Eazy Foreign Languages

This blog is about German and French Language in Vijayawada. Articles, poems, songs and experiences of poolabala

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Damini's Hostel -2

Visakhapatnam - Jagadamba junction

Pallavi was strolling with her friends Sandhya and Hyma at Jagadamba junction. She stopped at a fruit juice centre and ordered grape juice for her friends. Sravani came with Gayatri and Poornima. Pallavi offered Sravani fruit juice she heckled at Pallavi when she offered her grape juice. We are not children to drink fruit juice." Said Sravani. What do you mean?" said Pallavi.  We are hostel students. We rarely get a chance to leave hostel. We have to drink something which we don't easily get at home or hostel."  said Sravani.

What is that asked Hyma. They saw Lakuma coming. Let' ask Lakuma. She is dynamic girl she has answer for everything.  " She is a rowdy girl, not a dynamic girl." said Pallavi. All girls laughed. Jyothi posed the question to Lakuma when she came near  and added "Why are you late?  Lakuma said " Badam milk."  All girls laughed again. 

Those who have guts come with me. I will take you.said Sravani and started walking. All girls including Lakuma followed her. She entered an alley. It was a cement road. Sravani walked and walked and stopped in front of Satyam bar. All girls were frightened. 

Sravani looked at them angrily and said "We are soon going into the final year of Engineering, don't you have shame to be scared of such small things as going into bar?" She snubbed her friends. They stood on the road looking at the board. Sravani said " Look , I am not a fool to take you to the bar. There is a hotel adjacent to the bar. The girls saw the board Govinda hotel. Sravani said we can sit in Govinda hotel. The server is my elder sister's boyfriend. He discontinued studies and joined Govinda Hotel. He will get the get us beer from Satyam Bar. Those who want beer follow me. Those who want Badam milk follow Lakuma." said Sravani and entered the hotel. Lakuma followed them. 

They sat in a family room. All girls were putting money on the table. " Shit! put the money back. Don't behave like small children. You never get maturity, uh? Anybody brought freedom? asked Sravani.  Lakuma drew out cigeratte packet from her jeans pocket and put it on the table " You asked me why I was late. It is because of this." said Lakuma.

"Oh! she was hesitant and shy to ask for cigeratte packet. Ha hha hha!" laughed Sravani
All girls laughed. "Is this freedom?" asked Pallavi. The waiter came with seven beers and put one bottle before each girl. He started opening one by one. After opening all the bottles he opened hs mouth. " How many of you have seen the movie freedom?" All girls raised hands except Lakuma. The waiter chuckled and went away.  

It is very insulting Lakuma that you are learning from a server. 
I have no need to learn from a server. said Pallavi.  "Shut up Pallavi, he was a student of our college. He discontinued his studies only last year and joined Govinda hotel. We should respect our seniors." said Sravani. Later Sravani and Hyma served the beer into glasses.

They all  said cheers and began sipping the beer. "Aah so bitter!" screamed Lakuma showing displeasure as it is the first time for her. Sandhya said " First time I too felt like that but later on  I realized that it is the superb taste of Freedom" Lakuma finished the glass at once. 
"Nobody drinks beer like water. We are not in a hurry when we enjoy freedom." Said Hyma.

Sravani lighted cigeratte. All the other girls also lighted cigerattes. Lakuma put the cigeratte between her lips and Sandhya lighted it.  Hyma looked at Lakuma and said " you have beautiful red lips cigeratte makes    them sexy."  Lakuma puffed the cigeratte. Sravani is blowing rings. Hyma succeeded but poornima couldn't. The room became smokey. 

"Cigeratte makes her figure sexy. She has the sexy figure of a cine actress.  She looks like an cine actress. After all she is the daughter of a cine actress." said Sandhya. 

