Eazy Foreign Languages

This blog is about German and French Language in Vijayawada. Articles, poems, songs and experiences of poolabala

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Downing street stories -37

International School culture, apartment culture, Luxury car culture, the  culture of pubbing in India has grown with times, from being a seedy hole in corners of hotels to the classy stylish establiLike shments buzzing with activity. 10 Downing Street  T. Nagar  Chennai is on a hot spot trendy and popular pub tucked into the premises of Kences Inn Boutique Hotel on North Boag Road.  It acts as the bridge between Western  Indian cultures.   Its vintage décor  fools  you into thinking that you are sitting in a cosy old English pub in England.  Even the exterior resembles an English pub with a solid wooden door marking the entrance. 

Kumkum Agarwal and Diana pushed open the door and entered the pub. It was 6.00 PM. "Why you always come early and go early. You have to enjoy the night life. The happy hours begin at 8.00. The beer and food is free."  said Diana 

I have money but I have no time. I can not stay out at night. With my suspecting husband  it is not easy. You are born in a different community. I can not do at night  the things that you do during day. You know that I can come here when there is some work in our Jewellers. Off course , I create some work. 

Two women are sitting at at table and talking. It's very interesting they sat at the next table. 

"Who said India has not progressed? Look at the women in the pub. They have out numbered men." said a woman . "This serves as a joke but you are right. Women have come a long way from remaining in kitchens. Once they were stepping  out of houses only in the day time.  Such women are going to pubs at night.  Pubs are being enjoyed by both sexes in big cities but in small towns women still hide behind  men." said the second woman.

The waiter came and took the order. The two women have left. The bar was empty.  Kumkum looked happy. " This is what I want - Privacy, to talk to you freely." she said.

Diana: You are looking bright which means, you are happy with your husband. I think my tips must have worked and made your husband restless? 

Kumkum: Yes, he became restless but not with me , with his business. Recently he got the fear of income tax raids because his friends and relatives have warned him. 

 My tips like Angayar and Tanya why did they not work for you.

My husband is a tough nut you can not make him bye the bye I know about Angayar but what is the problem with Tanya? 

She has a big problem with  husband's mother. That is a long story. I will tell you later.

I heard many stories from you and many other women coming to this pub. The downing street stories are very interesting. Leave my sadist husband he doesn't change. Tell me your progress with Rodrigues ?

Diana: I broke up with Rodrigues. I'm dating Desmond. Everybody including my parents knows it.

Kumkum: Ok.. Ok. I forgot it. Now tell me are you enjoying with Desmond?

The waiter brought beers and chips. Madam shall I bring chilli chicken. asked the waiter. 

"No" said Kumkum. The waiter had gone.  "If I eat well outside I can not eat at home that is enough to raise suspicion. The night becomes nightmare." Kumkum laughed and laughed

Diana: I am very sorry for what is happening in your life. You are listening to my stories and enjoying but  day will come, you too can enjoy Kumkum. 

Kumkum: You call me kumkum without any titles and like a friend. You came close to my heart. Downing street stories are enough to keep my spirits up. 

No, you too will enjoy. You haven't told that your husband is a sadist. I have a different strategy for sadist. It will work for you. said Diana and lifted her glass up into the air. Kumkum also lifted her glass up into the air. The two glasses tipped and the four lips  uttered Cheers!!!

Diana: A woman in the US who has a huge appetite for fetishes kept an 18-year-old boy with her. The boy said he was humiliated as the woman treat him very badly. She made him sleep in a dog cage and wear a collar which read 'slave'. He said that he lived in constant fear of beating. This is old but relevant news. 

Kumkum: She is not a woman she is a demon. Humane treatment and love is the beginning of romance. Suspicion, insult, physical assault will drive the feelings a romance away. 

Diana poured the remaining beer in the beer glasses and emptied out the bottles. Kumkum quickly finished her beer and said " I am going to Kumkum jewellers" and stood up. Diana asked " Can you drive? " " I took only one beer, our shop is in the next street. " Diana said " call me if you have any problem" ok. bye " said Kumkum.


Armugam was getting into 10 Downing street. He saw Agastya walking along the road. "Hello, brother, where have you been this afternoon? what have you done all day?"

