Eazy Foreign Languages

This blog is about German and French Language in Vijayawada. Articles, poems, songs and experiences of poolabala

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Surreal - English Poem - Poolabala

Love is love when it's mutual and factual
Love isn't love when it's platonic or sadistic 
Love is realistic, not mystic and surrealistic
Love needs body and nobody says its bawdy.
Love breathes passions and promises
Love lives in dreams and in schemes
Love doesn’t mind losses and gains
Love rebels frets and repels regrets 
Love brings strains and recounts refrains
Making love is what keeps it in tact
without that there’s no love in fact
love is poorly realistic without that act
when love is platonic it's purely sadistic

When I touch your stuff it’s just enough
that my buff gets twitches and itches
my bouncing libido pounces and jounces
and trounces and we remain victorious

Darling, take me tight into your arms
Mangle me till I get the thunderstorms
Strangle me with your hot charms
Give me the love that I long longed for


  1. Being sensual for long requires maturity from both ends .....making love bonds it forever

  2. Beautifully crafted the feelings of love... Awesomely written nanna

  3. Excellent sir. You expressed deep feelings and emotions in this poem. I was speechless and cried while I was reading this

  4. This poem is very fantastic about love it's very good feeling. It is all about trust. I loved your poems very much sir..😍😍
