1.Mysterious Palms
That is
the mysterious village of Markand
In the beautiful cave -land
of Jharkhand
Nanda dynasty had once ruled
the land
The ancient stories
made it so grand
1.Mysterious Palms
That is
the mysterious village of Markand
In the beautiful cave -land
of Jharkhand
Nanda dynasty had once ruled
the land
The ancient stories
made it so grand
O purling brook! How many twists you took
Flowing through the green forest to the east
O beautiful damsel! how slender is your waist
How can a painter or a poet your beauty overlook
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Purling brook |
What do you carry reflecting God's beautiful taste
To poet's eyes you are a cute fan running in haste
In your run lies your beauty that by a rich poem traced
pictures fill the eyes but pictures by time's hand erased
O purling brook! How many twists you took
How many sharp rocks have kissed your waist
How many glens and ferns have you crossed
O purling brook you have the gentle lamb's look
you are a shining jewel on the green forest cover
The rhythm of this poem your beauty gonna discover
2. Strangers
Not all strangers bring us dangers
All Friends aren't plain but different trends
Most friends have invisible bends
in minds, don't have blind faith all friends
Many friends can't cross jealousy
you know that jealousy is dangerous sea
jealousy hinders friendship's flow
that make your friend sick and low
Plain hearted friends are few
How can you say who is who
Not all strangers bring us dangers
fake friends are worse than beggars
Best friends are emperors add to heart's rhyme
Between our hearts there is a smooth thread
You heart can't feel it when your head is dead
why are you so cold like a desert night
You are not too old to love, love is always right
Love makes life bright, love is life's right
Being loved is the beauty of life, stop the fight
When love commands life sleep in love's lap
Love is not a trap embrace love without gap
Walk into brighter tomorrow holding his hand
If walk hand in hand time can't you command
The path of love stretches long and thin
baulk not and go along you can life win
4. Sleep
O God of sleep hypnos!
Sitting on broken branches of thoughts
why are you watching the buzzing flies
Listen to what aching heart exhorts
Watch how the betrayed heart's cries
My mind is high jacked by serious doubts
and hopes of heart are still early sprouts
My fears wander in unknown jungle routes
and I stumble on my slumber in self disputes
O hypnos come and embrace me
please give me perfect sleep's key
A sudden chill caused dark impression
and pushed me into a terrible depression
O hypnos come and embrace me
please give me perfect sleep's key
5. Beauty of life
Black or white is not your sin
I don't hate the color of the skin
man or woman beauty lies within
that with beautiful thoughts begin
Figure without vigor is sickening
love grows with understanding
understanding begins with thinking
without that relations keep limping
what avail is currency without courtesy
without love and kindness you're at sea
Look at beauty's root don't be a bruit
Only then can you taste the life's fruit
you know beauty goes with age
consider life a sacred pilgrimage
6. Empty
Remember one day the earth will be empty
of you and me. Let's now celebrate it with tea
I know a few true friends of mine are kind
I am sure nothing about me they will find
interesting or worth keeping once I left
my memories will not leave them bereft
I have no children except books
they built wall and stopped people's looks
My name and fame bring me close to TV lens
but they build around me thick tall fence
I am happy with my verse and rhyme
but my rhyme splits me from my time
I shall take along with me the guilt
My time is up and no hope can be built.
7. Message
I walked on the beach watching waves
I shouted in delight in heart's caves
the weather is cool but the water is warm
I enjoyed the clam blue sea's charm
I crossed plains and climbed huge hills
The undulating hills are nature's frills
I played with birds and squirrels
they are lovely unforgettable thrills
I walked in the crowded alleys,
I ran in the sprawling valleys
people reminded me of my age
but I'm in search of God's message
I dance with glee singing soft and free
what dances in me is the beautiful poetry
Each theme rich, beautiful feelings fetch
but at times touch sorrowful feelings much
I sometimes sing melodious tunes of my soul
what happens is my mind goes out of control
the words and phrases look like latin and Greek
but the flow of the poem is soft like a creek
with archaic words it looks an antique
the themes and motifs make it mystique
The beautiful words my mind seize
I sing the poems in the cool breeze
Many people who stand around often wonder
I know that it is no wonder but God's splendor
9.The Guardian
There is a guardian. There is a flower
without the guardian. There is no flower
your deep love came like a shower
Love is the shower love is the power
The flower got wet and became a nut
who wants the nut who eats the bitter nut
No one wants its now the nut needs growth
The tiny nut prayed for the growth , took a firm oath
The sun gave light the guardian gave faith
the tiny nut early and late took the sun bathe
the tiny nut became a big sweet fruit
who is the fruit who kept guard give your thought
10. Bless me
Bless me with riches but first with honesty
for without honesty there is no gravity
unchanging honesty is the greatest grace
without honesty I wander in outer space
Bless me with glamour but first good culture
Or I will be a prey to some foreign vulture
Ah! I don't have the greed of glamour
of any foreign land. I don't need a manor
by robbing my neighbour in any manner
I need no glory than my country's banner
Let there be true belief in the knowledge
for nation's relief pledge to sit on its edge
Let my language be my ornament
Let mother tongue be my sentiment.