Just wandering all day thinking of what to do, I have done nothing other than wandering but just now I have some idea " said Agastya

Armugam: Buddha has wandered for seven years in search of enlightenment before he had finally settled  under a Peepal tree You are much better than him. Solution ideas are not easy. Men and women break their heads for them discuss with friends, business people pay consultants for ideas. Have you taken lunch?

Agastya remained silent. Armugam smiled. "You have come to the right place. Now happy hours are going to start. In half an hour food and drink free " said Armugam cheerfully.

I will join you later. I have an important job to finish. said Agastya looking at the gold ring presented by Arunatara and walked ahead. He was looking for a jeweller who can buy the ring. when he entered the next street his eyes grew wider. what he saw was Kumkum jewellers. He got in opening the glass door. Kumkum was ready to leave after learning that her husband went to the other shop in Paris corner. 

she saw Agastya talking to the shopkeeper. " Hello Agastya , we are here? what do you want to buy?"  no , nothing " said Agastya and put the gold ring in his pocket and went out. 

"Madam, the boy was selling his gold ring. We suspected and checked but it is pure gold." said the man in counter. "He is also pure gold." said Kumkum and went out. Agastya was at her car. She caught him by hand. How are you? how is your mother? why are you going away? "Don't ask me any questions. I have no answers. That is why I am going.

Ok I will ask no questions but come with me. She opened the car door. "get in " she said. Agastya got in silently and Kumkum got in and started the car. 


Happy hours have started for the customers of 10 downing street. The spurting soda swirling in the goblet wine glasses is fuzzing the vision of the customers. A sense of freedom from paying is buzzing in the hearts. The wine and food is served free for an hour! 

Dr. Aravind : Look, how these drunkards are pouncing on this bar bouncing with joy. They look like hounds baying for blood, beggars gathering for food. Animals in the woods are better then people who jump on free goods. 

Dr. Amavasa  "Doctor Aravind, today your mood is bad but don't be rude. Don't throw words crude at the buzzing crowd,  Like you and I they have name and fame so don't ever blame these ladies and gentlemen as drunkards. Look, over there Dr. Armugam is drinking at the other table with somebody.  Call him to this table he is noble" 

Dr. Aravind: Oh! He speaks like bard but he is a nerd. To call him a doctor is absurd. 

 He  called  Armugam to come to his table. Armugam and the other man came to Aravind.  They both sat with Aravind and Amavasa. Aravind recognized the other man with Armugam "Oh! Dr. Perumal, how are you? asked Amavasa  and smiled" Perumal did not smile but said, "I am fine."

"Dr. Aravind and you have the same dull faces like fused bulbs. There is no smile  on your faces." said  Dr. Amavasa and smiled Armugam laughed and laughed. Dr. Perumal took it sportively but Dr. Aravind was uncomfortable at the joke. 

"Why is Aravind unhappy in this happy hours?" asked Armugam in a cheerful voice. 

"Dr. Aravind is upset with the crowds who are coming for free food and drinks. He upset with the drunkards making a big noise. He doesn't like this noisy bar. So lost his smile."  said Dr. Amavasa. 

"Ha hha hha hha hha hha hha hha hhaaaaaaaa - hha hha"  laughed Armugam

"Dr. Amugam knows how to smile in the face of problems." said Dr Amavasa. 

It is just like pot calling kettle black. You too came to this bar for the same purpose as they came. There are doctors and software engineers here. They will be hurt if they hear your remarks. said Armugam. 

This is the first time I came here. This is not my hang out. It is your hang out. You come here for freebies not I.  You are not a doctor. You dropped your medicine in between. You have to accept the truth if you are a gentleman. Dr. Aravind sounded serious. 

The previously ordered drinks were served at their table. Perumal said " The drinks have arrived now no  arguments, let's get busy with drinks. All the four men said cheers and started sipping 

After two minutes Armugam said " I am not a doctor I accept . I never told anybody my medical background to get sympathy of others. I never told even to my room mate Agastya with whom I share my  romantic experiences with women.  I am a gentleman.  Look, Dr. Aravind  I am a doctor of happiness. Your medicine will not take you close to any woman. You are failed with Ragini. You have done PG, learnt medicine but learn life. Armugam sounded more serious.

