Alekhya and Adya are two of the three bridesmaids and Grace is third bridesmaid for Sheetal's marriage. Sheetal was common friend of Alekhya and Adya who was recently engaged. They went to a spa in the afternoon had massage and aroma therapy. Then they went to Margaux one of the bridesmaids' friends flat for drinks and food and a bit of a house party. There were four other ladies at Margaux's place. They were all on the sofa with lots of fancy clothes around. " Margaux has opened her wardrobe again?" said Alekhya as she entered. Margaux wardrobe exhibition" said D'Souza the interior designer. They are the common friends of bridesmaids, wealthy women of the city. The glossy tiled floor showed their reflection. They are the reflection of the high class society.
Margaux served lunch with prawns, chicken and several vegetable curries. When they finished the lunch they sat in sofas watching the big TV in the auditorium like hall. They saw Ramp walk on FTV for sometime. Later they walked like the ramp models. They forced Sheetal to walk like a ramp model. Sheetal was shy. She changed the channel to MTV. "
Her husband must tell her to walk." Said Alekhya. "with clothes on or off? said D'souza. Sheetal had convulsions with shyness. They all laughed. The big Tv was showing songs. They watched songs on MTV cutting adult jokes. A song showing the flashes of a stripper dancing in a club caught their attention. The ladies around got cosy with one another on the sofas. Margaux in white shorts and black T shirt walked to the pole and started doing sexy pole dance. The women were jealous of her skin tone. The music was loud. Grace moved to Alekhya. All women turned their heads from the TV screen to her dance. Their eyes were fixed on her body movements. She was dancing around the pole with erotic movements. She kissed and licked the pole, turned her leg around the pole and suspended her weight on the leg. She performed several acrobatic like rolling, contorting, twisting that showed her perfect control on her body. She showed the five elements of the pole dance - body, action, space, time and energy.
When she stopped the dance. There was a big applause. Alekhya introduced Grace and Margaux to each other. She said " She is Margaux a French girl born in Pondecherry. Her childhood was spent Auroville. She is a model. She walked the ramp in Lakme fashion week at Mumbai." Grace said " Glad to meet you." Alekhya continued "She is Grace. Her Husband is the biggest shrimp Exporter. They have a Meenakshi exports near zoo park."
Oh! Meenakshi aqua I have seen it several times. Is it yours! glad to meet to Grace, what do you do?" said Margaux. Later Alekhya introduced another lady. " She is D'souza interior designer. She has the biggest interior company in the city." Margaux and D'souza shook hands. Alekhya introduced Chitra. "She is Chitra. Her husband has a cement factory. She is one of the directors." Wow! said the others. When Husband is the owner the wife must be the director like you. said Adya to Alekhya. " She is also the director for the husband." said Alekhya. My foot! only director , I am the owner of my husband." said Adya.
Sheetal smiled. Adhya looked at Sheetal and winked. Today I will make a special arrangement to make her shy free" said Adya. Adya took her phone and made a few calls later she gave them the plan of going out to a club in the evening. Grace questioned Adya with looks about the evening party. "I had booked the hotel and cocktails and other important things. We have a bachelorette party- a gathering" for a bride before she marries." to give more clarity to Grace Alekhya added "You heard about stag party?" Yes, said Grace." It is exactly like that. it is called hen party."
How soon it is dark said Adya. Time flies in good company. said D'souza. They started their cars to the Fillies club near circuit house. They were all excited about the ensuing bachelorette , did not care to park their cars well and dashed into the club.
The party began with cocktails and a male stripper. He is in boxers and t-shirt. The music started. He started dancing showing agile acrobatic movements. He darted through the ladies touching their bodies. One of the ladies pulled his t-shirt. He went to the pole and twirled his body around the pole showing his muscular and fit body. He got off from the pole and danced on the floor. D'souza started dancing with him. Later Alekhya and Adya joined him. They started dancing together. While obviously there was the flirting, the touching and some kissing, nobody crossed the line.
"How the married women can have such a fun. This sort of fun ruins families" said the bride. "Nobody is going to elope with the stripper. It is only flirting." said Adya. Grace was only a silent spectator. The stripper touched Grace. She did not respond. He came and kissed d'Souza. " This is the last chance of freedom, enjoy it." d'Souza pushed the stripper to Sheetal and said.
"I can not do all this with a total stranger." said Sheetal. I believe one man to a woman." She added. Alekhya flew off the handle "There is nothing wrong if you want only one man in life you have that right but you don't disregard or lookdown upon others because they are not prudish like you." She said. "Nobody is going to sleep with the stripper. It is only flirting." said Adya. " After living with a man you will become wise." said Margaux and pulled the boxers of the stripper who started dancing with the underwear.
