1. Ode to Her divine beauty - Sonnet
O dainty damsel, thou beauty of spring's flower A
Nature hast thou bedecked for man's pleasure B
From whose unseen presence I draw power A 3
Tender stem beautiful petals golden pollen, B
Smiling angel! thou art the source of my creation C
Thy charms are nothing less than Helen B 6
we were winged creatures in previous birth, C
Each loved hue, odor and the touch of the other D
For the divine tryst we are back on the earth C 9
Come on let's dash ahead in the golden chariot D
Of my benumbing motifs of seductive poesy E
thou surrender in stupor of my love I opiate D 12
In the rhythm of my poesy thy beauty survive E
In the motif my verse thy spirit of love revive E 14 lines
2. Eternal Words ( sonnet)
AA BB CC Coupled rhyme
Can I kiss thee on thy rosy cheeks?
Thou art more lovely and more charming:
My heart shakes when I see your peaks,
And your amorous looks are more alarming; 4
Your beautiful eyes are perversely magnetic
you slender waist in saree is provocative;
When I see your deep navel I get frantic
Your full figured curves are so seductive 8
But thy inner beauty I should not miss
Nor indulge in fun at the expense of love
Nor shall I lose the eternal bliss for a kiss,
When I know words can love better show 12
we know immortal joy the words of love bring
let us speak dainty words until death bells ring 14
3. Where Love Abounds Alternate Rhyme Heroic Sonnet
Look, who am I ? How can I demand
your love, unless you offer it to me willingly
when you read my verses then can I command
your love by filling emotions overwhelmingly 4
If thou art had pure pleasure
In reading my purest thought
you felt my heart in full measure
You caught my mind no doubt 8
when your body is tired after day's labour
when your tired mind lost its focus
you can your heart in my verses harbour
my verses you relax and remove the ruckus 12
They lift your spirits from dark depths
Our friendship grows by leaps and bounds
In endless happiness you visit the heaven's breadths
our souls unite with passion where love abounds 16
Where love is nothig physical
It may look strange and quizzical 18
There once lived a fair lady shy
She never thought she'd love a guy
Until she touched his hand
which was a magic wand
She never knew she'd be a butterfly
Limerick by Edward Lear
There was an Old Man with a flute,
A serpent ran into his boot;
But he played day and night,
Till the serpent took flight,
And avoided that man with a flute.
4. She's my Zither (AA BB rhyme) Heroic Sonnet
Spring shows splendid colours
resembling the smiles of strollers
so beautiful is the sight of rare flowers
my mistress has more charming powers 4
There I see snow covered mountains
Here she sees dancing fountains
In winter we walk hand in hand
She smiles like a musical band 8
The trees are full of cold frost
They in my darling's eyes defrost
I see brown leaves and dying grapes
They are surely the autumn's drapes 12
There are no purple flowers around
She's the flower with beauty crowned
Like a bumble bee I go round and round
her beautiful rosy lips in honey abound 16
The pale autumn we colour together
I bend her like bow and play zither 18
5. Nymphette ( Heroic Sonnet )
O belle petite nymphette
tu es la foudre du ciel
ton charme mon coeur défaite
mon désir n'est pas superficiel 4
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Leda by Davinci creeper cover by poet |
au bord du lac tu t'assois sur un rocher
la verdure de la forêt sourit dans le jour
en te voyant mon cheval pas marcher
J'ai arrêté mon cheval pour le séjour 8
Des collines et des arbres a l'entour
d'où tu es venu sur terre bel ange
Voila siffle la brise de l'amour
ta beauté fait bouillir mon sang 12
Je trouve entre tes cuisses un cygne
si vous êtes gentil avec l'oiseau blessé
entre tes grosses cuisses je signe
J'aimerais être le cygne je suis empressé. 16
pendant le cygne ton corps regir
impatient je me brûle en désir 18
6.Hurrah to Cutie ( Sonnet)
Cutie is a small-town
She has a pair of plaits
that curl
She is born in the month
of May
She doesn’t care what
people say
Her eyes are dark as clouds
Her two big globes jump like hounds
I see flashes of lightning in her eyes
They bite my soul until it cries
When I see her little red
I am blown by wind from
Her mouth feels like
sweet little mango
I can’t stop until you
do the tango
I want Cutie’s hand but
I am so worried
I kept my little secret that I am married. 14
Cutie is a small town girl
She doesn’t care what people say
She has a pair of pointed tits
we don’t worry about morals
Hurrah … to cutie and her tits
Her eyes are dark as clouds
I see flashes of lightning in her eyes
Her face is bright as moon
She has two big globes under her chin
Hurrah to Cutie and her tits.