Aravind is expected to retaliate but surprisingly he was drinking calmly Dr. Perumal opened his lips

Oh! Agastya is with you. You are room mates? Where do you live? Did you tell him about your love with Ragini?" He shot series are questions like arrows hurriedly. 

Armugam said coolly " I never loved Ragini. I never proposed to her like you.  I only exchanged romantic glances and touched her when the opportunity came.  So I never told anybody about those things because those things do happen in everybody's life. Every man has more than one woman in life and every woman has connection with more than one man. To what extent the connections go I can not say. Some connections go up to looks , some connections go up to skin.  My room mate Agastya  has the connection that has gone up to skin. 

Dr. Perumal looked curious and surprised but  Dr. Aravind was not pleased. " Tell me about Agastya's  connections" said Perumal. That question was not palatable to him. He said " I loved Ragini so much like no other did. I offered my life to her." Perumal laughed and laughed.

Perumal's laughter gave Dr. Aravind a heart burn. "Perumal you are still studying PG. I have done my PG. After PG you will understand my pain and the concept of dignity. Have the common sense and dignity of a doctor.  

Dr. Amavasa felt excited. We don't want arguments  or Medical degrees nonsense in the bar. This is our private time. we want Romantic talk.  The romantic talk pleases everybody. 

Dr.Aravind raised his voice. His voice blurred and he purred like a cat and slurred words like drunk. The whisky started working on his mind.  " Dr. Amavasaaaa !" He croaked like a frog and continued in a jarred voice " Raagini.. that ..Ragin  bitch...... has not given aneeeee ( any) value to my life and my degreeee. I have done M.S. You know very well how much I sta,,,  ruggled with Medicine......

"You struggled more with Ragini than with medicine." said Armugam and laughed. 

Dr. Amavasa took two more gulps quickly and joined the drunken prattle " Hello Aravind , you are talking about PG with me. I am DM . I am a cardiologist.  Do you know that I studied medicine for 4.5 years ,  1 year house surgeon , later 3 years MD, later 3 years DM. Total 12 years medicine. Now I am a cardiologist in whose hands people confidently put their hearts. Do you know the richest jeweller in the city Kundan prefers Amavasa to America?   

Kundan? You mean Kundan Agarwal the recent and the current owner of Parrys corner the Iconic building of Chennai? asked Armugam.

Yes, said Amavasa proudly and took one more gulp  from his wine glass but the wine glass was empty. Oh! sorry there is no wine in the glass." "waiter!" he shouted. "Sir the happy hours are over sir." said the waiter who came to the table hurriedly. Damit! we never came for the happy hours we came for our happiness! Get me my medicine I am sorry.. another whisky bottle... full. The waiter came with aristocrat bottle served in all four wine glasses. 

CHEERS!!!!!! They all said. "Where did I stop?" asked Amavasa. You are a DM. said Armugam. "You did cardiology said Perumal." People keep their hearts safely in your hands. said Aravind. "Yes, you are correct but Ragini could not give her heart to me."

"Because you are 42 and she is 23" said Armugam taking a gulp.

Amavasa stopped drinking  "Is it my mistake to grow? "He beat the table with clenched fist of his right hand and said "Without growing we can't reach girls' dreams because girls' dreams are in the sky. Is it a mistake to grow?. He questioned emotionally.

Cha cha ! A cardiologist should not get emotional! said Dr. Aravind sarcastically.

Dr.Amavasa looked seriously at Dr.Aravind "You are a dejected lover frustrated with Ragini. You are cooling your frustration with your sarcastic remarks on me. " Said Dr. Amavasa painfully

"Look we are all failure lovers. Don't curse Ragini. I get hurt." said Perumal

I never loved Ragini I am not a failure in love. I am only a failure in medicine and I am not bothered because I have more exciting life now. I am earning very well. One day I will be very rich , in fact richer than all of you but even then I will not marry. I prefer to enjoy my life without marriage.

How will you earn more money? How can you enjoy without marriage? asked Dr.Amavasa.

Before Armugam answered Amavasa Aravind asked Perumal " Why are you showing more concern to Ragini. You are showing that you owned her or related to her closer than us." 

Armugam said " He can not say his relationship with Ragini, why his love with Ragini failed and why Ragini is not smiling like before and remains silent, he can not say all these things. I know but I too can not say. Armugam finished his glass and put it on the table.

