? He took the waist belt and started beating both like mules. Penchalayya and Nagaraju are frightened. They fell on the floor and reeled like pieces of cloth. After a while Simhachalam gained consciousness and said " Sorry!" Don't irritate me again! This is what for you have called me?
Nagaraju whispered to Penchalayya" I told you this will not work with big brother. "
Penchalayya took out a brief case and handed it to simhachalam and said " This meeting is to ask your favour of protecting the land I have acquired in kommadi for the construction of a new church.
Simhachalam sighed deeply HaaaAA and said " You should have told this without all the mess. It is not difficult. Last time when we met you gave a hint of it"
Pen: But the court has given injunction ( A court order to stop work) The defendant lawyer says I must stop building.
Sim: Don't worry! Local court orders are usually nothing. People act against stay orders by local courts like District, Sessions or Civil Courts. Usually courts send summons to the offender but offender does not turn up. The court will send new interim orders which can also be flouted. The persons enforcing the orders like Collectors or Policemen are important. If these persons can be “influenced” - they can openly ignore a stay order but orders of Special courts CBI and ED or HC or SC - matter more seriously.
Pen : I know with your influence in higher circles you can do it.
Sim : Ha... hha... hha .... Why don't ask your God to save your land?
Pen: I am .. the God .. in fact....
Sim : Ha.. hha ..hha... man in power is more powerful than God.
Bharatavarsha came on to the pavement and stood watching the performance bikes flying like jets along the beach road. The road was filled with dozens of bikes. All people gathered on the pavement to see the spectacle. The push cart vendor Samba also came on to the pavement. One of the on lookers said "They think that this road is runway and fly with their bikes. Neither the police nor the parents could curb these rowdy mobs. Their stunts pose a grave danger to the walkers. " The second on-looker said " I live in the opposite apartments we are scared of coming out early in the morning. It is our fate that we bought flats here" "Don't talk about fate. The police are inefficient." said the first man. When they were talking like that they saw the police jeep. The bikes simply vanished within no time. The road became empty again. There is a big relaxation!! Bharatavarasha took a deep breath looking at the empty road. He called the auto on the other side of the road and was waiting for the auto to come.
He saw Lakuma and another girl coming by bikes from the other end. The police got alerted. Lakuma took no notice of the cops and parked her bike. A lady Inspector has taken the two girls by van seizing their bikes. We are not racers , nor we ever raced said Lakuma. We do stunt biking only in the grounds. said Sneha. The Inspector did not reply the van moved. The recover van moved with their bikes.
ReplyDeleteEach scene described very well in this lengthy chapter. Got goosebumps by watching lakuma bike riding.