He was doing dubstep breaking his slender body much the same way as the belly dancer he moved every part of his body separately. The music changed changing the mood of the auditorium . The stripper started Bop dance. He is not breaking the parts of the body like before, he is shaking each part of the body quite rhythmically first the back , and then the chest. he repeated shaking them successively. Then he shifted his focus to other parts of the body. With the push and a swing in the body he looked like tennis ball bouncing in the auditorium swallowing a spring. Grace felt sure that dancing was designed to sexually stimulate and prepare the man and woman for the ritual. To grace it appeared like Yakshini pooja to gain the favour of the goddesses of fertility and motherhood. She said "He is an exotic entertainer." "Before things get out of control I must get out." said Sheetal and left. Grace followed her.
A old Maruti van stopped near the fields of Gorapalle village in the vicinity of Sabbavaram. Mareedu got out of the van and yelled at the peasants working in the field. They came running to him. He took a mega phone and said " hallelujah" when all the men and women working in the field stood before him. They too said "hallelujah". How is your daughter's life? Has your son in law took her back? " Yes he is looking after her well" Praise the lord." All peasants clapped enthusiastically except a young woman.
Mareed asked her " why did you not clap?" My husband has not quit drinking." She complained. Have you paid one tenth of your earnings to 'God?" She said " I have no income from my husband. He is a drunkard." She complained. " That is where you are doing a big mistake. God is angry with you. He will look after those who paid the tenth of their income." The young woman looked frightened Mareedu continued " Look my dear brothers I know that some of you not giving money to God and saving it for them. To them I say on behalf of God , you are not just keeping the money but keeping your troubles and sorrows with you."
He started praying for them loudly. He did not see Nagireddy's car parked on the other side of the road. He did not bother who was watching him from the car. He finished his prayer and went to his van put the mega phone in the van. He brought a bag that has small packets of Mithai. Lord's prasadam to you. take it. " An old man gave Mareedu a pack of currency and said " I have saved this money for God. I have always kept it with me in my loin cloth. I did not give you although you are visiting every Sunday and praying for us. I was hesitant to give you. Now I have a reason to give you." said the old peasant.
Is your chest pain subsided? asked Mareedu. " Leave alone chest pain. It may go with me." Mareedu did not understand what he was driving at. You have spending more than one tenth of you income on the van travel. who will give you money!" said the old peasant and offered the pack of currency to Mareedu. " hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah" said Mareedu and took the money. Seeing this the other peasants are moved. They all offered him their share." The van moved.
Bairi and Nagi watching from the car window looked at each other. Then they looked at the white clothes clad, a pastor Joseph Venkateswarulu in their church. "Have you understood anything?" said Nagireddy.
Bairreddy: This is why our church is not doing well.
Nagireddy: What do you mean?
Bairreddy : we have only 20 customers. The revenue is small. Off course! Mareedu is good at delivering the word of God.
Pastor : I have a Diploma in Bible course mind you. The people coming to church are not called customers but believers. You should say we have just 20 believers.
The pastor's advice irked Bairi. He instantly said "Go to hell with your Bible course. If I wear white and white and have the Bible in hand I am the pastor. First learn to handle people like him"
He is a pick-pocket" said Venkateswarulu
Are we entrepreneurs? said Bairreddy.
"You don't know the story of our ancestors." said Nagireddy and sarted the car. The car was going to Sabbavaram. "They are they are legendary people." Nagireddy raised his voice
Pastor" Yes their faces are on the walls of the police station. Tell innocent guys about your
grandeur, not to me." the pastor raised his voice. Nagireddy discovered jeopardy in his face. why do you raise your voice? Don't be a rowdy. shouted Bairreddy.
Nagireddy: Rowdies are extraordinary people with matchless guts. Most of our politicians are rowdies and criminals. Yet they become MLAs, Ministers, Chief ministers and wield power. As long as they are in power, the media showers accolades on them.
Pastor: A man in power often appears in news and hogs on the limelight. People praise him for favours and wait at his door steps. They are depicted as saviours as long as their kith and kin promote them. Chief minister whose son becomes chief minister shows his father as a great leader. An actor whose son becomes an actor shows his father as a great actor. They are soon forgotten when the heirs stop promoting them. Promotion is their strength. subhash chandrabose is a great leader without promotion. S.V.Rangarao is a great actor without promotion.
Talking as if he has seen everything ' Bairreddy threw sly comments.
Yes , it happens everyday before your eyes. Remember Simhachalam.
The car was crossing a new real estate venture Royal Estates.
It is Simhachalam's new venture. said joseph Venkateswarulu.
He is robbing people by offering low quality houses with exorbitant prices!
He is offering something what are you offering?
Nagirreddy stopped the car. He was so angry that he might punch in the face of the pastor.
I mean you are more intelligent than the MLA. He is a fool. said the pastor.
The car was going. Which MLA has earned 2000 crores. Both brothers are listening to him in anticipation of further news about Simhachalam. The pastor kept quiet.
Nagireddy became peevish and said " Has he earned 2000 crores?"
Do you know the networth of Palu Dinakaran?
Who is he? said Nagireddy. He is the son of D.G.S Dinakaran. He earned crores by promoting prayers in Tamilnadu. He was a bank employee who resigned his job for prayers.
He started a prayer tower in Chennai in 1973. His son today owns 100 prayer towers.
