Eazy Foreign Languages

This blog is about German and French Language in Vijayawada. Articles, poems, songs and experiences of poolabala

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Second World Record


Sweet are the uses of writing. Writing gives pleasure while writing. It leaves behind great satisfaction after writing. Like any work of art the literary work gives happiness to many people around. Finally a good piece of literature remains in the history for ever. 



A Chance to win recognition and appreciation
A chance to win award
A chance to get a world record. 

A chance to be in the news for a positive reason

Indian Sonneteer gave me Immense pleasure while wirting.  I wrote 200 sonnets. Many renowned poets in the world have not written 200 Sonnets in life time.  Shakespeare ( 154 sonnets in life time) Robert Frost ( 100 poems in life time),  Enmunde Spencer ( 89 sonnets in life time) None of the Indian poets wrote 200 sonnets.  Apart from the number it is the quality of language , diversity of thought  depth of emotions and above all the uniqueness of the genre touches the soul. What is that uniqueness?  in one word it is Indianness.  

Writing gives an opportunity to realise the strength of your mind. 


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