Eazy Foreign Languages

This blog is about German and French Language in Vijayawada. Articles, poems, songs and experiences of poolabala

Monday, August 9, 2021

neues Leben 23

 We are at India Gate. Please tell us how to reach National Detective Agency. Asked Meghana on the phone.  National Detective Agency is in Noida.  Why are you searching at India gate” The man speaking English but with Tamil accent.  “I saw National detective agency in website. It is showing the location at Bhijikama place. Are you in Bhikaji kama place?. Asked Meghana.  “Madam Dekheeye ey GE yaani Global Eye. Ey International Agency hein, ey koyee National Agency nahein hai.” His Hindi was worse than his English. He cut the call.

Meghana called again. A woman answered the call. “Which National Detective Agency you want the one in Noida or the one in Bhikaji kama place?” Meghana had head realings. She cut the call and went near Mapuii sitting on the lawn. She sat beside her and started eating ground nuts. There are a few people sitting in the park. She was watching the people. Far away a boy and a girl sat cuddling each other. In a close distance a journalist was interviewing an old man. In the backdrop India gate is visible at a stone’s throw.  

Meghana came to mapuii and told her what had happened. She sat beside Mapuii. Mapuii took the phone and called “Sir I want to meet Vivekji. Mein unsey kuch baath karana chaahatee hum. Are you his relative? He asked. Han sir mein unkee kajin lagatee hum. answered Mapuii.  “Vivekji went to Singapore for a site examination. He comes only in the next week. You can go to his house in Krisnamenon marg. you can meet his wife and in-laws” He cut the call. Mapui shared the out come with May. May was disappointed. But Mapuii was not. She told May with a smile “we must be patient while trying to meet top notch professionals. If they are easily available they are not top notch professionals. Our success depends on our preseverence.” May agreed with a smile and said “ What should we do? Should we go back to Noida and visit again next week?”  Mapuii said “we go to Bhikaji kama place.” May was saying but .. but ..” ummm don’t talk. Come on” she pulled May by hand. They both walked on the green lawn and reached the volkswagon in the parking place. There were a few cars two a girl and aboy are kissing each other. They look like students.  

 The raod was wide and neat with moderate traffic but heavily regulated since it is a VIP area. The car was going through Akbar road. There was national Museum and the road turns left “If you take left turn the road goes to Krishnamenon marg where the ministers’ bungalows are situated.”Said Mapuii to Meghana.   The car entered Lokkalyan marg. “ealier it was called race course road. said Mapuii. “Yes I know” replied May.  They crossed Khan Market, Kashmir House, Lodhi garden and finally reached sufdarganj enclave in Bhikajikamaplace in New Delhi.  She stopped the car they got down “It  is 20 mins from India gate well known to the nation.” Said Mapuii. They parked the car in frot of Kranti Bhawan in sufdarganj enclave in Bhikaji kama place.


Kranti Bhawan appeared like a mountain. They got into the third floor and entered Global Eye. It was reception and three departments. Legal, Cyber and General. The receptionist was missing. Her seat is vacant. They saw the posters of Head of Global Eye Vivek pandit. Pictures of important celebrations and news papers writing about him.

Mapuii suddenly pressed May and showed her a notice and a poster showing the National Detective agency changed to Global Eye. They both discovered the reason for their confusion.

Mapuii entered the general department. There they met the man with whom meghana first spoke. He is Tamilian. He is the only man sitting in the genral department. Who do you want asked the man Meghana told him that her work was really very important.  He broke his lip and said “Today there is a marriage of one of the staff members. All the general department people have gone to the collector office. I am shunmugam. I am accountant here. I don’t know much about cases. He took her to Cyber department and introduced to an old man sitting in a cabin. There are many cubicles where cyber experts are working relentlessly. 

In cyber department the people looked brighter and sharper. “ My name is Armugam please have a seat”   He offered them seats and introduced himself to them. Mapuii explained briefly Manu’s case and sought help. Armugam laughed gently and said “ 90 percent detectives are marriage detectives in Delhi.only the rest are real investigators of crime. Among them only one International crime investigation agency is there in Delhi. You came to that agency and asking for marriage investigation. Vivekji is not the right person for that. Mapuii felt humiliated. “ Don’t worry I will give you a few numbers. Please try saying so Armugam was showing some cards from his visiting card folder.  Mir chandani number ivvandi saar. He is the best. Said a man who just then entered the cabin. 

May understood that he was a Telugu man. Mapuii broke down and explained that Mir chandani was terrilble fiasco. Armugam was dumbstriken for a moment. The Telugu man took them to them to his table in the legal department. He said I am a lawyer. My name is Vinayakarao. He started speaking in Telugu with Meghana. He asked them the case details. Meghana explained everything briefly including how Mir Chandani failed. After hearing everything Vinayakrao said “ Mayur looks like intelligent thief, Vivekji will not deal with such matrimony cases. But I will tell you a short cut to reach Vivekji. Meghana you have the advantage, you go to Lakumaji his wife, the daughter of Rural development Minster. Tell her the story which you told me. She will help you. All you have to do is to speak in Classical Telugu.

Are you sure she will help us? Asked Mapuii

Certainly, today you see half staff and half of the staff attended the marriage of Oliveros is      a staff member here. Today she took  her to the collector’s office for a marriage


 Who is Oliveros? Marriage in collector’s office?! Exclaimed Mapuii

She is an Israeli girl and a cyber expert who works in the cyber department.

She is in love with another cyber expert Biswas. Her marriage had so many legal hurdles. So Vivekji was against the affair but Lakuma ji kindly understood the Israeli girl.

 Lukamaji saw through all the hurdles. Today she took her to collector’s office means you can understand her nature. “Being a minister’s daughter she has many things that suit her status but she is very kindhearted.” Said Mapuii.   

 But this is all very strange. News of Such marriages appear several times in news papers.  Tomorrow you can see that in newspapers. In fact 70,000 Israelis are living in India. Israelis like Inda. Both countries have historical, spiritual and political ties.   

 Glad to hear such interesting things that too in our office. We would love to see the coule.  We will be grateful to Lakumaji if she can help our Manu. Said Meghana.

I told you the way.  You give it a trail said the lawyer. Lakuma, Lakuma Lakuma shouted meghana. Volkswagon was zooming past sufdargung enclave .


  1. Very happy to see Lakina again. Very interesting to see how this case will be solved by Vivek pandit

  2. How is Lamina's introduction? Interesting?

  3. Thank you for sharing such a useful information. If some onewant a best detective agency in Delhi you can visit FIDA India.