Dr.Amavasa filled the glass and said " Why can't you tell? " He said looking piercingly into Armugam.

Armugam : Because I am a gentleman. Aravind, Amavasa Armugam and Perumal all the four laughed,


Devotees are taking holy dip at various beaches in Visakha after offering prayers on Maha Sivaratri, on Friday. Rama Krishna Beach, Rushikonda, Jodugulapalem, Yarada, Appikonda and many other beaches were thronged by people of all ages. Nandini Nilayam is not far away from the beach . She had the holy dip in the sea lay languidly on the beach far away from the crowd and started reading the book. 

After observing a fast on the occasion of Maha Sivaratri Syamala and Ramya Chandana took a holy dip in RK beach  walking along the shore to offer  prayers in the nearest temples along the sea line. 

They walked long way from the shore and reached a lonely spot where  Nandini sat in the beautiful scenery and reading the sonnets. Ramya and Syamala stood at a distance and watched her reading. 

And see the beautiful blue sky vast 

standing on the boat beside the mast

The sky lies motionless in the orange red

like a man behind the white sheets on wedding bed

I have read the folklore stories incestuous 

and the sea in me is tempestuous. 

My desires are nothing but endless waves

singing romantic ballads in my veins

Nandini finished reading and looked at Syamala and smiled. Syamala pulled a long face as Nandini has not given her the book when she asked. Ramya greeted Nandini. Nandini greeted her. Ramya sat in the sand beside her. Syamala preferred to stand.

Ramya: Nandini , have you come for the holy dip?

Nandini: Have you come for the sonnets book?

Syamala: Your eyes are always on the book?

Nandini: Not my eyes , your eyes are fixed on the book.

Syamala : will you give me the book or not?

Nandini: I told you that these sonnets raise deep passions. They are not only romantic but also erotic and sensual. They don't suit you. So I don't share, I have already told you. 

Syamala : During college days you had no objection to share anything with me including your love why should you have objection now, I am not asking to share your lover, I am just asking for a poetry book. 

"This is trivial argument. Come on Syamala let us go, I will ask Malini and get it for you" said Ramya Chandana  "Chi, approaching parents ?! Are we children to approach parents? I never thought that you are too childish Ramya.  Please do me a favour Ramya please don't give me any ideas! I know how to get it. " said Syamala and left the place.


Adayar Youth Hostel. It is 8 O' clock in the morning. Most of the inmates in the Youth hostel have gone out. "People in the Youth hostel are tourists businessmen and students but not like us the homeless." said Agastya. Shhhh... don't talk loud if the manager listens he will send us out said Armugam. "We wake up leisurely after all people have gone out. we enjoy staying in the peaceful atmosphere." said Agastya and started shaving at the wash basin. 

Stupid cartridge Agastya threw it in a huff. Armugam was standing beside him. He said "That is not the problem with cartridge that is the problem with you way of shaving." said Armugam. Agastya started applying after shaving solution. He said " You mean I don't know how to shave?' 

"I never said that. You have to apply something before shave. I mean shaving cream or  some before shaving lotion" said Armugam giving Agastya a small bottle. Agastya opened the cap and dabbed it on his face. "Ummm.. it feels great!!!"

Armugam: It is just fifty rupees. 

Agastya: Where did you buy it?

Armugam: No, I want to sell it. I have manufactured it.

Agastya : Go and tell those kids. He laughed. 

Armugam : I have already sold ten bottles yesterday.

Agastya : When you are earning money why did you go to Downing street last night?

Armugam: Oh! come on! I went there to save money. Money saved is money earned.

Agastya: O! My God! you are such a stingy man!

Armugam : Yes, I am stingy because I have no one as you have to give you money.

Agastya: Who's is giving me money ?  I  must search for a job today. 

Armugam: The lady who took you to her home must have given you money.

Agastya : She has offered me food and also offered me money but I refused money. 

Armugam : why should you refuse money when you have not refused food?

Agastya: Be sensible Armugam. A guest can accept coffee and food but not money. More over she is my mother's friend. I should be modest with her that is Dharma.

Armugam: You are not a guest. you only said that she has treated you more than a guest. 

Agastya: What do you mean?