1.Freedom after Marriage
Most men are not wise freedom-wise
Freedom comes only to the wise
Men after marriage their whole life resize
They submit their secrets to their prize
Later man becomes a mouse in the device
The wife can then suitable music devise
Man should spend remaining life in dance
dancing to wife's tune he hardly gets a chance
for freedom except now and then a glance
He glances sideways but can hardly advance
Slowly man begin working on wife's goals
who otherwise trolls and controls
Most men are not wise freedom wise
Freedom comes only to the wise
2. Day Dream
Freedom before marriage is an ice cream
Marriage is every young man's dream
But freedom after marriage is a day dream
for man or woman freedom is supreme
Marriage is a scheme freedom is not its theme
After marriage starts wife's despotic regime
you must comply with her orders extreme
or you are scorched in her eye's ultra violet beam
Later it's no help even if you apply Burnal cream
after marriage freedom is simply day dream
Marriage makes woman a queen and enhances esteem
it makes man a guard and driver and gives him steam
If married people claim freedom without shy
trust them because they have freedom lie
3.Slavery comes in guise
Slavery comes in guise, Slavery comes twice
with a nasty dead end job or wrong marriage ties
For sure they form life's unimaginable burden
They pull curtain to fun and make life uncertain
Youth that seems shining in corporate jobs
for sure realize slavery in midnight sobs
A young man whose goal is foreign country
for sure he realizes what freedom is on his reentry
into his own country
O young man why do you hate your roots
Discover your culture and enjoy its fruits
Don't be nuts never pick nuts in farther farm
there is no harm to stay warm in your farm
Nothing goes wrong if you stay here and eat rice
Many people who went abroad paid the price
4.Freedom of Speech
Where are you Freedom of speech
You are out of commoner's reach
You are meant for the neo-rich
the poor man can't a rich man touch
with his freedom of speech
How well designed you are
How well defined you are
You lie in code book very far
How pretty you are like a star
You can speak truth for truth's sake
If you the mafia lords angry make
it might the country shake or put it at stake
Snow den might realize it is a big mistake
Take enough of freedom of speech
Lest it should your life impeach
5. Advice
Mr. Husband
Who the hell your freedom snatches?
When you serve batches after batches
and sit tired looking at your scratches
How the hell she freedom snatches?
You have the right to loosen and relax
How can she your right to freedom tax
when you relax and eat some snacks
Tell me who the hell that attacks
Be a freeman kick your lady boss
you don't need this job or its gloss
Mr. Friend
The lady boss is my niece
whom I married in caprice
I can neither this job resign
nor I can a moment recline.
6.Life's thunder
Don't think too much of freedom
until it generates serious boredom
If freedom is your spurious need
It can certainly be a serious weed
don't vainly for freedom search
Freedom doesn't some people match
Don't act free, while searching for ration
It comes from man's deep passion
If you to money surrender
and simply yourself render
people your freedom plunder
don't beg freedom. It's a blunder
Freedom is a wonder
It is the life's thunder
7.What freedom means
I have no freedom, it is a pity
I want to live in a big city
but I am in a small middle town
I never asked my father for his crown
Always why does he at me frown
His frown keeps my spirits down
I never asked for his kingdom
I am only obsessed with freedom
Freedom means a lot to the teens
it is not just limited to jeans
its Harley Davidson and a gun
Poor dad can't understand his son
I am currently in small town in prison
when I come out I pursue my vision
8.Freedom comes tomorrow
My dear coward and half dead head
Your spirit of freedom can not go ahead
If your heart is filled with sheer fear
Don't waste for freedom a single tear
Mere worry can't bring freedom near
Freedom is meant for whose head is clear
whose blood in heart can be the source
of courage to encourage freedom's course
you either compromise or economize
And you think that you are wise
Unless you brace up your bravery
what embraces you is only slavery
wait for it, no one can freedom buy or borrow
write it on the wall "freedom comes tomorrow"
9.Freedom is heaven
Early this morning escaped a thought of mine
perhaps it belongs to Kolar gold mine
with that my personality could be reshaped
without that my mind will be scraped
It's thought of freedom I must unearth
It is that thought that gave me rebirth
without that I am a living death
soon my search became a research
I searched the coral reef, the mountain cliff,
finally I ended my long search with a sniff
I realized and stopped looking for it outside
I started feeling the freedom from inside
fortunately I found two things inside
Yes, freedom and heaven are inside
10. Spiritual Freedom
Earth is his seat sky is his shelter
He doesn't care summer or winter
He is the sage in meditation
nothing can disturb his concentration
It is the bleak morning of October
His bare body has a serious exposure
to cold all the day that on the rock lies
It is night fall he hasn't opened his eyes
He sits like a rock on a rock
He counts not the clock
Day and night he doesn't distinguish
He hasn't had a simple wish
He doesn't even think of freedom
That is the absolute spiritual freedom
1.Solitary Poet
Oh solitary poet in the gloomy graveyard
why hangest here for a promenade
The night is cold and the scene is dreadful
Why is the smile on your lips so wistful?
