Eazy Foreign Languages

This blog is about German and French Language in Vijayawada. Articles, poems, songs and experiences of poolabala

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Away from the Band Wagon

    B.A. French
B.Tech Computers. wanna be a software Engineer is most common student profile in Andhra Pradesh. B.A. French wanna be a French professor is not only uncommon but also unusual and rare. Prasanth makes it all. He makes a difference both in his choice and goal. These days, people select some course based on the job opportunities not based on their interest. There is hardly any difference between farmers and students of Andhra Pradesh. All farmers harvest the same tomato or onion and land in losses similarly all students take B.Tech and land in troubles. Now-a-days Engineering colleges are being sold out as they have no proper strength. in other words the students of AndhraPradesh have no strength. It is true. How many students have the confidence to learn a foreign language?  At least least how many students have the confidence of learning English? Many students fail to learn English although they are educated in English medium. In good old days, English medium students used to have a pride in learning and speaking English. They were so used to English that they find themselves  more comfortable with English. A.P.Chief Minister. Mr. Kiran kumar reddy is an example for this. Now -a-days due to mushroom growth of pseudo English medium schools  the English standards became zero(not fallen). Teachers with no knowledge or courage to learn and teachers with no inclination to justify the job of a teacher are being appointed as teachers. They have neither the zeal nor the courage to learn. All they know is to fight out English under the pretext of Mother tongue. Although many managements engage on job training, the teachers just escape. They reflect their inferiority in all their classes. It comes in the way carelessness and noncooperation. These kinds of teachers are not only bad example  but also a curse to the concept of education. Prasanth said that he was a victim of such teachers. he said that he hated his school for this reason. He longed to learn English. He did it. He speaks English so fluently that it sounds like his mother tongue. He loved to learn a foreign language. He learnt( has been learning) French. He speaks French fluently. He is presently learning Korean language. When I asked him why he is learning Korean language he said that it was his love to learn other foreign languages. He also said that Korean is a developed country which is opening to the world. Finally when I asked him about the opportunities for french learners he said," there are plenty of openings in Tourism, Interpretation and Teaching. I thank Mr.Prasanth through my blog for giving his time.  Bye the bye I also thank you my dear reader.  Please post your comment don't be silent.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cut above the rest

"Sasankarao a student of DPS Who stood Second in the world in the essay writing competition held by Japanese Government" This is all I know about the boy in the picture when he met me at my residence on 21st Feb, 2012. When he began speaking  his speech unfolded many interesting facts. He developed enunciated English tongue and his English is impeccable. Thousands of English teachers trail behind him. He has learnt French too. Sasankarao is entirely different from millions of English medium students in Andhra Pradesh who can't read and understand their own text books. He has approached me for a strange reason. He wants to write articles in my Magazine. Sasankarao not only looks different but also thinks different. His style is very nice and language is impressive. When I asked him why he wanted write rather than concentrate  on scoring good marks he said "Education doesn't mean only  academic performance" There is truth in him and in his words. Academic performance( good marks) can not alone guarantee good future. The meeting was brief but its impact is big.

School Managements and Parents should guide students properly. They should not kill the students for marks.After all good marks can't guarantee food future. 

Grande Vita - Great Life

From the garrets of Hyderabad to glitters of New York

Inter fail to degrees of distinction;Ph.D, Gold medals, 

accolades and encomiums.

Kawtha Adinarayana Murthy 

is one of the illustrious and exemplary sons of India.  His life and work serves as an ideal example of a self made man. His extraordinary spirit and obdurate struggle in achieving what he wanted, his inflexible resolve and courage at critical moments of life are remarkable qualities that helped him reach the zenith of success.

Kawtha Adinarayana Murthy (familiar as KAM) a village boy from Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh fled from his house when he failed in his Intermediate examination with the guilt of failure and fear of his father.  He went to Hyderabad and did several odd jobs to support himself.  That is where his life began but it did not end where it had begun. From the garages of Hyderabad he reached New York, did his M.S and took his Ph.D. He helped tens of others in reaching and settling in America, hundreds of others in reaching their goals by offering a helping hand, and served thousands of Indians with his Charitable Hospital.

Big impact

Sanskrit and Telugu professor of Osmania University Koruganti Seetharama Sastry is the Grand father of Adinarayana Murthy. There is a certain influence of his grandfather on Adinarayana Murthy although he lived with him for a small portion of his life the impact is big. Deep inside Adinarayana Murthy, a small seed was sown that is to become a scholar a genius like his grandfather. It was not a mere fancy but a true fascination. But the path he had chosen to reach his destination was somewhat rare and unusual. He wanted to live on his own.

