"Sasankarao a student of DPS Who stood Second in the world in the essay writing competition held by Japanese Government" This is all I know about the boy in the picture when he met me at my residence on 21st Feb, 2012. When he began speaking his speech unfolded many interesting facts. He developed enunciated English tongue and his English is impeccable. Thousands of English teachers trail behind him. He has learnt French too. Sasankarao is entirely different from millions of English medium students in Andhra Pradesh who can't read and understand their own text books. He has approached me for a strange reason. He wants to write articles in my Magazine. Sasankarao not only looks different but also thinks different. His style is very nice and language is impressive. When I asked him why he wanted write rather than concentrate on scoring good marks he said "Education doesn't mean only academic performance" There is truth in him and in his words. Academic performance( good marks) can not alone guarantee good future. The meeting was brief but its impact is big.
School Managements and Parents should guide students properly. They should not kill the students for marks.After all good marks can't guarantee food future.
Thank you sir