"Her mother is an actress. So she will become an actress. What else she will become?"  said Poornima. "Oh! Poornima opened her lips for the first time great. She has a tongue too." said Sravani. I have a boyfriend too. but I don't blabber like you. replied Poornima.
Sravani and Poornima had a tiff over boyfriend. " It is great to have a boyfriend? I too can have a boyfriend. In fact I can have ten boys after me next week.  You have only one." challenged Sravani.  "Is it great to have a boyfriend?" asked Lakuma. 

It is a pride it shows that you are the college beauty. In fact you should have many boys behind you but you hardly come out in the evenings. That is the problem with you." said Poornima.  " It is the problem with Damini , my hostel warden. 

We are also in hostels. Aren't we managing? Hostels should not become jails. We should not lose freedom. said Poornima. All finished drinking and rose " I will tell you how to manage your hostel warden." said Sravani. They have shown in the movie Freedom.  Just watch the movie then you will understand what freedom is all about." She added.

"Girls really need freedom, at least now and then." said the manager of Govinda hotel. 


Damini's Ladies hostel - Aseelmetta

In a tranquil lane near Sampath Vinayak temple near Aseelmetta in Visakhapatnam there is a two storied building with a compound wall and a gate. The board hanging to the iron gate reads " Damini's. Only people who know her personally can make out the board that is ladies' hostel meant for very recalcitrant girls. 

The telephone was ringing incessantly. Damini took the receiver and pressed the bell. The servant maid appeared before her.  " Go tell Lakuma that someone is in the line for her"  a few moments later Lakuma came like a whirl wind and scooped the receiver from the hands of Damini like eagle that picks a chick  and darted like a bird to the far corner. 

Damini and the maid were appalled at her ways. but Lakuma took no notice of them. "Hi, Venky dear I am Pinky here. Happy Valentaine's day" She was speaking like yodelling in opera. "Oh look she is spilling all her feminine charms as if the boy who called her is in front of her." said Damini.  The maid was nonplussed and said" I don't know yodelling I have never been to an opera I don't know English either. 

She not only fancied over filmy love but also take pride in it.  She is open about it like a game to be played in the open.  Damini was watching her as if it was a woodoo magic.    "Every caller is her cousin. How many cousins she has?" Damini said to the maid. 

"Lies are natural and spontaneous to lovers. They are scholars of lies." said  the maid looking through the window. She saw a boy in the street waiting on the motorcycle. She said " A boy is waiting for her on the motor cycle" 

Lakuma finished her conversation and put the telephone on the table. Damini looked at Lakuma piercingly and said " don't you know that boys coming to hostel to meet girls is against the rules of this hostel? You are too out-landish!" Daminis' voice sounded like a drum. "The boy who came to meet me is my cousin. Did he enter the hostel? what is the trouble!! You are too out-modish Slammed Lakuma back and hurried herself towards the exit door leaving Damini and the maid dazed. 

"I will tell her mother to keep her elsewhere. I can't handle this high headed quick witted and over petted girl. She is like fire, my eyes tire when I look at her attire. Look at her tight jeans showing her fat thighs and nocks. The modest girls of Andhra who wear traditional dresses will shrink to death when they look at her." said Damini vehemently. Please tell me where such modest girls are. I too want to see them once" said the maid coolly and walked away. 


Lakuma stood before the mirror and studied herself keenly looking at ther make up and clothes. The tight blue jeans and white full sleeves shirt and her favourite pink big plastic ear rings all are quite attractive. Like many teenagers of her age Lakuma loves getting dressed up in fine clothes, enjoys watching her beauty, admires herself in the mirror.  No wonder she is in the prime of her youth and she looks like a prim-rose in the garden. She has round face,  rotund hips, succulent lips, fleshy curvaceous body. She has irresistible charm of the celestial nymph Rambha that adolescent boys feel that her looks are pricks.

She is satisfied with her Valentain's day make up. She wants to go to park. She remembered Damini. She is her mother's childhood friend in whose hands her mother has kept Lakuma. She remembered her mother words while handing over Lakuma to Damini.  " Here is your daughter, punish her without hasitation if she violates moral conduct. Call me if she is going out of order." 