Journey on rough terrain

While earning a living he started his education. He laboured at automobile shops in the day and struggled with books at night. Thus he became a labourer by day and student by night.  It was a relentless struggle with both life and education. He passed Intermediate which helped him only to recover from the shame. Passing Degree didn’t make much difference.

Turning point – Association of worthy people

When he joined University he was lucky to get good influence of friends like P.Venkateswar Rao who later became the V.C. of JNTU and continued till 1990. Of course, birds of a feather flock together. Ramakrishnayya was another good friend of Kautha Adinarayana Murthy who was his hostel mate who later became the Vice Chancellor of Osmania University. If you believe that the influence of good books is great you should believe that the influence of good people is far greater.  In 1956 Kautha Adinarayana Murthy was conferred with MS by Osmania University. He did not simply pass but won a Gold Medal, a clear distinction of his merit. That’s all. He never looked back. In the great journey of education there were several such mile stones. They speak of his innate desire to be like his grandfather Koruganti Seetharama Sastry who authored Voluminous books in Sanskrit which are preserved in Tanjavur Library. No doubt people are greater inspiration than books. Another remarkable achievement that brought out home Adinarayana Murthy’s talent was his doing Masters in Statistics from India’s most reputed institute “Indian statistical Institute” Culcutta. This time too KAM Proved himself by winning a Gold Medal. This is the Second Gold Medal.

Pursuit of Excellence  

KAM was not fatigued with degrees rather his quest increased. He shifted his focus from achievements to excellence. He joined B. Tech and as usual passed with distinction. For him excellence is not one time achievement or a marvelous one time performance. True excellence is a way of life. KAM joined Indian Army and proved exactly the same.

 Service to the Nation

He served Indian Army as a Captain at Dehradun and served his country with sheer love because there were many other options available for man of letters. Especially in those days they were high.

Journey to USA
Computers are the other thing he loved most in his life. But computers in India?
In those days computers were in early stage even in America. So in 1969 he went to Philadelphia and joined in Pen state University. He took masters in Computer Science. Once you taste success you can’t make compromises but sacrifices to achieve it. It is true. KAM did it again. He won the third Gold medal from the university.

Kautha Adinarayana Murthy became the elite among American intellectuals. He was the top 10 actuaries in the US. He had made a niche for him in computer programming. He mastered computer programming and did a great deal of freelance programming in COBAL and FORTRAN. Later in 1991 he joined in P.h.D  and received Ph.D in programming and stood as the topper of the college.

Education talks and love of Music.

Dr. Kautha Adinarayana Murthy has given quite a number of educational talks in US and India. He has a great penchant for Indian music. He has a mercurial mind for mathematics.  He understood the melakarthas easily as the essence of mathematical combinations. Though he was not practically into music he dabbled into it. And as a theorist he was expert in music. In 1999  he published two books about Padmavibhushan Sripada Pinakapani.

Service to Motherland and his society. 
In summer 1992 when he came to India he established a charitable trust “KAUTHA SUBBALAXMI MEMORIAL TRUST” in the name of his mother in Pedapulivarru. Without collecting funds from anybody he spent most of the money he earned in the US to the poor people of his country, particularly his village. He generously helped People who approached him. The Lanka villages around Pedapulivarru  were helped

with Food, Education, Medical treatment, Medicines everything through his charitable Hospital. Doctors and nurses were appointed, a free van for the patients was arranged.  During the years 5 years from 1994 to 1998 each year there were 300 deliveries on an average. 

Free Computer Education was provided to the rural students. KAM conducted his life in a way that benefits his fellowmen; with a philosophy of charity, quality of benevolence and purity of heart he embraced the society with all his love.  During his youth and through his middle age he was caught by education perhaps he had no time for marriage. He remained unmarried, perhaps it is tryst he made with god that he visited earth to fulfill the avowed promise. He worked and worked and worked until only work remained.

As Shakespeare says take all my love, yea take it all… The man gave all his love and walked silently. He went unsaid but not unwept. He left behind a great treasure and tradition but his kinsman stood as successors for the former and the latter is forlorn in the morose and dilapidated charity hospital walls.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My latest books

               Hi Friends!  Take a Look at my recent books.


