The world is fast changing. The human body too.
You are not same at 20, 30 and 40. your body, brain, blood and even skelton changes. Yes, it is true, every 10 years the human skelton changes completely. The brain begins to shrink in volume from 40 years of age. The rate of shrinkage increases after the age of sixty. These changes are invisible to eye but not inaccesible to mind.
The external changes are visible to the eye. But if you can count one or two, none can count on you. You must see the big picture.
We can not imagine how fast the world will change in next ten years unless we know how fast the world has changed. 40 years ago type writers ruled the world. 20 years ago STD booths ruled the world Tape records cameras caliculators soared. 15 years ago Internet centers and cyber cafes, Cd players and VCPs ruled the world.
computers put an end to type writers. CD players put an end to both tape recorders and VCPS. Mobile phone has put an end to all.
Telegrams, telex, caliculators, cameras, tape recorders cassettes CD players, pendrives. Everything has gone into the oblivion. Every new technology changes the world. Unless you change with the world you will go into oblivion.
Remember the Kodak company? In 1997, Kodak had about 160,000 employees. And about 85% of the world's photography was done with Kodak cameras. With the rise of mobile cameras over the past few years, Kodak Camera Company is out of the market. Kodak went completely bankrupt and all the employees were fired. Why?
Kodak has not changed its ways like casio that has dropped some of its caliculators models. Many more famous companies who could not change have closed down.
HMT(watches), BAJAJ (scooters) DYANORA(TV), MURPHY (radio), NOKIA (mobile), RAJDOOT (bike), Ambassador (car), None of the above companies had bad quality. But simply these companies out of market.
Because they could not change themselves over time. Standing in the present moment you probably don't think how much the world could change in the next 10 years! And today's 70%-90% jobs will be completely over in the next 10 years.
Most schools that could not comprehend the changes still focus on Maths, Physics, Chemistry with Engineering or Medicine as the goal. Engineering has lost it charm due to low quality and over production of Engineering graduates. They are working in jobs that don't need any qualification. People have heard enough about Engineering.
MBBS is not as valuable as it was some 20 years ago. Its value is decreasing in Cities but rural area still holds some importance. We are already witnessing 15–20 and even more applications for a single MBBS job opening in the cities. The vaule of Pg and Residency in India caused concern. We see residents with sleepy eyes and hungry stomach working in wards listening to complaints of patients and even handle violence. Specialist degree holders have no guarantee to do well commercially.
If we educate children without understanding the needs of the world it becomes blind education. We must be able to understand the current trends in india and abroad and assess the future needs.
There is no work for new lawyers in America today, because a legal software called IBM Watson can advocate much better than any new lawyer. Of course experts can survive. Watson software can detect cancer and other diseases more accurately than humans.
England and America are reeling under the shock of technology and unemployment. From 2020 There is a sharp decline in the job market in England. There are no jobs for the locals. Americans are slowly sending Indians back to pavilion.
Eurpoe is going to be the new hope and destination of many professionals. Japan is another country that has welcomed Indians. Those who know one european language will have bright future whether in India or abroad.
Can you ever imagine a school that offers six foreign languages? Kridge is the only school that has introduced 6 foreign languages. French , German, Spanish, Italian, English , and Japanese.
Can you believe that students actually learn 6 foreign languages simultaneously? In K ridge the students learn one foreign language with an option of polyglotism which means learning many foreign languages.
Here the students go beyond academic orbit and embrace surprising talent which wins a special place and makes them highly sought after people in the world. This means they will not search for the jobs, jobs will search for them.
Along with Math , Physics, Chemistry , At K ridge the accent is on multiple talents like sports football, crecket, indoor games like chess, table tennis, shooting, music, singing and dance that take people by surprise. The focus is on sharpness of mind through polyglotism which is equalant to the ancient Indian art Avadhanam. K ridge has already created little polyglots with stunning performance.
Most schools are still struggling with English K ridge has gone so far ahead producing wonder kids. K- Ridge - cut above the rest .
Hello sir , as u said the world is changing very fast due to lot technologies and techniques that are introduced in each and every aspect.India is not the same as its in the past 20 or 10 years, it keeps on changing with new advanced technologies.Every individual should be advanced and match with the new technologies and change thier mindset. On the other side hats off to the Kridge school for introducing the 6 foreign languages program and beside the student’s co ordinating with them and mastering in the languages by which they will have a very good advantage in the future.