Lakuma remembered Sravani's tips to attack or convince Hostel wardens. Lakuma climbed down the stairs and saw Damini sitting at the entrance door. She realized that she could  neither attack nor convince by creating a health emergency. Her husband is a doctor. They have a hospital in the city.  She remembered the other plan. She was delighted to impliment it. She tip-toed back to her room, locked the door and opened the window of her room. She slid by the water pipe and exited the hostel compound successfully.

She gives a deaf ear to elders like Damini who preach her morals and gives a damn to people who  judge her.  Like most teenagers of  Andhrapradesh she adores the silver screen. She believes that actors are Gods. She sat on a stone sofa behind a bush in the public garden  She is in  romantic dalliance with boy besotted with her.   

I see in your eyes lovey jades 
they tell me the precious secret 
that my love for you never fades
we go to the moon on love rocket

The boy was telling sweet nothings. They had hi five. Yes they did the same in the movie. " Lakuma , why don't you act in movies. You can take your mom's help. " said the boy.  If she she were to help I would be a star by now. by the by you could not have met me." said Lakuma. Oh my .. my.. It is true. I am lucky." said the boy. 

In the lovers park just as the flowers are busy with bees girls are busy with their lovers. Many old men are also roaming in the park for voyeuristic pleasure. Among them two men are very prominent. Their eyes and ears have special piercing power but only next to their tongues. The first tall gentleman "Look! this girl is the daughter of a celebrity actress Arunatara. She is doing in life what her mother was doing in on the silver  screen. " Yes, true" said the second short gentleman and stopped the first for watching her. They stood leering at her swelling bossom. 

The two gentlemen were going around the bushes. They are on the mission of observing romantic couple in the park. The gardener has seen these people and smiled at his assistant. The assistant chuckled at him. It being Valentine's day the park acquired new color.  The bushes are fully occupied. The two men were walking to a corner "No doubt children acquire the qualities from the parents." said the first gentleman when they were passing a tree with a huge trunk. The tall gentleman's saw his daughter with a boy. The tall man was ashamed of his daughter who was leaning against the tree and licking the Ice cream with her boyfriend.  In fact the short blamed the parents. His words worked like lashes. 

The short man was giggling and sniggering. When they reached the gate  the short man saw his daughter coming with her lover. He felt like a bomb shell dropped on his head. The tall man watched all this and laughed. "I now agree that children are the reflection of the parents." said the tall man. The short man smiled sheepishly and said " The teachers and schools are to be blamed for not inculcating discipline.  Our children are modelling on the worthless actresses and actors. What a terrible time What a terrible fate is hanging on this generation!"  They both exited the park at once.

Hyderabad - Jubliee Hills

Velugu Desam Party Building located in Jubliee Hills is dazzling with multi colors. The party women workers wearing yellow, orange, black, red and green colors are  moving busy all over. The hustle and bustle is all bout an important meeting called by Velugu desam Party women wing head Arunatara. 

The campound was filled with cars and scooters. Inside the building there is a big round table with mikes arranged for every chair. The meeting was convened in the wake of Opposition party leader passing derogatory comments against women. Arunatara looked at the watch. It was 10.00 AM and all the chairs at the round table were filled with women workers. The hall was filled with media representatives,  journalists and TV cameras. 

Arunatara began speaking " Good morning. Hearty greetings to all women on the occasion of  the girls' day. Ten years ago my film career stopped  and I joined this party to serve the weaker sex of the society. There are many seniors in this meeting but I am the senior most.  They know that I am sincerely concerned about women's problems.

My film career is known to you. I entered films as a classical dancer. The opportunities for classical dance in films gradually reduced I have heroine roles If my goal had been money I would have accepted those roles.  But my goal is not money. I proved it with my work over a decade. I am committed to women's rights and their well being is my goal. I know how weak women are because I was a weak women. I have faced the worst problems in this male dominant world.  You are trusted me and helped me in my 10 years of long political journey. With our sincerity we created trust in the women and so we are in power. We should keep the trust even today and for ever. 