Life cells
Robot from the sky
Magic blanket
Advanced Virtual Reality
Magic gel
Robo Cop

Moonlight Stories
Two Magicians
Three Ghosts
Midnight Patrol
Dirty Dozen
The art of seeing dead people
Cruel King
God's favourite Children
Business Partner
City Animals
The President
Human Relations

   A Tribute to Children
A true inspiration to all school goers.                                   
Astounding Child prodigies 
who did wonders while young.
Graduate at 10. P.G at 12
Ph.Ds under 15. Doctors at 17
Guinness Records at 13.

A must read book with true stories of Children who achieved remarkable fame for their extra-ordinary performance. But who are the real prodigies?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Interview with a Passionate Vocalist

Agile mind, enthusiastic heart, vivacious voice, gifted with virtuosic music skills and prodigious social skills, Mangalagiri Aditya Prasad a multifaceted personality is also a transcendentally articulate communicator who achieved balance in excellence.

Mr. Aditya Prasad is a violinist who gave numerous solo performances all over the country. But it is not enough to call him a violinist. He is a graded music composer for over 30 years.  Music is his forte. Besides being a music composer he is into vocal music. He won Second prize in Karnatac light music in radio music competitions in 1976. His music composition “Nishiddaravali” that underscored the pathetic story of a dancer transformed to orchestra without lyrical and vocal support won Akashavani 1994 annual award.  Mr. Aditya Prasad is a post graduate in Telugu language and literature besides two Diplomas in Music one in Karnatac Violin and the other in Karnatac Vocal. Some people are recognized by University degrees while some others are recognized by their inner quality and performance. Mr.Aditya Prasad  belongs to the latter who is qualified by his rich experience. Bass, Tenor , Alto and Soprano the four tonal qualities of music blended into him and with the 4 tier system representing  four tonal qualities of music he organized innumerable music concerts. Years of experience is often expressed to impress if passage of time adds nothing to the art.  But men of spirit mark each year passed with innovation, a breakthrough. Mr.Aditya Prasad has evolved a special style in karnatak classical Violin solo.

Born in Repalle in 1975, in Guntur district, A.P Mr.Aditya Prasad entered Akashavani as an announcer, worked at Vishakapatnam, Kadapa, Vijayawada and Warangal in different positions. He is now working in Vijayawada as Station Director. Though he is familiar as a radio personality he is popular as radio activist who promoted radio, and designed, developed promoted and glorified various radio programs. In one word he revolutionized the radio programs and connected them to masses, especially farmers. He exhorted the farmers to tie a radio set to bullock cart. Perhaps this unusual dedication came to him from the art in his heart. Mr. Aditya Prasad is quick spirit who can create a new dimension to any given task with sheer pleasure and keen commitment. Like a rainbow that shows multi colors he displayed mutli-talents. London Commonwealth Broadcasting Association bestowed him International RolsRoys Award for the excellence in broadcasting plays(drama) for five long years. For 8 years between oct 2nd and 12th  he carried out special campaign for Radio. His efforts to take the radio to masses won him laurels from one and all. He won several awards for the services he rendered in the field of music. Sangeetha Jnaneswara, Lalitha sangeetha sagara, Ghantasala gana pravaktha are some of the many titles given to him but al of the titles apt to Mr. Aditya Prasad. He deserves all the titles. None of them is unjustified or superficial. He not only loves Ghantasala’s songs but also adores them. He played Ghantasala’s songs by creating many special programs thus he touched the hearts of people. It is a program that endeared him to masses and classes alike. His skills outshine his programs and some times his the other way round. It is hard to conclude which of the skills he is best at. He is a blend and balance of excellence. As a special guest  and as a chief guest he participated in 300 programs. He introduced 400 different artists of proficiency poets of profundity, and researchers of excellence. Jandhyala Charitable Trust felicitated him with the title Radio Prachara maharadhi” for the versatile services he rendered to Akashavani. Today the self made man thrives with the artistic image strives for excellence in the field of music. The interview with our associate editor Mr.Venkat Poolabala reveals his penchant and quest for music besides many interesting facts about music.