Armugam : Don't be a stupid take what is given to you gladly. Don't disappoint the gentle lady. you know who is a gentle lady A gentlelady is a woman of high social standing, or a woman who is cultured, educated, and well-mannered and romantic. He emphasized the last word romantic that made Agastya laugh.

Why are you laughing Agastya? Highly placed ladies like actresses, models will offer pleasure when they want it or on obligation. What do actresses do? 

Agastya : Go tell the kids. He laughed again.

Armugam: You are the kid. Yes, you are as innocent as a kid. If I were you I would take money. You speak of guest, Dharma and Culture. Nobody wants to hear those words. People are very pragmatic. Such people rise to fame fast. Tamil TV serial actress Madhumita rose to fame very fast. "If she is so beautiful go and marry her but now leave romance. I am hungry. Think of breakfast." said Agastya. "Don't worry today I will sponsor the breakfast." said Armugam. 


"I am going to meet Kumkum Agarwarl." said Armugam with a backpack standing at the entrance gate of Vikraman Estates.  He looked like a salesman to the security. 

 "How do you know her?" asked the Security 

"Let me call her." said the security. "Please do!"  said Armugam

"Do you know her number?" said the Security. "No" said Armugam

The Security head came to the gate where Armugam was standing and said " How can you come without her number? What is she to you?' He asked. Friend's Aunt is aunt to me" He said to himself and said to the security "She is my aunt."  Don't you remember your uncle's number?" asked the security.

This is too much. Please call her and enquire or let me go. Armugam raised his voice. 

He called her number but Kumkum did not respond. The security head was scratching his beard. Armugam saw that and said " How coarse is your beard! Why don't you use this lotion. It makes your skin smooth. " The security took it gladly. "It is only 50 rupees." said Armugam. Agarwal's are business community. They count every paisa" said the other guard. The head guard was convinced that Armugam was an Agrawal. 

Angayar  saw Adalarasi when she was getting ready to go somewhere.  Thank God. You came in time. I can not send my husband alone to Dr. Amavasa. said Angayar.  At the same time Armugam came and stood there.  "He needs some company. Somebody must take him to the doctor. I must go to the job." saying Angayar. Why do you tell all these things to me. I know your job is new. They are very impressed by your work. You have the creativity."  said Adalarisi.  " Yes Adalu , They are offering a good salary. Off course I have not joined for the salary. I was impressed by the company. They promised to send me to Paris. They are working for Lanvin a Paris based luxury clothing and accessories company." Said Angayar. " I think  you will ill have a bright future" said Adalarisi. 

Varadachari came out in into the living room " Enna irike , Adalu  Ukaru?" He showed her the chair. 

 Adal wait I will prepare coffee for you. Angayar went in to prepare coffee. 

"Vanakkam." Said Armugam. Varadachari was looking at him for introduction.  Armugam smiled and  pulled out a bottle from his backpack. "Look at this bottle" He said putting it in Varadachari's hands. "What is this?" asked Achari.

Armugam did not speak He took his phone and showed a photo in his phone. The photo was showing Dr. Amavasa sitting in the chair with the same bottle with pure liquid in his hand.  When Varadachari lifted his head " My name is Armugam , This is purest water from Manasa Sarovar" Angayar came out with coffee.  " I have brought this holy water from the purest lake on the earth for you from your father's house."  " My father's house?!" asked Varadachari. Angayar and Adal looked surprised. 

Varadachari sat in the chair and asked Armugam to sit. 

"Yes, This is the water of the Manasa Sarovar. The highest peak Kailash lying at the height of 6,675-m, the holy residence of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati." said Armugam and looked Varadachari's photo in  dancing pose and continued " You are a dancer. All dancers consider Shiva as the father. I think you too.." Before he concluded Varadachari said " Yes, yes, I consider him my father. Anyway he is the father of the whole universe. Ange  take this bottle and take it to your eyes." He said. 

If you touch this bottle and chant the Panchakshari mantra "OM Namassivaya , you get a divine feeling. Your blood pressure will be under control.   Dr. Amavasa also took this bottle. He says that it is very holy water. If you meet him any time you can ask him." Said Armugam.

Ha hha hha laughed Varadachari and said "No need of asking Amavasa, I know it. How much is it?" Armugam said " I am not a sales man sir." Please consider me your brother." Said Armugam. 