Screeching owls squawking rooks
flickering flame all hopes in wrecks
what of your fame that reached apogee
why wanderst thou like a refugee
Abundant tombs, withered wreaths
souls sauntering without sheaths
This is what remains when life ends
No one ever death transcends
Too short is life's window
Bygone is all but a shadow
2. Fate's Puppet
Ah I burned all my youthful time at home
churning my mind and building my own tomb
I had the dream with my fiancée to roam
But alas crooked time has build my love's doom
where ever I went I had flowers and garlands
people in distant lands to my work folded hands
My name crossed frame and passed like a popular song
My fame burned like a torch and went with a bang
My middle age witnessed little bit of tension
To my health I started paying attention
to dim a eye love seems like a perversion
I dared not decide and kept it in suspension
I now go to grave with drums and trumpets
Men at fate's disposal are always puppets
3. Urgent Farewell
Living in a prestigious palace built of marble
Wearing rich apparel whose colors always sparkle
Moving in luxurious vehicles feeling like a king
you never thought what time's hand armed with a sling
can throw at you and what it can suddenly bring
Oh king so soon the time's sling made you a thing
while you are still healthy and young
Oh! still shines your queen's engagement ring
your vision is filled with great dreams
of success and winning business schemes
Who knows how soon the death bells knell
no one can ever tell or redeem the time's spell
When death warrants, life never waits to farewell
so sudden and unknown is death you can't smell
Heaven's guest
Death cant me scare it is a never ending sleep
the bitter truth is that I've forgotten how to sleep
writing day and night I have gone into letters deep
Oh loving friend! don't any flowers keep
Don't ever cry at my grave, go read my verses
discover the rhythm that surely your heart nurses
If you sit and sing my songs my spirit you surround
I sing with you, for sure discover me singing around
Death can my breath squeeze but can't me scare
I might my body lose my spirit can thoughts wear
I always lived in thoughts and thoughts never die
Death never touches me so don't at my grave cry
Body is always a pest when you have the writing quest
You lack nothing when you die, you are heaven's guest
5.Life is not a Big deal
Worry not! Life is not a big deal
It is a matter of turning wheel
between two strings it's God's spiel
a string to body and a string to soul
no one knows what is maker's goal
mortal man's part is to play his role
Life may not everyday glow
but receives blow after blow
happiness is just a moment's show
trouble and grief have their own row
Worry not! Life is not a big deal
It is a matter of turning wheel
worry not if you cease to be
Death is certainly rebirth's key
6. Emptiness
Remember not those beautiful moments
which reflect life's lavish endowments
When the golden glory goes to rodents
Remember not all the antecedents
forget not that each beautiful moment
is followed by its deadly opponent
pleasure with pain, sun with rain
but everything is different on death plain
complete joy and unlimited rest
in silence under the earth's crust
no worldly attractions to lure
no fear of rejection or failure
A vast nothingness, symbol of emptiness
and the spindle of ultimate happiness
7. Cicada, owl and wild wind.
Since long I am here in this house
The roof is so low and apt for a mouse
It is always dark here but I have no fear
but how long I live here is not clear
Oh where is my moon where is my Sun
I could see only my weeping wife and son
She sits so close and keeps a red rose
on the roof and sings a song then goes
The song that we sang on wedding day
my son was not gay cuz house began to decay
I don't know what happened to my mill
I don't know how long should I chill
I am left all alone without a friend
except cicada, owl and wild wind.
8. Grand funeral
let the funeral procession be grand
hire the monstrous musical band
Let fireworks have the upper hand
Let the whole town shake with sound
Let the funeral procession be grand
Stop the traffic and make his brand
everywhere let flex banners be hanged
make it grand, write it on beach sand
Let the funeral procession be grand
paint his name on hill and hand
Let the death news , whole media command
and demand mourners until the world understand
That someone so humble so noble
passed away and his death is a modal.
9. Death
Death is an iron curtain to restless struggle
a prolonged pause to the worthless juggle
a much awaited recess to stay on different level
an uninvited mess to play with many a devil
in eerie world you see many dark shadows
that befriend your ghost which foreshadows
your nights in which you see grisly sights
filled with muffled cacophonous fights
Death is an iron curtain to restless struggle
a prolonged pause to the worthless juggle
a much awaited recess to stay on different level
an uninvited mess to play with many a devil
Future life may be myth but death is truth
Truth is beauty and truth will your soul sooth
10. Journey
everybody comes, everybody goes
no one knows where everybody goes
man or woman , king or queen
nobody returns that is the routine
Life is routine. It's never ending journey
with births and deaths it's a weird tourney
skip or jump but you have to run
Shun your fear dun your skin run and run
If your breath is out you are done
If you want rest leave the skin
God is the judge to Him it is fun
walk or jump but you cant jump higher
than God. He sets the rules He's the umpire
He is the hedge God is the judge