Nagireddy: I want to grow like that
But your brother's focus is elsewhere. said the pastor
The car reached Sabbavaram main road. Vidisha and mother were seen at a local store.
Bairreddy : Nagi stop the car. I want to buy something.
I know what you want. Don't get down. said Nagireddy.
I am trying to ask Penchalayya's daughter for you. She is a beautiful girl.
Vidisha was walking across the road. They were passing car but did not see who is in the car. Bairreddy took his phone and shooting. Vidisha is wearing cream colour full skirt and maroon blouse. Her breast and back is very prominent in the side angle. The mother has obstructed the view. he could not capture her curves. " Shit! She is a big obstruction in my pursuit of the honey. Said bairreddy. He kept staring until they disappeared.
The car moved again. After a minute when Nagireddy was coming to his village home he said " I don't know what you do our believers must be doubled in next three months. Can we grow like that? " I don't know that but Mareedu is on the way. Penchalayya has grown ..."before joseph venkateswarulu has finished " How much has he earned?" said Bairreddy.
Yesterday IT people got 50 lakhs from his car boot. He has 20 churches with big network of believers and some of his churches are backed up by foreign funds. Joseph Venkateswarulu got off the car and said " Never try to ask him for his daughter" Nagireddy was speechless.
It is Sunday and the time is 12.00 PM There are few guests in Trinetra bar at Sabbavaram. The empty roads are shining with the bright rays of the sun. People are going hurriedly to their destinations. Bairi sat together drinking beer.
Bairi : How is the beer? Are you enjoying.
Koti : The beer is cool. The weather is hot out side. The sun is scorching.
Bairi :we can have biryani together. I miss you a lot Koti. You are not seen for a long time.
Koti :Off course! I was in Rajahmundry (jail) for the last six months.
Bairi pulled out a photo from his shirt pocket and placed it on the table. He covered her face. She is wearing a purple skirt and white mantle that covered her young breasts. Her naval was exposed. " Pretty deep" Beautiful damsel. He kissed the navel and kissed the breasts. Just then Sandeep entered the bar snatched the photo and slapped Bairreddy.
Bairreddy laughed and said " your life is not in the photo. It's in this letter." He showed a letter. " Sandeep kept staring at the letter.
Sandeep: Bairi I have trusted you and I have learnt the lesson in the hard way. You are not behaving like a friend. You are worse than a blackmailer.
Bairreddy remembered his brother's plan about Penchalayya's daughter. He made himself as smooth and as bland as possible and said "Sandeep! you have struggled for this letter, made rounds to my church, begged me kicked me for this letter and we had fighting. I never opened your secret before anybody. What does it mean? You treated me as enemy. You are able to slap me because I have the feeling that we are friends.
Sandeep : If it is true, at least now give me the letter!
Bairi: Will you trust me as a friend then?
Sandeep: Yes I will.
Bairi : Yes I will give but on one condition.
Sandeep : What is that?
Bairi: You have to sit and drink beer with me. Here is the letter.
Sandeep was too happy to take the letter and photo. Bairi ordered another beer.
While Sandeep was drinking they finished Biryani.
"He is koti, my friend" said Bairi. Koti smiled, Sandeep smiled uncomfortably. Sandeep quickly finished his beer. They got out of the Bar " Why don't we go to the cinema?" said Bairi to Sandeep. It is a new release we don't get tickets.
Koti laughed and said " I am there, I will look after the tickets"
No not necessary I must go I am not feeling well. said Sandeep.
You are in tension otherwise nobody takes beer that fast" " Yes he is in tension, because he is in love with a girl of big family. Koti laughed and said " If you have any problem with her family members tell me I am an experienced hand. I am coming from Rajahmundry. He briefly explained his profile. Sandeep has shivering in his spine. " Koti, stop harping on the same string. It needs a different measure. You can't use the same key for all locks."
Sandeep quickly crossed the road and vanished.
Koti kept staring at him.
Then they walked to the cinema. Where they met Mareedu. Mareedu greeted them. Bairreddy and koti stayed at a distance . " You came for the movie?" said Mareedu. Koti did not respond. Mareedu grasped that they are planning something and left them.
They both felt relieved after Mareedu had gone.
Koti took the tickets easily despite a large crowd at the theatre. Many people were taking selfies to post in the social media. They want to boast that they have seen their favourite actor's movie on the first day. When they entered the cinema. The audience were entering.
Bairi :I need your help
Koti :Tell me !
Bairi: showed vidisha's photo.
Koti : killing a girl ? No, I can not.
Bairi : Kidnapping
Koti : I stopped working for beer and Biryani?
Bairi : Dropped a pack of currency.
Koti : I need my share.
Bairi : squeezed his collar .
Koti: freed his collar from Bairi. and said " That is my deal. I give you my place you can keep her in my place for a week and enjoy everyday. I bring her to the room. I take the risk.
Bairi: How is it possible? First tell me the plan.
Koti: It is possible. It is possible tonight. Her father is admitted in Local Raghavendra hospital. She is taking food to her father. She goes at 8.00 PM on the main road.
Bairi: How do you know all these things?
