Eazy Foreign Languages

This blog is about German and French Language in Vijayawada. Articles, poems, songs and experiences of poolabala

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Anveshana 2020 Scene 5

Regina was driving steadily. She looked jolly. The gravel road was straight, broad and even without pot holes. The ride was thrilling. Forest does not always mean single straight road.   After a while there was a three roads junction. Regina could not decide which road to take. She slowed down. Giri from back said " Straight" The jeep went straight.  As she went ahead the gravel road ended. Here  the trees were thick and the road was narrow. Regina stuck her head out of the jeep and looked up to see the tree tops. The trees tops were too high to watch. She got neck pain. She brought her looks back to the ground. The jeep was going deeper and deeper into the jungle and it was getting darker and darker. "I don't see the bungalow. Giri, how far is the Bungalow?" She said. "Just 5 minutes" pat came the answer. Soon the jeep came to a place where there was a water flow across the way. " This is the same rivulet we crossed four miles ago. said Satya. "OMG!! It is such a long winding rivulet." said Regina. "This is called Cheeta water spot". said Giri.
The trees were taller and the branches of the trees intertwined with one another . The sky overhead is not visible here.  It resembles a huge umbrella over head. Regina turned on the headlights " Madam go ahead the water is shallow the jeep can go  In the headlights focus the stems of the trees look strange and eerie  "There is something uncanny here" said Satya. "What ?" Regina almost shouted. Giri said " Madam don't take Satya seriously he is a scaremonger, he propagates ghost stories. " for that matter you too are a scaremonger , you propagate tiger stories, don't you " Satya blamed Giri. It was amusing.  The jeep crossed the cheeta water spot. The road there after was tar road. It was up hill. The Bungalow came into sight. It was on a hillock. Satya took Regina's stroller suit case and moved faster to the door. hardly had he pressed the calling bell when the door opened. sweet chirping of birds is heard. Anasuya the cook stood with a friendly smile. "Welcome Madam " she said. What a pleasant sound, of the calling bell , must be that of a rare bird. said Regina. Yes madam the name of the rare bird is Anasuya. She is the cook cum ... before Giri finished Regina said " bird lover" No, bird teaser" corrected Satya. She started teasing the koel first and slowly started ... before satya finished Regina said imitating every bird. No, not imitating but irritating every bird. corrected Giri. Giri and satya shut up both of you. Madam hot water is ready, sit down on the sofa and relax, first take coffee. She sat on the sofa. Anasuya walked into the kitchen and fetched coffee.

The supper was served at 8.00 pm. The telephone rang. Anasuya picked up the receiver. She called Regina " call for you" she said. Jagapati is on the line. " Hello Regina, have you reached sage?  I am in Delhi. Tomorrow I will take the first flight and reach Andhra. We will have lunch in bungalow together. Bye the bye how are Giri and Satya? " Regina said , " I am safe just finished supper, Satya and Giri were quite courteous and helpful.  Anasuya is amazing! Jagapati laughed and said, " good night , see you tomorrow give the phone to Anasuya." She gave the phone to Anasuya. He was giving instructions to Anasuya. After the telephone conversation Regina began to feel better. She was shown room on the first floor. " Sir asked me to give you this room. The room was splendid  with a bed , cupboard  and a writing table. The large window is the main attraction to the room which welcomes cool breeze. "Good night Anasuya" said Regina and retired to bed. 

The view from the Bungalow

The next morning she woke up  and found herself in the lap of nature. The view of the hills from the window is rejuvenating her senses. Her heart was jumping out of the window. Her senses were craving to embrace the scenic beauty the window presents. She discovered new enthusiasm and adrenaline rush in her. The explorer in her woke up. She wanted to go, see the forest as soon as possible. just then she heard a sweet bird singing a marvelous tune. She looked through the window there was no bird at sight. Anasuya is standing at the door with coffee cup. Anasuya was amused but Regina was bemused. "We don't need alarm here." said Regina and laughed. Anasuya too laughed.

The Bungalow on the Hillock

When she got dressed up and came down into the hall Satya and Giri were waiting for her. "Madam today we are going to Village" said Giri. No Let us go to forest first I have to acquaint with the forest in order to start my work. Madam  the birds won't go away , you can start your work slowly.  Rose has beautiful petals and sharp thorns too. The forest has beautiful birds and the dangerous tiger too.  If there is a tiger in the forest I have a gun in my bag. Said Regina. Satya involved " you can shoot a tiger with the gun but can you shoot a ghost with the gun?" Satti , are you losing your mind? She has not taken breakfast yet, mind you! Satti alias Satya pulled a long face and went close to Anasuya " and whispered in her ear " Anu , don't call me Satti again before girls" He pleaded. Giri leaked the secret to Regina. She  laughed and said look my dear, my grandfather calls me Reggi, I don't mind. Be sportive Satti. Satya pounced on Giri for telling her the secret. After the quarrel ended the three had breakfast and left for the village. The station master said the forest is bordering on the village. but yesterday we could not see the village why? said Regina. " Because the forest has complex network of footpaths and roads, we took a road that leads to the bungalow directly. So, how far is the village from the bungalow? It is half kilometre from the Bungalow. Satya and Giri took her to the backyard of the Bungalow and showed her the village from atop. 

The back yard of the Bungalow


  1. It is really nice scene to imagine a scene in the forest. Early mornings are very nice imagine with all trees green and the sun rising from the middle.I wish I could go there and enjoy the nature.

  2. What a pleasant journey in the beautiful forest.Pics are superb sir

  3. It's really impressive sir. I have imagined the hole place which you have written. This is how I have to write it. Each and every blog is helping in improving my skills, Thank you sir.

  4. It knows sir everything joyful and we can feel it