"Thank you very much. Please take coffee." said Varadachari. Armugam finished coffee and rose from the chair. He went up to the door.  Varadachari stood up from the chair. Armugam turned back " Give me 500 rupees. Don't think it is the price but travel expenses." Varadachari gave him money. While going out the security asked him at the gate " Have you met madam? Just now she has gone" 

"No, please tell her that Agastya has come to see her." Said Armugam.  


Varadachari and Adalarisi were coming out when a sixty year old man entered Amavasa heart care  with his attendant. He walked slowly and reached Dr.Amavasa's  Chamber. He has appointment so he walked in directly. His attendant was waiting outside in the waiting hall. 

The old man was sitting in front of Dr.Amavasa, the cardiologist. Dr. Amavasa was studying the ECG of that old man. The old man was looking at the bottle on the table. " Chandan Agarwal ji, you are perfectly alright. There is no other cardiac problem. You have blood pressure. That is common in this age. Please continue the medicines I have prescribed. " said Dr. Amavasa  

"I am unable to participate in the game"

Games at the age of 60. I am 42 I am not playing any games.

O My God. Amavasa,  Not I, but my wife needs"

send her to me . You want to play with her the game? 

I will tell her that games are not meant for people at this age. 

Oh ! God  ! How to tell this unmarried man. He muttered in Amavasa's ear.

She is 45 and you are 60  There is a big age gap between you. She is 15 years younger

In those days elders used force children to marry within the community. 

In your community it is more prevalent,  especially if the family is wealthy.

Yes protecting wealth was top priority. I should not say but there are some incest marriages also but I am not that wealth conscious. We have a fostered son who is working in America. He is my Rajastan brother's son. He is not interested to marry although girls are ready for him. 

"That is the bloody fate. I want to marry but girl is not ready for me." Amavasa said to himself and spoke out.  "Why? What is the problem?  He has the Jain philosophy in his head. He likes to be a monk. With a great difficulty we pushed him to America to avert the danger. We wish his mind should change" 

You can avert danger but Nobody can avert fate. What happened to Gautama Buddha?

Only son to my brother and me. He is the only heir to our property.

Parry's corner in Chennai is the historical and legendary building. You brothers own the Iconic building. One should have the KARMA  - fortune of many births  to own it. Simply luck is not enough." 

Thank you Amavasa. Let me go I must go to Rajasthan tomorrow to meet my brother. I will meet you for an other check up after coming back." said Chandan Agarwal and got up. 


Agastya and Armugam stepped into the room in Adayar. They were looking at the walls and cupboards moving around, They entered the kitchen "beautiful kitchen" said Armugam looking at the dirty walls. Agastya came into the living room. Armugam followed him. 

 650 square feet, single bedroom rent 10,000"said Agastya. 

 "Unfurnished one BHK " added Armugam. 

The owner an old lady came in with her daughter and said "Only you two stay or anybody else will live with you here? Which company you are working for? 

Agastya : I am working for Tech Mahindra. It is in Sholinganallur. 

Owner's daughter : You are not married? 

Armugam said " No sister, how is that possible ?" 

Owner : Why is it not possible?

Armugam :Who will marry men with small jobs. These days girls need rich people.

Owner : See some good girls and get married fast. 

Armugam whispered  "Good girls? We could not even go for a good house."

Agastya : Poor girls are enough for us. Good girls  demand more money. 

Owner: What about the deposit money 50,000?

Agastya was silent. Give telegram to your parents

 Armugam said " His mother is comes with money soon."

Agastya: Amma I got a job yesterday. I can pay the deposit in two months.

Its alright. A good face is the letter of recommendation. I trust you on your face value but try to keep your word.  said the house owner and went away into the next portion. 

Agastya: Thank God the owner did not press for the deposit amount.

Armugam: Thank God we came out before they asked us to leave. 

They both congratulated each other on entering a new house. 

You joined job. What about party?

I am thinking of bus charges to Sholinganallur. 

You have to cross Thoriapakkam where Basava works to reach Sholinganallur. Adyar, Tohriapakkam and Sholinganallur are on the same straight line. Your aunt’s house is not far away. 

I once hated software job and my friend for doing machine job. Now I joined the same software job and left without bus charges. May be this is destiny.” said Agastya. 