Koti : We are thieves right? No problem if the police is lazy or blunt but a thief should know everything. He should be sharp.
Bairi: You mean We? We are thieves?
Koti : Ok You are a gentleman. ok?
Bairi : We are thieves. The first one is ok. But she goes by auto. It is a public road.
Koti: The auto stand is 500 meters away from the hospital after the banyan tree. we can catch her under the banyan tree. If we fail we miss her. We need a car.
Bairi : Don't worry I hire a car.
Koti : It is very risky. That will become a solid proof.
Bairi : Ok I will get my brother's car.
The movie began but Bairreddy could not concentrate on the movie. He was fantasizing sex with his dream girl. Every movement of the heroine brought Vidisha to his mind. He waited for the relief . He waited for the finish of the movie. As he came out of the cinema he took Marijuana cigarette and got some relaxation.
I will go home ad get the car. he said to Koti. It is dangerous to keep the car out side for a long time. said Koti. Bairreddy appreciated his wisdom and took him to the bar. He ordered beer to kill time. Bairreddy drank slowly three bottles of beer. Then he went home and brought Innova car at 7.45. They went to the banyan tree and parked the car.
"Our brothers have broken another tube light. Actually there used to be two tube lights on either side of the tree in two hundred meters distance. I saw one tube light yesterday. They broke it last night. This is the third in this week. He said. I can see only two broken lights here said Bairreddy. " The third one is at Pochamma temple" Tea stall veerraju's wife meets one of our friends there. The light is a disturbance you see." said Koti with an ugly grin. "It seems you have command on every inch of this village." Bairi was stunned.
Vidisha was walking from the hospital. They got off the car and stood behind the tree. Both have palpitation. It was a tense moment in my life. Said Bairreddy looking at Kotireddy. " don't talk don't look at me. look straight at the target. The target is coming. you go sit in the car and start. ordered Koti. Bairreddy was ready. When the innocent deer came near the car door, like a tiger he pounced on her and pushed her in. The car moved. But here came the unexpected. They never expected what she could do inside the car. She twisted and turned violently that pushed Koti from controlling to beating her. He gave her a good beating. He fell in the back seat. Both felt lucky. They hardly know that she was only acting unconscious.
Koti where is your house?
Don't use the name stupid you!
Tell me where is your house?
The witch house in Dongalamarri
Bairreddy felt a dynamite blown in his heart. " What?! Is it your house?" He said.
That is a safe place, I will never even tell my place to anybody like your brother who has a house behind Saibaba temple. How do you know? " said Bairreddy. "I also know he will not be there" Bairreddy realized that he has unnecessarily taken him into the deal.
Koti put his hand on Vidisha's breast and fondled smoothly. unimaginably a lightening punch has blown off his nose. Koti gave a loud cry. His nose started bleeding. The car slowed down but next moment it gathered speed. The struggle in the back seat increased. He pressed Vidisha's neck on the back seat falling on her. Vidisha connected her leg to his stomach and gave him a kick. Hands are pressed down. she transferred all action to her legs. A series of kicks made him yell. The car was terribly shaking. " the shaking car will give a clue of kidnap, take left turn and take the car to the building in construction." said Koti screaming with pain. He took out knife and put it on Vidisha's neck and stuck it a little. She remained silent.
Bairreddy stopped the Innvoa in front of the five storied building. Vidisha thought that first he would get out and wait to catch her hand below the shoulder or hair. But something unintelligent move - Koti having received good kicks and fists, for two seconds touched his nose to wipe the blood. His hand involuntarly pressed the button the door. Vidisha kicked open the back door and koti was thrown off the car. She ran into the building and started climbing the stairs. It was dark all over. The building was in fields. Bairreddy ran after her on the stairs but his head was hanging. He was giddy. He tried to run but settled on the stairs. Vidisha also sat quietly on the fifth floor. Half an hour passed. Vidisha looked around there was a truck that passed very close to the building. It was carrying building material. She wanted to shout but stopped. She saw Koti lay unconscious in the fields.
It was 10.00 PM. Ahalya was waiting for her daughter. She was tense and her
heart was throbbing. She heard the moo of Laxmi from the front yard. She saw through the window. It was slightly drizzling. In
her tension she forgot to transfer Laxmi into the shed. She went into the front
yard, untied her and took her into the shed. The baby cow Lakshmi's daughter moved close to mother. She came back and stood at the window,
waiting for her her daughter. She got startled when she saw her daughter
trudging in. In ruffled and torn clothes shattered hair a completely
dishevelled Vidisha looked like a soldier coming from battle field. Vidisha
came in, fell on mother's shoulders. She started wailing in weak and muffled
voice. She sensed that the grisliest and most untoward had happened. But she
could not guess. Ahalya's heart broke and she hugged her daughter
with agonised heart that was whimpering like a whipped cat.