I congratulate all the women who worked hard for the success of the party in the elections. When we were in the opposition we were meted out with ill-treatment and humiliation.  Today we are in power. Despite being in power we face the same ill treatment today. You all know that there is a big furore in the state over Siddipeta girl's rape case. There is so much of unrest in the state over frequent rapes occuring in the state. 

In such a crucial moment the opposition party leader has made irresponsible comments on the rape victim. We all agitate until he is brought to the justice. We are going to meet the governor to submit a memorandum. I am also going to meet the  UPA chairperson  and the Prime Minister and I will ask them to take a pledge that they will do justice to the rape victim. I hope you all will be with me.  The TV cameras and press photographers were busy recording and taking photos of Aruna during her speech. 

The District president of women's wing Sowbhagya said " Being in a responsible poition the opposition party leader has made irresponsible remarks. The remarks show hisattitude and insensitivity towards women. We should not let him go off easily." 

Before Sobhagya concluded a woman participant came before the cameras and questioned "Why did you keep quiet on the Chief Minister son's body shaming comments on the Ditrict President who has left the party? " The meeting witnessed embarrassment with her question.

The meeting became a pandamonium. There was a big hullaballoo in the Party office. Aruna Tara got off the dais and went to the woman to assure and send her off the hall. At that time her phone rang "  Hello said Arunatara. She heard sombody crying. It was a girl. "Who are you? " she asked. There was no response but crying. " I have no time tell me who are you." asked Arunatara.  "Amma, You never have time. You threw me in this hell and went away to serve the women." It was Lakuma. " What happened Lakuma? asked Arunatara.

Lakuma: Amma, will you buy a cell phone for me. I am begging my friends.
Arunatara: Is it so important now? I am very busy. Have some sene! 
Lakuma: Amma , I have passed third year exams. You promised to buy a scooter. I asked for a phone and you are scolding me.  Love for all women, for your daughter only tears. I know this . I will go to Kerala." Lakuma has cut the call. Aruna was dumstricken. 


Damini Hostel Aseelmetta - Visakhapatnam.

Damini went to Sampath Vinayak temple on walk. Lakuma saw Damini from the window. The temple is clearly visible from the window.  Damini closed her eyes and was praying to God. Lakuma remembered the lady villain in the Freedom movie. On the advice of her friends she has seen the movie. It was wonderful.  A girl or woman needs freedom. But what happened she is locked in her room. Who did it? Damini.  Amma tells me that men are dangerous. Women in any high position has no security. 

She remembered the Telugu saying  "A woman is enemy to woman." Yes, it is true. Lakuma went to the door and pulled it. It was locked.  She found herself quite helpless. She remembered Sravani's methods. " Attack, pretend sick, convince." I can't pretend sick , Yesterday I did the same thing what happend. I realized that it was a big mistake. I thought I would be sent to hospital but aunt called doctor uncle. He came and gave me an injection and advised me bed rest. I could not go out. " Lakuma stopped thinking and went to the mirror and looked in mirror.  She looked glorious in beautiful floral short skirt Pallavi who is called the college beauty said that I am more beautiful than her. It is tru.  Why boys don't approach me? Suddenly the truth flashed on her mind. Yes, Hyma once told boys are scared of your mother as she is the state woman wing leader. Yes , it is true.  I've done a big mistake by being born as political leader's daughter. She went back to bed with a heavy heart. 

Lakuma lay on the bed with face dug deep into the recron pillow. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. She felt the wet pillow. She noticed that she was crying. She was very angry. She tore the pillow into pieces. The fibre was loosely flying in the room. She started crying  banging the door. The servant maid saw her from the window and ran down the stairs. 


The Velugu desam party meeting ended on the Velugu Desam party office. 

