Eazy Foreign Languages

This blog is about German and French Language in Vijayawada. Articles, poems, songs and experiences of poolabala

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Nissim Ezkeil - Radio talk

Read Nissim Ezekiel  poetry or listen to the Radio talk of poolabala. Ezekeil's  poetry reveals not only the beauty of his philosophy but also the ugly side of Indian society - the terrible insecurity of minorities in his childhood before Independence. India never changed because the politicians never stopped their ugly religion game. 

 He writes in his poem Background and Casually that he went to Roman catholic school in Mumbai where  the Christian boys thought that he killed the Christ because he was a jew. The Muslim boys also hated him nor did the Hindus understand him. Since his childhood days India has been facing the same problem.  Most people quickly connect to religion or caste than to thought. People are tuned to caste and religion by politicians. 

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