Vidisha explained between sobs "Amma, I
kicked the thieves and escaped." She conveyed that she had escaped unraped. Her
struggle to establish that virginity is untampered had led to mother's trauma. Ahalya started crying. She had mixed feelings of happiness, grief and thankfulness. She was happy as her daughter came alive and unhurt. Her daughter's suffering and misery led to grief. Naturally grief ( process of suffering ) leads to sorrow ( the result of suffering) but her overwhelming thankfulness to Goddess Durga has overpowered her sorrow. " Durga mata has protected you. She is never unkind to her child." She wiped her daughter's tears while still she was in her embrace.
Vidisha explained
what transpired right from the ambush and capture at the banyan tree, the car scuffle to miraculous escape from the five storied building. " One thief was unconscious at the car the other thief was semiconscious otherwise...." Vidisha stopped. Her eyes were filled with tears " otherwise.... they would have...." Her voice blurred. Ahalya wiped off her tears " In the blink of an eye you kicked the thief opening the door. You are the symbol of outstanding courage and quickness. Having done such a good job you should not cry." Said Ahalya and consoled Vidisha.
She looked at the moving shadows outside the house. They are the shadows of leaves. "What If they come back , her man is not at home" when that thought crossed her mind a chill crept down her spine. Ahalya shuddered like a tender leaf. She was gripped by morbid fear. It is the plight( risk of ensuing danger) that makes her more miserable than the misery (pain and unhappiness) itself. Her anguished heart frantically searched ways to end the imminent agony but destiny had a different resolve which the night transpired.
Dasara fervour has gripped the passengers. The government is running 179 special trains to manage the festival rush. Passengers in New Delhi railway station are bustling and jostling boisterously. Bharatavarsha reached the New Delhi railway station an hour in advance to make the New Delhi -Visakha Festival Special train. He has decided to wait in the executive lounge.
He got into the executive lounge at New Delhi Railway Station. It was fully airconditioned and fully carpeted with luxury loungers, wooden panelled walls, elegant drapery and stunning interiors. When he learned that it is open for everyone. EVERYONE! No class preferences. Bharatavarsha thought that the train travel is changing in India.
He was relaxing on the lounger. As he turned his head he was pleasantly surprised to see the chemistry lecturer Parameswarrao. They greeted each other. I am going to visakha by special train, you? said Paramesh. " Me too" said Bharatavarsha.
Paramesh: I came here to see my parents who live in the South Ex. Have you left Visakha? Have you joined any job here?
Varsha : I came here to participate in Falcon publishers writers meet. The publisher has felicitated some writers for their English fiction and poetry. I haven't joined any job but I came for the job interview of an Editor.
Paramesh: I know Falcon publisher. In Andhra we don't know about it. But it is a reputed publishing house in the north. They also offer a cash prize, don't they?
Varsha: Yes, they do. I go the first prize.
First prize?! Amazing ! Wonderful! Congratulations! Dr. Bharatavarsha. In fact any educated man is proud of you leave alone the college students they are all your fans and the lecturers are your admirers. You will scale greater heights in life. I wonder how to tolerated the false allegations of the management.
Varsha: Did you know the allegations? Do you believe it could happen?
Paramesh: We heard their allegations against you. Nandini left the staffroom with tears. The whole college witnessed. Nobody has seen what happened inside the staff room. only you two were there in the room. They levied sexual molestation charges. we never believed. Nobody believed their accusations against you. But why did they do it? no one is able to make out.
Varsha: It is a drama orchestrated by Nagireddy out of vengeance. His brother assaulted a young girl. I stood by her side and helped her lodge police complaint.
Paramesh: Why did you quit? Isn't it accepting your guilt? Why are you silent?
It is a planned attack. The chairman called me to his room and asked me to explain why Nandini went out of the staffroom with tears. I told him what happened. He alleged that I have sexually molested the girl. I asked them to call the girl. They were unwilling. They were only interested in repeating the charges but they don't want to bring the victim before me.
Paramesh: She calls the chairman uncle. I heard that she is the daughter of chairman's brother. Her parents must come into scene it the charges are true or if they are serious. Who is her father?
Varsha: I don't know that all I know is Nandini is not a liar. She is an innocent girl. I don't think that she even knows this drama. I know that it is personal vendetta of Nagaraju. Off course! Threatening to publicize the new they could successfully cause personal embarrassment. If Nandini accepts they can cause public embarrassment.
When I seek justice to a poor girl this is the price I must pay.
The special train came with 20 coaches heaving 720 passengers. Bharata arrived at Waltair station at 4.30 AM. He has alighted the train and walked over the foot over bridge with his suitcase in his hands. This journey has given him some relief and space to think.
He took auto and reached Anandanilayam at 5.00. Malini and Manju have woken up. He stood at the entrance and looked at the Radhamanohara creeper. The blossoms greeted him with a smile. He gently touched them. The rhythm of Mrudangam touched his ears. A zephyr passed over his body and touched the blossoms. They began dancing in the air. His heart was dancing in the back ground of Mrudangam and his heart began singing.
Where is the Heaven of eternal mirth
What avail is the heaven after death?