He said that the two important prerequisites of music are aesthetic base and Scholastic base. They are complimentary to the success of both music and artist.  He outlined the work of music maestros Tyagaraju, Balamurali and Mandilin Srinivas. He applauded the work done by Yella venkateswarao and described it as the aesthetic attraction. When asked about the influence of cinema music on music he said it is a question of quality but variety. He said,” lyrics make sense only when accompanied by good music” He also said that the English instruments are dominating Indian instruments like kanjeera and violin. He called Violin as mother of all the musical instruments. When asked what is the influence of remix songs on music he said “as for as music is concerned there is harm” He said that Tamil Nadu is far ahead of Andhra Pradesh in honoring Traditional music.The people of Tamil Nadu have special appeal for traditional music. Traditional music binds youth to our culture and traditions. When asked why today’s youth don’t wish to learn traditional music he said, Money is a big attraction, they have to spend at least 10 years to reach certain stage in music, dividends are not guaranteed but if they spend the same 10 years on software they can earn big money” He said that TTD five year scheme a program that offers a course in music. Upon completing the candidates are absorbed into high paid jobs with one lakh and above salaries. "Music practice develops inner focus" he said and described Dr.Raghavan as the spiritual heritage of Tyagaraja. With his experiences, experiments  and innovations lets hope that this Ganasaraswathi stands as an inspiration for young aspirants as well as the career oriented.

Aura of Telugu

 Former Minister of  A.P
Aura of Telugu

The light and luminance, the beat and rhythm, the face and preface of Telugu Buddha Prasad is a true aficionado of Telugu. He is a writer, critic, above all Virtuoso of Telugu, with his breath sound and silence filled with Telugu Budda Prasad strives like an ardent soldier to protect and promote his mother tongue with sheer love and selfless dedication. Choosing politics for public service, he has always been a stoic politician who treats the two imposters of victory and defeat alike. He kept himself abreast with either social or literary service and extricated himself from the pursuit of power politics. It is neither adulation nor exaggeration that in the glorification of his mother tongue he broke his sinews by undertaking several strenuous expeditions and arduous tasks.  It is these inexorable endeavors that fetched him the fame analogous to the Himalayas. He is not a celebrity but a celebrity. He is the image and prestige of Telugu. Even during his busy political campaigning he never lost focus of his mission. Language is always top priority to Budda Prasad politics is secondary. In 2009, the day before elections he attended the Krishna district Writers’ Association meeting held at Machilipatnam. His heart is always with his beloved Telugu. Mother tongue and mother are no two different things for him. He never swerved from his path since his purpose and pursuit, mission and ambition is glorifying his mother tongue is a dream which he is obsessed with.

On 26th may 1956 Buddha Prasad was born into a traditional Telugu family. When young he was fortunate to have had the affluent association with great men like Bejwada Gopalareddy, Acharya N.G. Ranga. Budda Prasad could mend himself on the anvils of alliance with powerful men. That was the beginning of nascent nationalistic, forthright chivalrous but modest personality.  If his ideas make him great. His actions make him greater, just as actions speak louder than words. He has fiery nationalistic fervor and an irresistible urge to protect Telugu culture. He is the man behind the present Telugu language movement. In his mammoth struggle since 2002 myriad historians, writers, littérateurs are walking in his foot steps.

In 2008, it was the time of expansion of state cabinet the chief minister visited Krishna district on an official tour, Buddha Prasad was fast engaged in the inauguration of krishnadevaraya statue. But never tried to meet the C.M. contrary to the contemporary attitude. Buddha Prasad  stood as a towering giant and a trail blazer for the Telugu movement that is striding in the path paved by Gidugu Ramamurthy for colloquial Telugu language movement. In deed Buddha Prasad’s Telugu language movement is regarded as continuation of Gidugu’s movement.

21-03-2003 was an eventful day in the history of Telugu language movement. Buddha Prasad introduced a proposal to introduce compulsory Telugu education up to 5th standard in all schools in the state regardless of medium. The then education minister Mr. Venkateswara Rao assured Buddha Prasad. Buddha Prasad’s strong criticism played a remarkable role and served as eye opener. G.O. number 86 was the result of his initiation.

Service to Telugu

He ran a monthly “Gandhi kshethram” for more than a decade taking a gauntlet to disseminate Gandhism. In 1990, he received Best Editor Award for his untiring efforts.

On september17th, 2004, when the central government recognized Tamil as an ancient language and accorded classical status,  Buddha Prasad called for a deeper research to prove that Telugu was equally ancient as Tamil. A national level seminar on the classicism of Telugu followed by Dravidian university deputy registrar, Acharya Gangisetti Lakshminarayana’s Telugu-kannada symposium led to the achievement of classical status to Telugu.

In October, 2006, released a voluminous book “Telugu Pasidi” that recorded the evolution of Telugu literature over 50 years.