When you smell her red little mouth
You feel like sweet little mango
When her hot breath touches you
You feel like huddle duddle tango
Hurrah to Cutie and her mouth.
Cutie and I fell in love
She is a flower girl
I am a trumpeter
We don’t care the world
We have rendezvous
we meet play and amuse
I begin with trills
And play be pop and hard pop
Rampa papa rampa papa rampa papa
Hurrah … to cutie and her tits
I bought a plum pillow.
But I lost it. what a chance wow!
But I am glad, you know why?
Come on Chiquita don't be shy 4
On this biting cold wintry night
the pillow can't with this chill fight
When the night is deep and dire
your red hot lips serve as fire 8
Day's checkered business affairs
are tinkered with beautiful love affairs
before marriage I used to drink wine
but now each night is so divine 12
I am not so dumb to bank on pillow plumb
I chucked it as my passion made me numb. 14
8. You and I ( sonnet)
you and I are two
but it is always not true
we are two by day
but made one by night in gay 4
you have a face and I have too
our faces are different hue
but heart has the same not two
We know that love is the clue 8
you have eyes and I have too
they see different things, true
They see each thing twice
Yet we are controlled like toys 12
Time and space to heart doesn't matter
yet we suffer cuz we're made up of matter 14
9. Love bees (Sonnet)
I am yellow you are green
with sojourns in between
we wander day long in hills
And see and enjoy the thrills 4
we go to water falls I am black you are red
we hold our hands and together we tread
in sand and mud and in the rocky terrain
No pain when we suddenly see the rain 8
We swim in water you are fish I am foul
When I lift you up I see a soft scowl
in your face and I lay you on the bank
I smack on your nocks with all the knack 12
In the noon we walk in the sunflower field
you are yellow I am yellow all is gold
the bees around you in trembling circles
you ran out to see the rambling squirrels 16
In the night, we rest in our room
we've no colours when we each other groom 18
German Poem
die süßen nächtlichen Freuden
Ich entdecke in stillen Nächten
in herzlicher Umarmung
ist Himmel Erkundung
freche Titten zarte Lippen
blaue Augen weiche Wangen
rosiger mund ist wirklich rund
Ich nehme in meinen Mund
Dann entzündet meine Lust
Ich sehe deine Brust
Ich habe liebe Durst
Du bist in meinem Bett
Die Nacht ist immer Nett
Unsere Vereinigung ist größte Freude
Ich kann immer finden auf der Erde
10. Linda - based on Adultério - lauranell
Linda is slim and sexy
She is rich and seems happy
To a rich man she is married
Ever since her life stopped 4
Her mate is a transporter
She is a noted reporter
She is not satisfied in marriage
For her marraige is a mirage 8
She meets her politician boyfriend
On an interview that was to end
They got hooked up with each other
About marriage she no bother 12
Her family wants her attachment
with husband she has no contentment
They suggest old confinement
she wants new excitement 16
She has her fantasy fulfilled
She with her obsession thrilled
God never punished Linda
Sex He knows is the basic funda
People who got the kinda
But Linda know it was not a blunder 22
11. Ses cuisses ( her thighs - sonnet)
comme des piliers d'ivoire
ses cuisses peuvent arossoir
les passions des hommes
dans la poitrine, elle a des pommes 4
elle a une beau nombril et taille
elle s'allonge en fauteuil et bâille
mais ils ne sont rien devant eux
tes cuisses brûlent les yeux 8
Oh! jolie quel caprice a ta tête emparée
quel plaisir toute la nuit tu t'es engagé
Elle aimes jouer avec les serpents
hommes avec serpents viennent à elle 12
ils souffrent de la morsure de serpent
mon coeur est coincé dans ses cuisses 14
12 Le changement
c'est entre la vie étrangement
ça change la vie doucement
je suis mais habitué lentement
tout d'abord, c'est l'étouffement
plus tard, c'est le cœur - touchant
c'est la vie qui change finalement
Il est apparu nu
C'était petit j'ai vu
c'était petit j'étais heureux
Il a augmenté, valeureux
J'étais timide ou peureux
c'est vraiment précieux 12
est entré en moi, le changement
il est entré en moi doucement 14
13. Happy birds
Happy birds don't weave their nests
They bravely weave their lives
Happy birds never flee but stand tests
They've the inner strength that drives
They belong to a high society
Where mating is a sacred ritual
They mate at will, without anxiety!
Happy birds are really spiritual.