The twinkling stars in the sky's closet
fade at the sight of your bedecked bonnet
The soft vernal wind these blossoms kiss
They gently dance and bring my eyes the real bliss
What avail is the heaven's berth?
when the heaven is not on the earth
Radiant shiny lustre has no dearth
pretty blossoms smile and joys unearth
These are nymphets with beautiful curves
These are tiny poets my mood serves
Who's the fool to miss the seamless joys
These blossoms are my heart's choice.
When he turned back Manjusha Malini Kesava and Lakuma were around. your poem shows your sentimental attachment to the flowers it is wonderful, girls love flowers like this, you are so sensitive like a girl. said Lakuma. " Those days are gone when girls loved flowers. Modern age girls are different they love stunt bikes." retorted Bharatavarsha. Lakuma was agape. " It is just a joke! He laughed "How traditional !your look is totally changed "
" Not just look her habits changed too! she has already taken bath" Said Kesava. " O my God ! I must appreciate Manjusha for that!" said Varsha. "Don't appreciate her if you give an inch she will take a mile." Said Malini. Kesava took the suitcase and walked in. If fact all are earlier risers, there are no late raisers" Said Malini. Varsha got into bathroom , took bath and wore Dhoti and Kurta as usual.
When he came out Manjusha has opened the suitcase. She found several books written by her Brother. She took all the books and put them in two rows. of ten each. " What have you brought for your sisters?" said Manjusha. " whatever is brought you have to share equally" said Malini. Yes take my latest books equally each one gets ten books." said Varsha jokingly
Manjusha looked at Varsha angrily. Lakuma took a news paper of Delhi edition and read the news report that Falcon publishers honours authors of English Fiction and poetry. She showed the picture published under the article. While Malini was looking at his son's picture among other authors. Manjusha read the news that Varsha won the prize money. "How much is the prize money?" asked Lakuma.
Varsha laughed and took out cheque from the suitcase. Manju snatched the cheque from his hands and said " This is gift for me for the Festival.' She announced. " Gifts are not snatched like this" said Malini. I have fifty percent share in the gift said Lakuma.
Do you know how rich you are? said Varsha. Lakuma looked blank.
Do you know what is the salary of an MP in India?
Is it fifty thousand ? Varsha laughed " Is it one lakh?" Varsha laughed again and continued
"The salary of an MP is four lakhs. The job had many perquisites, apart from the tax free salary. They receive office expenses of Rs 20,000 and a constituency allowance of Rs 20,000. They have interest free money to buy a car, free petrol paid, free phone My home free. furniture free , the electricity, the water, the gardeners, the plants. everything comes free. There were also allowances to wash curtains and sofa covers. They get funny allowance of 1,000 per day to attend parliament."
Lakuma: They've car with petrol free. They have a huge salary. what for is this allowance?
Varsha: I don't know. That is why I call this funny allowance.
Lakuma began to feel small. She was crest fallen.
They never travel anywhere by train but train is free first class with a bogey reserved for the family. Flight is also free. They can fly with assistant. He too can fly free. The MP can pay him salary. That will be given by the government.
Lakuma : They are huge burden on Indian economy,
Varsha: Today, out of 543 MPs in Lok Sabha, 315 are Crorepatis. That's 60%. 43 out of the 54 newly elected Rajya Sabha MPs are also millionaires. whenever they write to any Government officer for help it is done immediately. Including district collector all officers take his word as an order.
Lakuma was speechless. Malini scolded Varsha for hurting Varsha. ( Truth hurts!!!)
Varsha: Still you have given me an opportunity to show my brotherly love. Thank you. I don't mean to hurt you. This is only 10,000 rupees. You may take 5000 each and buy clothes. These clothes may look very poor to your mother. She might scold me for offering such low class clothes.
Sheetal is a stupid She has left the bachelorette party. said Alekhya.
Margaux laughed off. Adya also laughed. They disapproved her comments.
If she is not stupid she is childish at least. I don't want to attend her marriage tomorrow. said Alekhya and pulled a long face.
Now you are childish. After marriage, she will realize that she is not born to slave her life to her husband. Said Adya. " Yes she will. Usually a man doesn't stop with one woman. A woman learns only practically. We should not teach." Margaux supported her.
But if she learns it very late questioned Alekhya
That is her fate. We can not teach such things. said Adya.
Grace also left the party with Sheetal. what do you say about her? said Margaux.
She is immature she thinks that she is born to bring children to her husband. She is dying to be a mother. We must blame her husband. On one hand he is inefficient and on the other hand he is getting old. How can he get children? said Adya
Oh! come on, he is not bothering her for children. He wants pleasure from his wife and she wants a money from her husband. said Adya. All women laughed.
Wife can seek money from husband. Husband can seek pleasure from wife. Neither is wrong. Adya fired. " If that is not available from husband she can get it elsewhere" blasted Alekhya. They saw grace coming and kept silent.
You are so late for the house party. said Alekhya.
My husband is doing Yakshini pooja. An Agori performed it.
What is Yakshini and how can Yakshini help in sex?
Leave alone whether she helps or not you are a Christian, How do you allow all these things at home? said Adya. " I don't have such anti Hindu feelings. Said Grace.