In September, 2007, on the occasion of diamond jubilee celebrations of our independence, he released the book “Vajra Bharathi” which was inaugurated by central minister Mrs. Purandheswari.

In 2008 march, conducted a seminar on historical importance of Krishna district in the Dutch forte, Machilipatnam with the help of Archeological Survey of India.

In 2010, he published “Telugu Manideepalu” which consists of the life histories of 70  prominent Telugu people excelling in various fields.

In 2010, conducted a seminar on Telugu culture with the help of TANA.

Buddha Prasad’s relentless efforts are highly laudable. Under the leadership of senior minister Mr. M. Sathyanarayana, he met the prime minister with all the MPs from Andhra Pradesh and requested the p.m. to for the classical status to Telugu and Andhra Pradesh. He moved both people and politicians for the mission, he has undertaken. His commitment and conviction are commendable ad rare.

Buddha Prasad played his part in stimulating Veturi Sundararamamurthy who attended a meeting on Telugu literature at Avanigadda, Krishna district, the well acclaimed Telugu lyricist declared that he had return the national award unless the government recognizes Telugu, a classical language. Veturi’s statement had shaken the entire Telugu film industry. It has pushed the movement ahead.

Debut into politics

Nationalism is heredity to Mr. Buddha Prasad which he acquired from his father, Mandali Venkata Krishnaro, a prominent political leader. But it is not the same case with his entrance into politics. In 1972 during “jai Andhra” movement as his father, as the state minister adhered to united Andhra. The entire family had to face a situation similar to excommunication. The family under house arrest for a year. it was a great ordeal which Buddha Prasad overcame with will power and determination. Not a single soul around. He was quite isolated. It was then he developed penchant for reading. The lower rung of the party was emasculated. The congress party workers’ activity was ebb in their morale was depleted. Buddha Prasad was rather abstracted into politics. It was rather imperative to replenish the energy and enthusiasm of the party workers. When congress was out of power, Buddha Prasad served as the engine and pulled congress party for a decade and put the detracted party back on track. During draught when Krishna delta was parched without trace of water. He gathered delta riots and with millions of people he thronged over Prakasam barrage, Vijayawada blocked both traffic and forced the government to come to the rescue of ryots immediately. Then the government failed to pay attentions to agitations that were carrying for several years for Penumudi Bridge. Buddha Prasad took it seriously and sincerely. He declared that he would resign from Legislative Assembly membership. He could coerce the government to resolve a long pending problem.

The Peripatetic Minstrel

As Shelly writes “Hail to thee blithe spirit” in his ode to a skylark Budda Prasad  sang his blithe song across the frontiers of his land. Cross cultural Observation is his forte so wherever he went he observed the culture and traditions of the place and shared his experiences through a book. The lifestyle of “Telugu people in Mauritius”, “My tour to Germany”   are some of the books he wrote when he visited those places. He wrote a book “People and Progress” The then CM Chandrababu and opposition leader Y.S.Rajasekhar reddy wrote foreword to it. He invited Robert Cotton, the grad son of Sir Arthur Cotton to see the Godavari Krishna Delta and honored him.  During his visit to London he visited CP Brown’s grave (spotted it after a great effort) refurbished it with the help of  Telugu Association in London. Amid masses of thankless generation Budda Prasad is not only distinctively different but also distinctly superior individual with values and virtues that very Telugu man is proud of. 

The aura of Telugu Budda Prasad, may his tribe increase.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Momentous Meeting

Mr.Uma Maheswar Rao

I haven't achieved anything great. Yet I have the satisfaction of a great achievement. My friend Mr.Pavan and I are on a charity mission. We met this unassuming personality in the afternoon of 2nd Feb, at Babai Hotel Vijayawada for his counsel. I never thought nor anybody could ever expect  a film director to be so simple. I introduced myself and also my recent book "science fiction". He is a well read man. "Russians wrote a great deal of science fiction" he said. He talked for a few minutes. His talk covered Russian writers, French films, Oscar awards. I soon realized that was sitting before a talking book. I adumbrated a story from the my " science fiction". He listened to the story with keen interest and said "It can be a good plot for a movie" I enjoyed great time with him. We had tea together. It is a memorable, chance meeting. Always fresh in my mind.

I thank him through my blog for ushering way to my friend Mr.Pavan the Founder Chairman of a Charitable association by giving a piece of advice in connection with a fundraising program for building an orphanage.