Your aunt is there to help  you she gave you money and food if you want she may help you again Armugam started teasing. Agastya looked angrily at Armugam. 

Don’t worry brother, your brother is a business man he will take care. 

Who is a businessman? Who is my brother? Said Agastya.

 I am the businessman. I have the money for bus charges and breakfast. Get ready fast” said Armugam. Both took bath and dressed up like grooms going for the marriage. They walked up to the Adyar Hotel near Adyar bridge. The hotel has a large dining hall with nine big four-seater tables in three rows. There is an anti-room at the entrance that leads to the dining hall. There are chairs and a tea table with newspapers on it. 

Agastya and Armugam sat at a table and ordered idly sambar. They served hot idly and sambar instantly. "Wow! how fast they are!" said Agastya. “Tamilanadu is known for Idly sambar.  Tamilians are called sambar like Punjabis are called bara bajey (12O’ clock). 

But they are derogatory. They are terms of disdain. It is like calling Australian Bogan and calling pakistani  paki. Said Agastya.   I know it is an offensive slur. Agreed Armugam.

Agastya finished eating and sat at the teapoy and started reading the headlines. His sight was arrested on the main headlines. Armugam came and sat in a chair beside Agastya. He saw Agastya shocked and shook him. Agastya pointed to the headlines in the newspaper. Armugam read the headlines. “Multi-millionaire realtor Vikraman was arrested in cheque bounce case.”

He continued reading the sub heading aloud while Agastya was listening with bated breath. 

“I was suspected to have been absconded and rumoured to have committed to suicide. The first actually happened but before the second thing happened an angle has saved me. -Vikraman

Agastya was once again shocked When Armugam looked at him. He was pointing to a lady standing there. Armugam looked at her. What a beautiful lady! She has golden complexion and lotus eyes. She is like an angel with divinity and grace.” Said Armugam.

"She is truly an angel. She is my mother Meenakshi." said Agastya. 

"Agastya!" Meenakshi called her son.  It is the sweetest and the most familiar voice to Agastya. "Amma"  Agastya called his mother. I have come to take you with me. 

"Where do you take me? How do you know that I am here?" asked Agastya

"Come with me." said Meenakshi and walked up to the taxi waiting under a big shady tree. "I am going to Mumbai to work in a telefilms and music events organization. I will take you with me. Ragini told me that you met her in her hospital. She also told me that you are talking to her frequently."  

"Amma I am not talking to her frequently. Just now and then I am calling and talking to her. She talks very little and never smiles. She became arrogant. Who cares if she is doctor? said Agastya.  "She hasn't grown arrogant. She has grown dispassionate. Don't blame the poor girl."  Said  Meenakshi. " Poor girl, She is getting stipend" said Agastya.

Meenakshi laughed softly. "Let us move we must go." said Meenakshi. 

"Amma I can not come." Said Agastya. " Why can't you come?" asked Meenakshi.

"Had you come yesterday I would have come with you" said Agastya. 

Meenakshi stood silent. "I am joining  job today." said Agastya.

Meenakshi's face turned bright. Her lotus eyes became wider. A smile bloomed on her lips.   These are the moments of triumph to a mother.  Her eyes were filled with tears.        

"Amma, Aren't you happy?" asked Agastya. " I'm at the apex of happiness" said Meenakshi

She took out a bundle of currency from her bag and gave it to her son. "Take this money" Said Meenakshi. Agastya knew it was a woman's hard earned money. Meenakshi read Agastya's feelings " When woman becomes mother, nothing is hard for her -  earning or giving. Giving is not sacrifice. It is providing for her son. It gives her strength and pleasure."

You have struggled enough for me. You have your own dreams. So far you lived for me for years. It is time to live for yourself. I can earn for myself.  I have to make myself a man. " said Agastya. Meenakshi gave the money to Armugam. Armugam refused. " Don't refuse this mother's love. Agastya is a bad boy. You are a good boy. Come on take it." 

Armugam took the money. " How sweet is mother's love. I have read about it in books saw it in films. Now I have tasted it in real life because I have no mother." 

Here I am for both of you as mother. This is my Bombay address. said Meenakshi  and gave her card. Agastya took the address. Meenakshi got into the car. Agastya shut the door." 

The car moved. Agastya felt that his life is moving away. 



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