"Your pastor did not teach to hate Hindu gods and poojas?" asked Alekhya
I was Gayatri , I am a brahmin girl. My father was a lorry cleaner who later became driver. I was doing many poojas when I was young. My mother taught me and my sister Tejovathi several poojas. As it is customary in most brahmin house holds. My father met with an accident while driving on the highway at Aganampoodi. We did not have money, at least to bring the body home. No money for funerals and no food to eat. A Christian missionary promised to help me only on conversion. So we accepted and converted. Everything went on well until the missionary died. Our problems started again. I joined a hotel and my sister joined a footwear shop. Off course we are converted to Christianity but should we hate Hinduism ? Why should I object to pooja when he has the hope.
All are moved by her story.
Bharatavarsha has just finished his breakfast and was spending time with sisters in the garden. It was sunny. They were basking in the sun. The garden is bright and colourful. "The sun is kissing the blossoms. Never miss the chance while the blossoms dance. " said Bharatavarsha. The poet like the sun spread his light and glorifies flower in the garden.
Look how merry is the sun
relax in His warmth stop the run
Golden moments roll in this garden
men can not a minute cage
men can not a stope the breeze
Look how merry is the sun
relax in His warmth, stop the run
before the heart gets harden
relax in HIs warmth stop the run.
Manju, Lakuma and were enjoying the warm sunny morning sitting on the wooden stools. Varsha was standing at a bower fondling the night jasmine creeper. Kesava was playing his Mrudanga in his room. "The harmonious sound of Mrudanga fills my heart and sets my mood." said Lakuma. " He is the boy once you looked down upon, this is the music you never liked before." said Manjusha.
Varsha: The external rhythm of Mrudanga changes the inner rhythm of the body. The words mruth (clay) and anga ( body) together make Mrudanga which means clay body. The vibrations of Mrudanga have a special influence on the body. The worldly desires diminish
and spiritual pursuits awake with Mrudanga.
Lakuma: Yes, That is why kesava is unmundane. He is never after the world or career.
So it is not my company that influenced Lakuma. It is the mrudanga. Said Manju angrily
They all laughed heartily. " We should not overlook this Mrudanga" said Lakuma pointing to Varsha. Manjusha did not understand. so Lakuma explained " Varsha's lips also produce a rhythm that has lasting influence."
Varsha said " Love and peace lie at the root of change, they are the foundation of heaven.
Malini came into the garden with coffee cups in a tray. Her heart is filled with love for children. Lakuma thought that the overwhelming love distinctive (characteristic ) of Indian mother is distinctly( clearly) seen in her eyes. Her eyes are filled with kindness. When she smiles, it overflows and inundates the hearts.
All are sipping coffee. Malini came near Lakuma, fondled her hair and said" My innocent child, peace is a way of living together. You lived alone all the time and occasionally stayed with your mother. Now you tasted the sweetness of love and peace which come from good family and tradition. People who miss love and peace becomes berserks."
Lakuma finished coffee and hugged Malini. "This house is a treasure of Love and peace. I recommend everybody to steal as much as possible." She whispered in her ear.
Just then they heard the phone ring. Malini went in and took the call " Bairreddy set fire to cowshed and Ahalya was trapped in the fire and charred to death." said Sandeep.
Seshachalam's neighbours went to Raghavendra Hospital and told that his wife was unwell. He did not have the slightest doubt about her health. He was not worried about her but remained nonchalant. Tea-stall Veerraju persuaded him to come home" I had appendectomy it needs three days rest in the hospital. Today is the third day. You had better bring her here, we both stay here today and go home together tomorrow. " said Seshachalam and laughed.
Cloth store Kailasam remained silent " Certain moments in life demand self-restraint" He said solemnly. " Seshachalam said "How is she?" " Veerraju said " She is oky." Seshachalam looked sceptically. "The relatives are on the way." said Veerraju. Seshachalam broke down into a heartbreaking cry. Tears started cascading down from his heart. He got off the bed and moved out with them. He looked like a cataract of sorrow.
When Seshachalam reached home a small crowd gathered around his house. He entered the compound and saw some relatives sitting at the tiled roof house. Vidisha's friends Manju, Lakuma , Basava, Raghava and Agastya were sitting on the cement platform built around the well. A group of plantain trees were there beside the well. Laxmi and her baby were standing there. The sun was directly overhead. He walked into the backyard and saw the burnt cow shed. It was a thatched roof shed with brick wall around it. It has wooden doors too. The wooden doors were burnt down. The roof was totally burned down. There was no roof above. On the floor Ahalya's body was covered with a blanket.
Seshachalam could feel the flames. The flames started in his heart , spread to his stomach and all over the body. He was in the burning hell. A cool hand laid on him. He turned and found Bharatavarsha beside him. Varsha brought him out of the shed to the front yard. They saw the superintendent of police arrived with his men.
Seshachalam saw Vidisha lay languidly on Malini's shoulders. Some people sat on the plastic chairs around them. Vidisha opened her eyes saw her father and ran to him. She broke into tears and started telling him what transpired the previous night. Just then the police inspector came in and stood beside her father. "After midnight we were fast asleep. We heard the cries of Laxmi from the shed. Amma shifted her into the shed just before I came home. She tied the baby cow as it too quick. She shut the doors as it was cold outside.