They call the mate when they have the mood
they live in a society that has the liberty
They fly so high and mate in clouds without a feud
Far and high they fly because they have ability
With great mobility they are no longer shy
Happy birds can even change their sky
La belle dame avec merci
il est si jeune, il est très sûr He is so young. He is confident
ses mots sont jeunes et mûrs His words are young and ripe
Il travaille avec des mots si beaux He works with words so beautiful
Ce n'est pas un travail mais un jeu It is not a work but a game
ses mots ne portent pas de vêtements His words wear no clothes
ils dansent toujours en lui benoîtement They dance nude in him blissfully
toute la journée il joue avec les mots All day he plays with the words
la nuit, ils réveillent des animaux At night they wake up animals
il est le mois d'août It is the month of august
sa poésie est charmante His poesy is charming
sa pauvreté est alarmante His poverty is alarming
il souffre de la faim. les nuits dures He suffers hunger, hard nights
sa solitude augmente sa froidure His loneliness increases his chill
ses poèmes deviennent des colombes His poems become doves
pour voler voler voler to fly fly fly
les belles letters volent par la fenêtre The beautiful letters fly through window
un ange qui aime les colombes An angel who love the doves
la nuit entre dans sa chambre In the night, enters his bedroom
chaque fois elle est entrée Whenever she has entered
l'électricité a été coupée The electricity has been cut
son corps doré a rayonné Her golden body has radiated
elle a lu dans cette lumière She read in that golden light
elle lit les vers pendant qu'il dort She reads the verses while he's asleep
les poèmes juteux elle les admire The poems are juicy, she admires them.
elle porte la robe avec boutons d'or She wears a dress with buttons of gold
le livre de poèmes sur la table il a mis The book of poems on the table he put
chaque nuit elle venait quand il endormi Every night she came as he was asleep
pour chaque vers, elle donne un bouton d'or For each vers she gives a gold button
elle arrache sa robe quand le jeune dort She plucks her robe when he sleeps
il écrit des poèmes doux et plus doux He writes sweet and sweeter poems
le lendemain matin, elle voit plus d'or The next morning she sees more gold
il il feint de dormir la nuit suivante He pretends to sleep the next night
il a vu l'ange charmante He saw the charming angel
le septembre le froid est sérieux The September the chill is serious
à minuit, il a ouvert les yeux At midnight, he opened his eyes
elle a abandonné les boutons d'or She gave up off the buttons of gold
elle a maintenant, pas de robe d'or She has now, no dress of gold
il ne pouvait pas croire, ses yeux He could not believe, his eyes
l'entité nue lui a fait ses adieux The nude entity bid him farewell
c'est le mois de novembre It is the month of November
elle lisait nue dans sa chambre She was reading naked in his room
son corps doré a rayonné Her golden body has radiated
elle a lu dans cette lumière She read in that golden light
le jeune homme restait encore pauvre The young man still remained poor
à sa personnalité c'est une épreuve to his personality it is a test
l'ange a donné tout son or pour ses poems The angel gave all gold for his poems
le poète a rendu tout l'or pour son amour The poet returned the gold for her love
il regarda son corps avec désir. He looked at her body with desire
elle a senti que c'était un plaisir. She felt it was a pleasure
elle embrassa sur les livres. She kissed on the books.
il embrassa sur ses lèvres He kissed on her lips.
les vers les unissent The verses unite them.
ils s'embrassent fort They hug each other hard
la chambre était somber The bedroom was dark
ses seins sont concombres, Her breasts are like cucumbers
elle l'a porté dans son monde She carried him into his world
les seins sont roses et ronds Her breast is rosy and round
son derriere est demi-rond Her back is half round
sur le lit lentment elle l'a couchée She laid him slowly on bed
elle a doucement chuchoté She softly whispered in his ear
elle a ouvert sa partie privée She opened her part private
un doux parfum a enveloppé Il a ses sens intoxiqué
sa vulve chaude est humide Her vulva is hot and wet
la belle dame n'est pas timide The beautiful lady is not shy
elle l'a guidé dans les parties intimes She guided him to the secret parts
elle est la belle dame avec merci She is a beautiful lady with merci
13. Love wets the soul
In the garden of love she and I stroll
In her dainty curves I droll
The paths in the garden are labyrinth
We see heartwarming hyacinth
whose beauty blooms perennial
Her bosom bounces out her apparel
Winter weather makes us sensual
The paths in the garden are floral
The primroses sway their heads in bower
The golden sunlight offers them a shower
The long tailed multi colored Macaws
The black and white but bold Magpies
How we discover the joys of winter
By geysers great feelings of love enter
14. Philosophy (Sonnet)
How long can you melt
When I your depth felt
My love is no spiritual
My ache is for sure, actual
I don’t my lust for love flatter
Nor twist my lust but spatter
How long can you melt
When I your depth felt
Your body is untouched and tender
I wonder how you surrender
Let the night not sleep
See the fruit of love reap
To hell with the philosophy
I want to be the bumble bee 14
15. Love fountain ( sonnet )
Lotus eyes, lips corals, throat conch
Moon in face and butter in body
Your scent is sweet like a flower bunch
The swell of bosom your beauty embody
Beholder’s eyes inquire your curves
They churn my passions and burn my nerves
Eros commands me to pull you abreast
In our sweet whispers your dress strips
Revealing your scent I caress your cute breast
We move to bed, your booty begs to be crushed
I drink honey from the love fountain
When we reach the summit of mountain
16. The Man in the palace
The maid is still sweet in her forty
Her smile is charming and hearty
The rich lord’s palace is lofty
His eyes seemed lustful and shifty
The maid works in the palace she
has worries
She has hidden in her cheeks a pair
of cherries
Her lotus eyes lovely gait his
passions trigger
It’s winter he couldn’t stand the
inner rigor
He led the buxom maid to the bed
She lay on bed, with her legs spread
What she feared most has happened
The maid’s character was blackened 12
The next morning, she was still in the bed
He said “I don’t need a maid, you are fired.”