Sowbhagya the District woman wing President and Arunatara the state woman wing president were waiting in the hall for the call of the party president Sominaidu. "When he was in the opposition he used to call us in minutes. Now minutes stretched into hours." said Sowbhagya.  "He became the Chief Minister his son became social welfare minister, many other portifolios are still not announced. He is busy with portifolio distribution." said Aruna.

Sowbhagya: Madam, be careful with Sominaidu and his son. You haven't observed their attitude closely because your focus is on the work. Journalists don't write their personal secrets. Our party workers don't tell you these things.  Now you are the hot topic in the party after the women's wing meeting. The woman attacked Sominaidu's son on the camera. It is widely shown on all TV channels. Be prepared CM Somi Naidu might corner you.

Aruna: I have seen that on every TV channel.  But what can I do I tried to stop the woman as much as I could. Why should I be questioned on this?

Sowbhagya: But the Tv footage shows that you were talking to someoneon the phone. He will notice such things only. He might blame you for not stopping the camera.

Aruna: Oh My God! It was an urgent call. But I am shocked about the bodyshaming? Is it true? CM's son did the body shaming of the woman who served the party for five years?

Sowbhagya: Where are you madam? Do you know cine actress Kavitha. She served the TDP party for ten years like you. But the party has brought her to tears. She sat on the roads in the hot sun when TDP was not in power. When TDP came into power she was not given a chance to sit on the stage in Mahanadu meeting.  She became tearful and left the party. 

Aruna : Did they not call her back?
Sowbhagya: What is the need?
Addeku : So Sominaidu's son like that?

Sowbhagya: All men are the same. Once a woman leader or member leaves the party she becomes unwanted. They do anything, talk anything about her. Sominaidu's son did the body shaming in his social mediapots. A complaint was also loged on him in the police station.

Aruna: Oh! It is a big shock to me. I am downed. It is a treachery!

Sowbhagya: no treachery no buchery the whole world is the same. Men are like that in all fields.  Judiciary, Press, Politics, Police Film industry everywhere we see hungry wolves. 

ArunaL In film industry I've seen, in other fields I never thought ...in Politics we have stray incidents but  I wonder judiciary too... 

Sowbhagya chortled and said  Such things are more in judiciary and politics. Where  power is there lust is. Politicians are the worst and the most powerful criminals aided by political power.  BJP Kuldeep Singh is facing rape charges. Anoop Sanda, Samajwadi Party   was accused of raping a woman multiple times, on the promise of marriage. 

Bikram Singh Brahma,The Assam Congress leader faced accusations of rape from a married woman. Brahma allegedly entered the woman’s house and raped her. The villagers ran into the house, after hearing the woman’s screams and took matters into their hands. They attacked him. It is a rare case of mob justice, Congress MLA from Madhya Pradesh: In February this year, Katare was booked for rape and confinement of a 21-year-old woman, besides extortion by the Bhopal police.  M Vincent, Congress MLA Kovalam constituency: Vincent was arrested on the basis of a rape charge filed against him. A married woman filed a statement before the magistrate and police. The woman showed that he has made 900 calls in two moths.  The cases are endless. 

Aruna had head reelings. Just then her phone rang. 
Damini : You have to come to Visakha immediately
Aruna: I have meeting with the CM now.
Damini: Start immediately after the meeting.


 Damini's House - Aseelmetta

Lakuma was sad.  She sat in a dark room in the first floor.  Damini went into her room and switched on the light and went out.  Lakuma switched off the light and sat in the darkness. Damini went in a switched on the light. Don't sit in the dark darling. Your mother is coming, trust your aunt. Will your aunt speak lies?  said Damini. 

I have no mother, She is not my mother. She is only a politician. I have no aunt. You are a strict warden.  What care you have for me. She will not come, She will have some urgent meeting with CM or Governer or Collector. I am not important for her. I will go to Kerala. My father is there.  "If your father is good he would have looked after your mother well. She will not have so many troubles." Damini thought and sighed and went down. 