"Laxmi's cries stopped for a while." said Vidisha. The police inspector said " At that time the cow must have seen thieves setting fire to the shed. The cow was trying to awake you." Vidisha started narrating again" The cries later went unabated, we also heard the cracking sound of the burning fire. Amma opened the door without delay and ran to he shed. she pushed Laxmi out of the burning she. but she did not leave the shed until her baby was sent out. Hardly the mother and the baby stepped out when the burning roof collapsed." She broke down into long unending wails. High pitched heartrending cries surrounded the compound of the village house.
Laxmi's moo was heard. The villages tuned their heads and looked at the cow behind the plantain trees. A villager said " She saved the cow and lost her life." " A woman said " She will go to heaven because she saved the cow." The SP said " He can't escape from the law." They all went away. Bharatavarsha remained till the evening for the funerals.
There is a small island that spreads over 40 kilometres, separated from the mainland by a tidal creek situated slightly off the coast of Kathiawad, in Gujarat. This Union territory off the coast of southern tip of Gujarat state is called Diu.
Diu is comparable to Goa but it is entirely different from Goa by its pleasant weather and tourist attractions like Diu Fort, a 16th-century Portuguese citadel, Naida caves, beaches and beach resorts. Bollywood films such as Khiladi, Akroash, Parched and Ram Setu was shot in Diu for its awesome weather and beautiful locations.
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Radhika beach resort in Diu. |
In Radhika beach resort at Nagoa beach Navya Art production is reaching climax.
"Madam you can go and sit in the next room." Srilakshmi understood the entire cast is afraid of Kashyap. Srilakshmi walked into the room " Who gave her mother role, ridiculous woman" said Aswani a junior artist as she turned her back. Her words fell in Srilakshmi's ears but she pretended not to hear. Eight actors and two actresses of the cast sat at the dining table. Two people are serving. Srilakshmi was sat in a chair at the cooler. She was waiting for the food. She thought that food would be served in her room. She waited for thirty minutes. By then the servants invited her to the table. Srilakshmi went to the table and saw none at the table. They had eaten and left the dining hall when she went. Her heart groaned in pain. She was serving herself but the servants served her. There was little respect left in them for her.
The camera man and the production controller and assistant director , location manager and production office assistants and light boys we busy in the garden. They were making arrangements for the outdoor shooting. Srilakshmi finished her lunch and went to the cooler as she has sweat all over. Junior artist Aswani was sitting in front of the cooler. She never budged when she saw the senior character artist. Srilakshmi took another chair and sat next to her for the air. Aswani threw a nasty look at her and walked out of the room. Srilakshmi was humiliated but kept quiet.
The shooting began in the outdoor. The make up man was giving a touch up to Srilakshmi. Kashyap dropped in with the heroine Keerthi. " who asked you to put make up to her?" He shouted.
"The assistant director asked me prepare her." said the makeup man. The assistant director came in and said" Her yesterday's dining table shot was okay I think. There is one climax shot with her. I am preparing her for that. The shot is ready in the garden"
"I told you that I must okay her shots. Why are you preparing for the next shot" Kashyap spoke in a rough voice. "She has been quite nervous for two days. Now the shot is okay I think." said the assistant director. " I must say oky not you." shouted Kashyap. Srilakshmi observed that the new heroine is filled with smiles. It is simply the result of the personality clash with Keerthi." Srilakshmi said to herself. " I am playing the role of a mother, nobody treated me like a mother or respected me like a mother. Moreover I was humiliated for the last three days." "MOTHER ??? It is only a role don't live in the role after the shooting. If you live in the role during shooting it is enough."
I have given call sheets only for four days. Let me finish my role today and go"
If you want to go I have no problem. I can get the four scenes acted by someone.
Yours is not the heroine role, mind you! said Keethi in a low voice.
Taking you for the mother role is the biggest mistake I have done.
The assistant director went into the garden. Kashyap and keerthi went into see Diu fort.
Srilakshmi was dissolved in tears. She has crossed the main gate of the resort with stroller in her hands. uh! Sadist director" She said. The assistant production controller Sugunarao who has known her for a decade approached her and said "Madam, I am very sorry for what has happened." He took the stroller from her hand , pulled it to up to the black Ford Eco Sport car of the film unit. " Don't think he is a sadist." He said.
"I know that Kashyap is doing all this for Keerthi." He does everything for the new heroine. fully exploits her before her throws her out and gets a new heroine." She said to herself but remained silent. They reached the car. The driver opened the back door. Sugunarao put the stroller in the car. "Today is the climax scene, you know the film's end is nearing. If you endure him today.." Srilakshmi sat in the backseat of the car. "God will take care of Keerthi. Perhaps you don't know that his end is nearing." Sugunarao shut the door. The car moved towards the airport located 6km away from Radhika resorts.
Thanks so much for the warm words;)