She nodded her head and smiled
“I am no more your boss.” He said 14
She nodded her head and kissed him too.
Some men are human too they never woman subdue 18
Wow!Really superb.Lovely expressions.
ReplyDeleteThanks for translating in Simple English.
ReplyDeleteI feel that I am in heaven while reading.
ReplyDeleteVery nice and I love read in italian
ReplyDeleteThe poems are in international standards
ReplyDeletewhen you read naturally International get supernatural.
DeleteAt the beginning I felt angry with the rich man, but finally I understood that he is a gentleman. Sir you are not giving chance to blame. Really you are awesome.
ReplyDeleteNice story with a poem
ReplyDeleteTruth. Happy birds never flee they stand their tests. They change their sky
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteExcellent poems especially poem no. 7 to 11. Sir you writing has an artistic touch of literatire. Full of emotions and senses. Don't feel vulgarity any where.Poems make us think. Gracefully written.
DeleteSir! how nicely you described ,the story of Linda.! 🤔 I am amazing'. 17th one also nice.
ReplyDeleteI have woven the poem Linda with the theme of Adultery (novel) written by Paulo coelho. Linda is a journalist in Jeneva her husband is financier in the novel. I heard that it was partly a true story. The writer never taught meaningless morals like most Indian movies where the wife suffers and reaches the husband's feet although the husband is faulty. 17 poem is a German poem of delicate imagery. Thanks for your feedback. It adds enthusiasm to my writing.
ReplyDelete18 superb
ReplyDelete19 excellent
20 marvelous
21 simply superb
ReplyDeleteఅంతేనండీ మార్కులేసినట్టు రాస్తున్నారు. ఫీడ్ బాక్
ReplyDeleteగురువు గారూ మీరు మాలాంటి సామాన్యులకు కూడా అర్థమయ్యేలా simple language లో భావాలను పండిస్తున్నారు.మేము మాకు తెలిసిన simple wordsలో ఫీడ్ బాక్ రాస్తున్నాము.
ReplyDeleteLovely expressions.,ఒక దాన్ని మించి ఒకటి రాస్తున్నారు
ReplyDeleteసాహిత్య ప్రియుల ప్రతి పాదము ద్ర కవి గుండెల్లో మూల విగ్రహ మై పవిత్రంగా కనిపిస్తోంది. కవి ఏం చూస్తాడో ప్రపంచం అదే చూస్తుంది. త్వరలో మీకు కనిపిస్తుంది. అందాక ఆనందో బ్రహ్మ .
ReplyDeleteమహాకవిలో అక్షరములు శరముల్లా దూసుకు వస్తుంటే ఇక్కడ అక్షరములు పూలవర్షం కురుస్తున్నాయి.
ReplyDeleteఅక్షరములు పూలవర్షం కురుస్తున్నాయి ...అవునా బంగారు అభిజాత ధన్యోస్మి. ఆ పూవులు ఎప్పటికీ వాడిపోని పూలు. మాట్లాడేపూలు. అన్నీ దాచుకుని అవి చెప్పే గుసగుసలు వినండి
ReplyDeleteCongratulations sir.
ReplyDeleteEvery poem is unique and nice.. You finished book6 in a shirt time
ReplyDeleteThank you unknown. The credit goes to you.
ReplyDeleteVery nice sir. It is very tough for me to understd the rules of the poem. But the meaning and feelings are great.
ReplyDeleteI want to keep such a lyrical poem of rich theme in the end. Hope you understood. Thank you
DeleteVery nice sir. In the 29 th poem when I am reading it, I could see how wonderfully you compared the beautiful flower with a beautiful women. And I understood why flowers are given to women for proposing.