Poetry is life. People laugh at this phrase. Poetry is life because its rich imagination. minute things often go unnoticeable or left carelessly are analysed and presented in full detail by the poems. Things that are dull may not dull at all. Things that we consider dull are observed from different wonderful angles and analysed. That makes the poems wonderful. In everyday life when we talk about time there is no importance for seconds. But for a a sports man or a specialist seconds matter a lot. In Night's songs each poem is a specialist with with creative vocabulary that tells you about Night's movements including its soft music.
1. Rafael Heart
Remember a child who can not anything tell
In whose heart though myriad feelings dwell
Yet his thought are limited to a few words
only if he has words his emotions fly like birds
you too had passed such a stage as well
only with words your life into the world jel
poor words might your personality deflect
But clear words your confidence reflect
words are weapons hidden in mouth
They are the reason for enmity's birth
they clearly show your mind's growth
without words you are but a moth
The rhythm of words your heart hit
Their beauty in your mind sit
words ring your heart like a bell
They fly the heart like Rafael
2.The quiet night
walking alone in the quiet street at night
filled with silence and glimmering light
the eyes can not path clearly comprehend
darkness spreads like blanket till the street end
the glimmering stars look like sediments
in the cup of sky, they the night's ornaments
dark clouds emit deadly sparks of lightning
across the sky, lo! the distant hills whitening
The flood of white light the houses reveal
like statues in museum with white veil
The treetops begin swaying in the breeze
My heart begins singing with ease
The night's beauty and silence by heart chosen
in the night's deep silence, peace remains frozen
3. Thy Mother's breath
Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest
Now is the time that mind should form another
Whose poor language if now thou not re-newest
Thou dost beguile thy life and its joys together
Where's the fool who thinks money can people empower
and disdains the tongue and mind's dexterity?
Or who is he so fond to built his mind's tomb
to stop his own life's prosperity?
Thou art is thy mind's thought
thy language shows thy culture and art
If they language is by brutal power barred
If thy mother's breath is squeezed
thy culture and land are disregarded
If thy language is left in garbage
Thy children live in bondage.
Can true lovers deny pure love's benediction
For it's fixed in nets of external restriction?
Ney love is not the feeble mind's fiction
It's life's ambition and noble hearts conviction
Physical attraction is love's nutrition
True love is not deterred by friction
It's mind's unchanging diction
that stands peoples crucifixion
A big ship sails smoothly in deep waters
but in shallow waters slows and falters
Love awaits neither sword hilt nor waist belt
Because true love has soldier' spirit
True love is mind's addiction,
heart's unerasable inscription
I heard the magpie and the hermit
Their sweet calls faded in owl's hoot
The grasshopper and the cricket
formed the chorus of the night
I walked through the town
the houses and the fortress
were sleeping in the darkness
they forgot all their distress
Night shows its soft musical powers
God throws dark shawl on her shoulders
Your poems are indeed filled with rich imagination sir.