The servant maid went in to give her milk. Lakuma did not touch the milk. The maid sat there on the bed beside Lakuma. After a minute's silence the maid said " Lakuma, Aunt is very good person. She looks hard  but heart is soft. She has so much of love for you and for everybody." Lakuma looked at the maid seriously and said " Did she ask you to say all  these things ?"  " No, she is really kind.  She started this hostel for recalcitrant on wrong path. You just think. She is a very rich lady with lot of properties in the city. This house, her husband's hospital and two more commercial buildings she has everything. What she doesn't have is children. She looks after you as her own daughter. She looked after many girls like that. Your friend Manjusha is one among them."

Lakuma: You are good at  telling me stories. 
Maid : No, Lakuma , You have many demands from your mother. You want a cellphone , bike and many other things. I have no mother. I have no father. Who can I demand?

Lakuma became somewhat soft. She was filled with compassion for that girl. The maid continued "She has been looking after me since long. Recently I joined here and started working."   Just then a car stopped in front of Damini's house. Aruna came in.  Damini took her into kitchen and gave her hot coffee. Aruna washed her face in the kitchen sink and started sipping the coffee fast.  "Lakuma is sleeping in my bedrom in the first floor.  Don't worry." said Damini and continued...

Damini: How was your meetin with the CM? Is the CM going to give you any post? 
Aruna: He is unhappy with me because I did not coverup his son's rowdy acts. 
Damini:  What did he say in the meeting? 
Aruna:The CM said that he has taken me for my glamour. I should use my glamour to please a high level judge. "How should you please?" asked Damini with surprise in her voice. 

Aruna: I have to dance before him. 
Damini: Is it only dance? 
Who knows? I have not accepted.  
Do such things happen in judiciary? 
They are more rampant in judiaciary. This is very common practice. Politicians try to please judges by giving parties and gifts.  You must have seen in newspapers. 
Damini: What about your future in the party?
Aruna: I have joined the party not for my future but to serve the women. 
Damini: What about your future? 
Aruna: During my brisk film career I have saved something. After my husband has spoiled most of my savings on his film making experiemnts I still have something left with me. 

TV serial Maya has gained good popularity. I red  reviews on your dance. They are great. You are bron for dance roles. Last week I showed to Lakuma but she did not like classical dance. She likes all break dances .... Arunatara became impatient. she could not wait 

" Come on let us go to Lakuma. How is Lakuma ? What is she saying? " said Aruna.
She says that you are not a mother but politician. I am not aunt but a hostel warden. A runa laughed gently. "She has seen only a politician but what pain the politician has in her daily life what stress she has is unnecessary to her.
Damini:But in all this stress what is the relief ?  
Aruna smiled. It is a hearty smile. She finished the coffee. Damini took her upstairs. 

Lakuma was sleeping when Aruna turned on the light. Damini said " Each time I turned on the light, she turned it off." Aruna smiled again. The maid went out. Aruna sat on the bed and passed her fingers through Lakuma's hair.  Aruna saw tear marks on her cheeks.

Lakuma woke up. Aruna kissed Lakuma " You want a cell phone, come on I will buy one for you right now. Choose what ever you want. Damini scolded Aruna      

I want nothing Amma. Said Lakuma. Damini and Aruna were not only surprised but also shocked for the paradigmatic change. Lakuma smiled and said " The maid has told me everything." She said. Aruna called the maid. Damini asked her affectionately fondling her hair " What did you tell Lakuma?"  The maid was overcome by shy. Aruna kissed her.



  1. I thought that the English version is not as beautiful as the Teluga version. But amazing, I feel that I am reading this story the first time. You are a mesmerizer In the Telugu version I am addicted to radhamanoharam. In the English version Ifeel that I sit in the garden of Varsha.

    1. Thank you very much for your feedback. The English version is not a translation work. It is recreation of Bharatavarsha. Here the dots are connected more clearly which means the relations are stronger and thicker. The original English meter and style adds grandeur and your presence adds pleasure.
